Truth in Ruin
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Infrared light for healing. Find you a good cream as well like hydrocortisone and vitamin E. Penis sleeve or ace bandage to keep elongated while healing. 5x5x3 for girth. Tunica scraping with gua sha.
SRT is currently being studied by the way. Only 90% of the info got parsed for studies and they are scattered into subdivisions since you can't bundle them all together. SRT subjected started since 2011. Be ready. You'll get a bucket full of study results soon. I have a whole dedicated folder for the SRT subjects under MOS for the past 13 years.
It feels like your occupation is: Penis Enlargement researcher. But either way I'm very happy for all the powerful information, you give us in this brotherhood.SRT is currently being studied by the way. Only 90% of the info got parsed for studies and they are scattered into subdivisions since you can't bundle them all together. SRT subjected started since 2011. Be ready. You'll get a bucket full of study results soon. I have a whole dedicated folder for the SRT subjects under MOS for the past 13 years.
Looks like you have epidermal failure from over pushing the internal pressure expansion. This is why we need to tell each other to creep up. When you are on the chamber, full erection is highly encouraged. Once you are loaded, you have to know your baseline pressure. Over and over again, sense the internal pressure if you don't have a gauge, but a gauge is needed to know where you are at any given time. From there, you need to determine the upper pressure limit as you creep so every slowly and cautiously upward. After 3inHg as you equalize the internal and external pressures, dangers are everywhere. You can severely injure yourself even at 5inHg if you don't condition yourself first.greetings everyone. My injuries have healed, and so I decided to start pumping again… only to discover that I now have a new injury.
This injury is worse than the last. I’m no longer going to use the gauge-less Wide Boy Bathmate. It’s too power to mess with without a hand-pump or gauge.
I have a deep blood blister on my head/glan (not surface level). I’m sure this has happened before. I have an appointment tomorrow. I will let you know what the doctor says. I think this will be a 1 month+ break before returning to any PE. Feel free to chime in if anyone has wisdom in this situation. I still can get erections and orgasm, but I would guess my sensitivity has gone from 100% to about 75%, or maybe even 50%.
I’m very discouraged and upset with myself.
I am so happy you saw your doctor.Update:
Visited the doctor. He said he believed my glans are bruised. He said to give it a few weeks to heal. He said it’s nothing to lose sleep over.
Two days after visiting the doctor, after not having done any PE, or sex, or masturbation… I’ve fallen into Hard Flaccid.
Needless to say, I have another appointment scheduled tomorrow. I’m welcome to any advice, suggestions that you may have.
Thank you all.
The hard flaccid you're referencing to is not a bad thing. It's actually a good thing. Hard flaccid resulted from internal tissue growths (we refer this as density) and external skin hardness due to the constant stretching and forming. Think about the facial muscles. Move your jaw a bit and feel both the epidermal outer skin, and feel the tension of the muscles beneath. Now, go eat a mouthful of chewing gum, a piece of steak, or something very tough. After 10 to 15 minutes, your jaw will feel like tough rubber. Move your jaw again, and feel both the skin and muscles. Even after 3 hours, you still feel that hardness. The hardness resemble your hard flaccid state.I wonder how much, if at all, the Hard Flacced is related the pelvic floor strain I’ve had, or if it’s tied to the recent Jean Claude Glan damage (I had to pun that one… trying to stay optimistic)? Either way, I’m praying for a good recovery.
God bless youThank you brother. I will report back after the next appointment. Blessings to you and yours.
Ah, I see. It's pelvic muscle tightness. There's a constant tugging and pulling between between the soft tissues of the penile shaft. What you're describing is the distinctive condition of strong pelvic muscles pullling against the penile soft tissues. Your pelvic muscles will always come out on top. However, when you urinate, your blood enters through the dorsal veins, creating a positive internal pressure in the corpus cavernosa and spongiosum above 50 mmHg, lengthening the penis. This happens as part of the sudden rise of nitric oxide rushing down to the pelvic region, assisting the evacuation of urine faster.This flaccid that I have now behaves strange. I have nearly all the symptoms of Hard Flaccid Syndrome. At times a cold, cooling feeling (I’ve noticed this when standing). Sometimes the shaft will quickly shape-shift... Like, similar to a muscle cramp. When I urinate, my shaft softens and drops down to its original flaccid shape, and then almost immediately sucks back up into a hard flaccid state when finished urinating. Sometimes it feels like a slight dull pain when it’s turtling. My urination stream seems weaker, too.
