Hey DLD,
Well, I took some measurements tonight. I'm not to concerned with my flaccid appearance or hang but if acquiring those measurements would help determine a proper routine for me, I'll provide them. Anyways, at full 100% EQ (I'm assuming it was)
Measurements were:
BPEL : 6.85
MEG : 4.8
BEG : 4.95
Tonight, I actually performed a completely different routine. Influenced by the
SRT length segment. I stretched both downwards and upwards, while doing this, I stretched to the left, the right, straight down, straight up, and completed cranks. I broke the upward and downward stretches up with 100 kegals followed by a 20 second kegal hold. (WHEW). Afterwards I performed 200 dry jelqs. I feel I get a better flow of blood dispersion performing these dry. I've done some reading and I don't want to jump into PE full swing with a set of pumping and SSJs. I'll start slow, and use the advice I've seen from various users. As far as time goes, I'm granted time in my day, everyday, to dedicate at MINIMUM 30 minutes of work. My warm up is a deep Jacuzzi style bath. I usually stimulate my scrotum and do light tugs/helicopters to quicken the warm up of my unit. Afterwards, I'll perform my PE, then I'll finish my bath, I think this constitutes as a 'warm-down' as I will follow-up with light tugs/helicopters again before finally getting out.
My main focus IS girth, however, I'm not against getting length gains.
My ultimate goal would be to achieve a BPEL : 8.0" MEG : 6.0" BEG : 6.0"-or-above.
Sitting here typing this now I'm noticing I'm shrunk, quite considerably, I wouldn't say I'm turtling, but there is noticeable retraction. ( I saw some products in the shop to counter-act this, as it can delay, or all together HINDER gains. This is an hour after my PE by the way. I've looked into some of your products in the MoS shop and WILL be making some buys, but perhaps a regimen recommendation from you and some advice on the proper products would get me on the 'fast' track to gains-ville. I'm in this for the long haul and would love to get a better grasp of knowledge when concerning all things PE. I could see myself being a major contributor on the site! Best Regards, Patrick.
Before suggesting products, I'll let you know, I do own the
bathmate X40. CHEERS. (rock)