The next area or step in belief is visualization. Visualize is another over used word that needs to be explored and clearly defined. I think giving my own background in visualization may be the easiest to define this. I have a belief, whether you think it is true or not I DON'T CARE, but it is a strong belief for me. 95% of the men in the world are born with an average penis size. I think that the average penis scale is anywhere from 5 to 7 inches in length. Anything beyond or below this scale is rare. The many people we see online that are bigger than the scale are not the few exception but in fact the men that actually use penis enlargement. The world finds it difficult to think that men actually know and practice penis enlargement. Why is this so hard to believe? A number of reasons come to mind right off the bat; self insecurity, the popular media and their continuous denial of natural penis enlargement, the plastic surgery profession and their hopes to keep men interested in Penis Enlargement Surgery. All these things contribute to our beliefs around penis enlargement and it's popularity. Another thing that happens is the men in adult entertainment closely guard this secret, the 1st thing they need or want is competition so it is imperative that they deny penis enlargement at all costs.
Keeping the above paragraph in mind the next step is finding a penis we want. Go online, GOOGLE yourself into a frenzy, find a picture of your ideal penis and make it happen. Keep in mind the penis you find is more than likely created by the subject and you too can do the same. Study the picture, try to imagine it before the guy did penis enlargement, imagine him going through the enlargement process, and empathize with it. Picture yourself going through these exact steps. Keep a mental picture of this penis and the process the subject went through, see this on a daily basis.
These techniques are very specialized and you will learn them with the Matters of Size Program, another reason we stand out from the competition.