You guessed right. It's the strained and strengthen pelvic floor muscles working against your weaker penile soft tissues. For now, just perform warm shiatsu massages all around the pelvic area, from the entire length of the penis to the base of the penis. Use warm coconut oil or warm liquid Vit E. Either will do the trick to assist with promoting tissue healing, above and below. You might be eaten up by your lady or whoever is hungry if you use coconut oil.My guess is it’s either from the glan damage, pelvic floor strain that I’ve had, or pressing the tube into the nerves around the fat-pad.
Just imagine the WideBoy vs the Xtreme 11. Xtreme 11 will suck your scrotum up even faster due to higher rigidity of the baffles gaiter.Look at the tubes. The Wide Boy isn’t just wider, it actually has more spring/suction power. This isn’t an ideal design. Too much power in too quick of a time. It’s hard to get right without a hand-pump or gauge.
Your hard flaccid is just an indicator of new dense tissues you've gained. Be proud. When I jog, cycle, or walk through cold areas without my wrap or stretcher, I get that dense shorten penis too. Before, my penis looks like a tiny little mushroom sticking out from the body. Now, I have that hard flaccid sausage sticking out of the body. If you don't like that hard feeling, you can get a neoprene penis sleeve to keep it nice and warm, elongated, and primed for further growth. This is not my idea. These are my colleagues that actually wear them, having similar issues as yours and don't like to have a hard stub during the day. Just to show what they actually are wearing during their PE journeys:For instance, my flaccid has 3 modes right now. A hard, turtle like state… the dense state that you’ve just described, and a soft, mushy dangling state. In a panic, I could confuse the dense state you have described with the Hard Flaccid state. In other words, it may not be in a Hard Flaccid state as much as I previously thought, due to what you’ve brought to light. I will say it seems to be primarily in the Hard Flaccid state when I’m walking around working, etc.
Looking forward to doctors advice. So happy you are seeing himWouldn't be surprised due to prior trauma and the tissues are attempting to revert to preservation state. Do keep observing and do what we discussed. Let's hear the doctor's opinions as well and see where we are.
Your right, we do know more than doctors but when we can't figure it out a doctor should be seenYes. That said, most of the veterans on this platform probably know more about the penis and penis injury than the doctors do. All the doctors I’ve encountered (in 2 major cities, mind you), seem dumbfounded when it comes to PE and PE injuries. Still, I want to be pro active and have all the bases covered. And my injury testimonies may also help others in the future, so it’s good to document this stuff.
On another note, I spoke with a doctor that practices PE via text (I’m sure you know who he is)- He said that most of the time in this situation, it’s temporary injury that recovers with adequate blood flow and time.
Ah yes, the infamous way for any doctor to push high nitric oxide and oxytocin levels to the max to get whatever got lodged to dislodged. Just be careful when you're healing or coming out of healing and practicing pelvic floor exercises. The tugging of muscles from the pelvic floor can cause the soft tissues along the penile shaft to force the penis to shrink into a tiny little mushroom.The urologist I saw was an older doctor; been in the game for many years. In all his years, he’s never dealt with or have had an encounter with HFS. He checked for clotting; looked over everything and said everything looked normal. He gave me a 4 month supply of 5mg daily Cialis. He also referred me to a pelvic floor specialist that actually works with men (I guess specialists that work with men are rare).
HF is common during a drop of blood pressures. When your body is standing up or in mobile situations, your blood pressures from unnecessary regions will be cut off through dilation and venous constriction. All blood volume will be diverted to essential areas only, from the brain down to to the feet. Your penis is literally the final one on the list getting any attention, unless something triggered your penis to suddenly move up the list. Otherwise, it's the last one on the list receiving essential blood volume. When laying down, as the blood pressure normalize or equalized throughout the body, the body doesn't have to work as hard to send blood everywhere, including the penis.Note: Interestingly, when laying down, I’m usually not in a HF state.
BINGO! Prostate was on full blast. Two things to observe from here on out, and my suggestion is also to get your prostate evaluated as well. It can be a good thing, and it also can be a bad thing. Good thing is that your prostate is now going into full gear to provide your penis all the essential healing resources it needs. The amount of pre-cum or semen can also a sign that your prostate is working at 150% work load. But, overactive prostate can also be a sign of something else that lingering deep in the darkness. There are simple tests that doctors can do, from blood work to a simple stick the finger up the butt.Also, I was intimate with my wife last night. After about 20 minutes, we took a break just to access things. One thing I noticed was my glans felt like I had ejaculated maybe 1/2 an hour prior to sex, regardless of having been a week of no sexual activity of any kind. And to me, I thought my penis looked and felt a little different.
