Welcome to MOS, Vash92


Double Long Daddy, The Guru
Staff member
Super Moderator
Welcome to the Brotherhood, @Vash92, I am @DLD. I encourage you to get involved and start making gains by reading through these two important threads, The Newbie Routine and the SRT Routine. The goal is to create a routine, If you need help in writing a routine let me know.

Once you decide upon a routine, start a Routine and Process Log stating all your beginning measurements, your goals, your routine and any other information. This is what we encourage new members to do.

How big are you now and how big do you wanna get? We’re here to help make it happen. If you need help with anything, just ask.
So I just started hanging about a week ago. Light weights, only using 1lb right now and feeling a lot of skin stretching. However, I am using a homemade device that I don't think can handle much weight (at the moment as I wait for a silicone sleeve to come in, all other wraps have it falling off.) I have PEd on and off for a year or two, only probably about 6 months were actually accumulated as working out. That's also probably not 6 months consistently.

My current BPEL is 5 1/2th and I haven't tracked my girth in a while, but last I did it was 4. I will also start measuring everything in cm to make things easier.

My goal is to reach 7.5x5.5

My BPFSL is roughly half an inch longer than my BPEL, which brings me to something I saw Jaxx type in a thread:

"Now that I remember, back in the day we had the TGC theory. It was based on bpfsl vs bpel and the effects of this gap in EQ. One of the main exercises advised to close this gap was jelqing and pumping .

It was theorized that if BPSFL > BPEL, jelqing would lead to length gains rather than girth gains. Same with pumping . At the same time, a BPSFL>BPEL should lead to decreased EQ.

On the other hand if BPSFL=BPEL or BPSFL<BPEL, then stretching and hanging exercises were recommended, and as a symptom, this statistics should lead to better erections. "

Should I do what he is suggesting here since BPFSL > BPEL and switch to jelqing and pumping? I do have a cylinder that is more geared for length.

Any help is greatly appreciated and I look forward to taking place in this forum!
Thank you for coming out and introducing yourself, that’s a big first step alone this all to help you. If you’re in the market for a hanger I highly recommend the Thank you for coming out and introducing yourself, that’s a big first step aloneness all to help you. If you’re in the market for a hanger I highly recommend the LengthMaster as it does so much more than just hanging.

I suggest that you start to progress thread right away and get all of the specific measurements done and inserted into your progress thread. I suggest also posting a rough idea of what you wanna do for a workout and we can help you modify it from there. How much time you have an a day? Do you own any tools other than what you have posted?

The best two places to get an idea of what you want to do for a work out would be the SRT thread and the Newbie Routine. Review these two threads will teach you 20 years worth of study and accomplishment.
I'm not quite able to afford any extra devices right now, but should soon.

So I'm guessing what youre saying is I should start over using one of the two routines you just linked rather than continue hanging?
If you have the hanger already I would choose one of the two different hanging routines in SRT. You could also try traditional hanging which is basically going 20 minutes at a time. Working in some of the SRT methodology would include using a sleeve or Ace to keep yourself elongated when you’re not training length. The other would be using a cock ring after girth. In any scenario I suggested we start every routine is at least five minutes of bundles stretches.