This is a great sign that your internal is healing very well. Bless the Lord for sending healing your way.1/2 hour later, we were intimate for another 20 minutes. This time I had an orgasm. The ejaculation was normal and there was no pain associated with the orgasm and ejaculation.
Give another couple of weeks before doing any pumping. Actually, my suggestion is to allow two more weeks after the full healing before starting. This allows secondary skin connection and grafting to take full effects before any pressure can be used. From there, stay low at 4inHg for a week, observe, and then creep 1inHg each week. This is to restrengthen the damaged area and recondition the new tissues.The following morning, there was no further pain or any new pain, and to me, my penis looked and felt more like it normally does upon morning erection inspection. This could be due to coming out of the dormancy it has been in. I also measured my morning erection mid-shaft girth. Somehow I’m still holding on to the 6” EMSG, praise be to the Lord.
Always know that this brotherhood is behind you. We are here to give you sound advices to ensure you have a healthy and productive penis. The knowledge of many brothers are collectively give you the path to success.Thank you all for your time, support, and advice. I appreciate you guys. Blessings to you and yours.
@squirt_inducer_man this article should belong to the case study section. This will be very useful to the brothers in the future.Yes. That said, most of the veterans on this platform probably know more about the penis and penis injury than the doctors do. All the doctors I’ve encountered (in 2 major cities, mind you), seem dumbfounded when it comes to PE and PE injuries. Still, I want to be pro active and have all the bases covered. And my injury testimonies may also help others in the future, so it’s good to document this stuff.
You'll be surprised how many doctors, male nurses (even female nurses), and medical specialists are pursuing PE. Just to blast a few of them, they're here at MOS, lurking behind the scenes, reading the articles/posts, and flaming me offline. You know who you areOn another note, I spoke with a doctor that practices PE via text (I’m sure you know who he is)- He said that most of the time in this situation, it’s temporary injury that recovers with adequate blood flow and time.
The entire thread?@squirt_inducer_man this article should belong to the case study section. This will be very useful to the brothers in the future.
You can quote to other threads. There are instructions in how to do this in the how to section.@squirt_inducer_man hm. You're right. Wish we can duplicate and splice.
We worry about the penis perfect shapes so much that we don't pay attention to everything else during the entire process of sexual relation. Do you that the vagina and the penis has warping surfaces during intercourse? Funny how you pointed things out when the penile shape has deformity out of the blue. It's quite simple to explain. When there's scarring, blockages, or when the side of the penile shaft and glans are more prone to expansion than the other, things get mishapened, just lik the vagina. What you don't see on the inside doesn't mean it doesn't occur. Females reported that during intense kegel or sexual activities, one side seems to be either stronger or appears to be bulkier. If you actually pay very close attention in satisfying your wife, you'll notice it too, where your penis suddenly gets pushed to one side more than the other. This is most noticeable during doggy style or during deep full thrust penetation when doing cowgirl. Ask your wife this question, "Babe, do you feel like at times you have to shift your pelvic to accomodate the penis during thrusting because it feels uncomfortable when the penis rubs one side too often?" If she says yes, she experiences the same thing as you just did. The sudden warping of penile body.Now, we decided to be intimate again the following day. I was very erected during foreplay, but noticed it was starting to get softer right before we started penetration. My wife was over and when she tried to lightly have a seat, it wasn’t going in right. When she got up and I inspected my penis, it looked liked my head and even part of my shaft near the bottom of the head was facing downward a little, and when I saw it, I instantly became terrified. I even said WTF?!
LOL. My penis did the exact same thing. When I overworked my penis during PE afte a long day of work, followed by some execise, after going from horizontal laying down to vertical penetration positions, my penis went slightly limp before penetation. I freaked out for a moment and my blood pressure shot straight up from reactive instinct, but my penis went into full flaccid mode and hang low. Remembe, your sudden blood pressure spike to ready yourself for flight or fight will cut off blood off from all nonessential areas. Your penis is the most non-essential area. Anytime when someone is under stresses, the penis is the one that suffer. When someone freaks out, your penis will not have an ounce of blood. Why? Your heart needs all the blood volume it can get to kee everyother areas primed for any possible dangerous scenario. Once you come down, get a nice stimulation, your penis returns back to normal. I have never heard anyone got scared out of their minds while running away in terror and have full erections even when being caught during a sexual intercourse.After swearing, my penis deflated quickly. I’ve never seen a penis deflate so fast in my life. My heart began racing near tachycardia. I began shaking like I was cold. I covered under the blankets my blood pressure was 143 over 96 Heart-rate 100+ due to the stress.
Just like above, it's partial due to adreline dump, but more of a diversion of blood pressure. Next time, because you're on an inhibitor, plus, your blood pressure may be affected from stresses for other matters, enjoy yourself with simple positions, such as missionary, wher your body can easily be equalized while being horizontal. Better yet, have her enjoy you in cowgirl position, while your back is slightly raise on the bed or sofa at 35 degrees. Have her leans into you, have her body rubs yours, kiss, and enjoy each other. This position tends to create bigger intimacy and maintain your blood pressure much easier and for longer. Remember that your body is still healing, especially all the resources are diverting to your penis for the time being.I’ve never seen a penis deflate so fast in my life. I’m hoping it was due to a massive adrenaline dump. An hour or two later after having calmed down back to baseline. I tried to see if I could get erect again. Just as I was starting to get erect maybe 40%, I stopped. I didn’t want to push anything further; just wanted to see I could get my penis to work.
This is the same case as brother notmeananymore. When either blood vessel, cavernosum tissue, or nerve branch is damanaged, you get strange soreness and misfires and displacement of neuro-signal (sparks) from the nerve ending onto damaged areas during flaccid or compressive state. When your tissues expand, the areas are spred wider, where the misfires do not affect the areas as much. In PE, the more tissues you build up, the stronger the tissues will act as a buffer from dense tissues in preventing those odd sensations from the misfires during healing.I'm not a penis or a human anatomy expert. It should be noted that when I had an erection in the shower before intimacy, the head/glan felt slightly sore, not sore during the erection, but sore during the deflation from erect to flaccid process.
No night or morning erections are common when all the healing responses are diverted to the glans. It's the safety mode the brain is placing on the penis. This is why we don't let the penis go unproductive for more than 2 days. 3 days top. By stimulating the blood to keep occupying the penis, the penis will reprogram the brain to keep sending the right hormones to keep the penis active with erections. PDE5 inhibitors may work to promote ED treatment, but it doesn't mean it will work for everyone equality. At times, that sudden blood pressure spikes like you've experience will force the pressure in the penis to do a 180 rather than keeing it erected. Our biochemistry is unique and adaptive to the point were what we considered to be helpful can turn around and slap us.It could be that the stiff erection was too much for the penis to bear, and so it started checking out on its own right before intimacy. That said, I do not recall a nocturnal erection last night and I didn’t have a morning erection, either.
Keep an eye out on this. Too little observation to provide us good insights. It may be rare, but it could also be anxiety inducing scenario. Just ease up on chemical cocktails proposed by the doctors. My son and wife went to the urgent care clinic yesterday to have his wheezing evaluated, but the available doctor prescribed him extreme doses of prednizone to combat his wheezing, high enough to place him on a sudden acute asthmatic attack episode. Our family is well verse in medication and medical arenas, and we just stare at the medication like it's a bottle of death. We couldn't understand why the doctor prescribed such as high dosage. So do becareful and always stay ahead of the game on knowing what you're taking for your issues.Of course I fear the Soft Glan Syndrome as it relates to such an event, and while that still could be the case, I’m not sold on that just yet. Unless of course during the initial deflation right before penetration is literally when the SGS started. Which wouldn’t be impossible. But that would mean that literally an erection triggered SGS.
It’s too early to tell what’s really going on, but still today, the HF symptoms seem minimal so far.
I was going to say thatYou can quote to other threads. There are instructions in how to do this in the how to section.
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Sounds like your on the right rode. Keep it up!Update:
Yesterday, HF state of maybe 50% of the day.
I’ll take that over the previous 85% - 90% that I’ve experienced. Plenty of erections of maybe 85% EQ or better last night, and my glans do flex/engorge upon kegel. Had occasional light glan pain yesterday, but no noticeable pain so far today.
Try to use less Abbreviations.Update:
Yesterday, HF state of maybe 50% of the day.
I’ll take that over the previous 85% - 90% that I’ve experienced. Plenty of erections of maybe 85% EQ or better last night, and my glans do flex/engorge upon kegel. Had occasional light glan pain yesterday, but no noticeable pain so far today.
I often find myself wasting time to try and decipher posts.SPenis EnlargementLLING & GRAMMAR
MOS has a working spell check engine. Please use it. This is a small extra step that will present your post in an intelligent manner. When involved in a virtual community such as this good grammar and spelling may be vital to others understanding you. Please take the time to write out each work and do not use abbreviations such as U for You or Ur for Your. Many people whose first language is not English frequent these forums. This will help them understand you post better. It will also give our forum a professional feel to visitors.
What is this?
Hard Flaccid Syndrome. It's an uncommon or slightly rare issue pertaining to penile hardness when it's flaccid. Think of it as a hard shrivel banana most of the day, with absolutely no feeling or sensation, and no softness, and indicator of lack of blood flow. No matter what you do, you can't (edited for correction) get blood to flow in properly to make the penis soft.What is this?
Okay. Thanks for explaining.Hard Flaccid Syndrome. It's an uncommon or slightly rare issue pertaining to penile hardness when it's flaccid. Think of it as a hard shrivel banana most of the day, with absolutely no feeling or sensation, and no softness, and indicator of lack of blood flow. No matter what you do, you can get blood to flow in properly to make the penis soft.
Not scary but when it happens you notice and think of the worst case scenario. It is a simple product of fatigue and can last 4 to 7 days. Deep tissue massage will help this clear up fasterOkay. Thanks for explaining.
Sounds very scary.
You're welcome@squirt_inducer_man (and for other readers)
HF state = Hard Flaccid state.
HFS = Hard Flaccid Syndrome.
Hard Flaccid symptoms have been minimal. Maybe 20% of the day at the most. Could be due to healing, the 5mg daily Cialis, or both. I’ve noticed (starting 2 days ago) that my urinal stream has strengthened quite a bit since the initial start of the Hard Flaccid Syndrome symptoms. Perhaps even stronger than before?
No masturbation, no PE, but still performing light intimacy. No pain via orgasm/ejaculation, and the ultra-sensitive glans seem to be trending more to normalcy.
Thank you @oldandlively for your time and expertise. Also, thank you so much @DLD and @squirt_inducer_man
Okay thanks.@squirt_inducer_man (and for other readers)
HF state = Hard Flaccid state.
HFS = Hard Flaccid Syndrome.
Hard Flaccid symptoms have been minimal. Maybe 20% of the day at the most. Could be due to healing, the 5mg daily Cialis, or both. I’ve noticed (starting 2 days ago) that my urinal stream has strengthened quite a bit since the initial start of the Hard Flaccid Syndrome symptoms. Perhaps even stronger than before?
No masturbation, no PE, but still performing light intimacy. No pain via orgasm/ejaculation, and the ultra-sensitive glans seem to be trending more to normalcy.
Thank you @oldandlively for your time and expertise. Also, thank you so much @DLD and @squirt_inducer_man
I got a hard flaccid as well from pumping at High pressure... What do you recommend...? just a week without PE at all except from tissue massage and pelvic floor stretches? Do you think It can last longer than a week?You're welcome![]()
A hard flaccid state is another way your penis responds to possible damage. It acts like a protective shield when there's no response from the nerve branches. Commonly, as the nerve branch heals, anywhere between 5 to 7 days on average, the hard flaccid symptoms go away but not completely until the nerve branch is completely healed. When you injure your nerves from going too hard, too fast, and too long, such as issues from clamping or too high pressure that your penile shaft cannot handle due to insufficient conditioning, the injury may need more than 15 days of recovery. Most nerve damage recover within 6 weeks. Some tend to linger based on how bad the damages may be.I got a hard flaccid as well from pumping at High pressure... What do you recommend...? just a week without PE at all except from tissue massage and pelvic floor stretches? Do you think It can last longer than a week?
Thank you Brother!
Deep tissue massage is best. Heat will also help. A hard flaccid is common and will clear up quicklyI got a hard flaccid as well from pumping at High pressure... What do you recommend...? just a week without PE at all except from tissue massage and pelvic floor stretches? Do you think It can last longer than a week?
Thank you Brother!
The only problem Is that whenever I touch my penis It does thug back on me and kinda shrink... Instead, when I stretch or massage the pelvic floor muscles my flaccid hang relax and everything seems softer... Heating sounds promising, I will include 5 minutes of infrared heating pad daily.Deep tissue massage is best. Heat will also help. A hard flaccid is common and will clear up quickly
Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shoppedguin said:Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend