TRT discussion.


Staff member
I’ve seen some videos from Brian Johnson so I already know of whom you’re talking about, because I’m a YT hoe so to speak, haha.

And yeah, it’s pretty fucked up when it comes to TRT in our Nordic countries, it should be a piece of cake for a man to get TRT as he ages, especially considering how easy it is for females to get whatever hormonal treatment that they might need.

And yes, those 10 years they left me out to dry because they said I was too fit to need TRT was hellish to say the least.
Brainfog, building less muscle mass than I did before my cancer, no morning wood, depression, anxiety for no reason and so forth was what I had to deal with for those 10 years. But still they did not listen to me. Which is kinda fucked up.

Yes, there is still a bit of bitterness from they not taking my symptoms seriously, talked to public healtcare endocrinologists but to no avail. So going to a private Doc was my last bet, and luckily it worked out.
Only ONE appointement with the private one and I had a script for Testogel, though if you end up going the TRT route in the future, which I highly reccommend, ask for injectable testosterone. Testogel is a hassle as you can’t sweat aka work out for at least 6 hours after applying it as you can decrease the effect of it through swetting. And you can also transfer it to other people during those first 6 hours, as in if you have sex with a woman you can transfer testosterone onto her.

Anyways, had to get that of off my chest too, and thank you my brother for both listening and understanding. Really appreciate it.

@Abdiel Bull Berg, I moved our discussion here insted since we got to much outside of the main thread title.

I really appreciate you sharing this brother. I understand this period can't have been easy. So strange they didn't listen to you. I have my own experiences with this (they do not listen to you).

SRT will be in my health routine when I get older. And yes subcutaneous injections are the way to go. There is a private clinic in a different town. Have thoughts of just starting over, and move to a diffrent town. I need some changes in my life. We will see.

Take care brother.
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TRT or HRT every man should do from a mental/physical point
150-250 mg Testosterone per week
2 units of HGH everyday or every other day
and some HCG to keep the balls nice and full
Human chorionic gondatropin.

It helps stimulate the testes when on TRT, hormone that tells your body to increase ball size and continue to produce as exogenous testosterone shots signal to your body to slow down hormone production
Thanks, I will keep this information in the back of my mind, if I need it when my old body in the future can no longer produce enough testosterone.
you’ve got no chance of getting stuff like this in the UK without going private.
I’ve always felt my test levels were low.
I just couldn’t afford the meds here.
you’ve got no chance of getting stuff like this in the UK without going private.
I’ve always felt my test levels were low.
I just couldn’t afford the meds here.
Probably the same in my country (Sweden 🇸🇪).
I need to go private as well. But so far my testosterone levels are good (as far as I know = haven't checked them). But I can grow my penis like a garden, and I'm still strong and I hope they are good.

The private facilities is in another town/city, from where I live (far away). So I'm contemplating on moving in the future. Restart my life.

But they say it's a normal part of getting older (lower testesterone levels), but in the meantime they give hormonal therapy to young women (contraceptive... and that stuff, they even get injections easily, to not get pregnant) like it's candy.

They even help older women with hormonal therapy when they get into Menopause. Why are they not as willing to help older men? This is so strange for me. Alos Viagra is super expensive here. You need to pay full price, but first you need a prescription from a doctor. I have tried this...but it was harder then what I thought to get a prescription. I will try again later. I don't need Viagra, but I think it would help me in some situations.

Also the skeletal in our body need sufficient hormonal levels, mainly testosterone levels) in order to keep itself strong. Your skeletal system and joints also need impacts from walking and running in order to keep itself strong. So electric transportation like electric scooter is a really bad decision to use. So it's frightening that me have such a hard time to get the help they deserve.

We men are not treated the same as women. I have heard stories from men (also here at MOS), having a hard time getting the help they have the right to get.

But you should never take these types of medications without a doctors supervision, to much can go wrong.

We men are treated badly in some ways by the society (Referring to the information above *)

We have a good medical system in Sweden 🇸🇪.
That is: It doesn't matter how rich or poor you are, you are supposed to get the same medical help either way. That is what tax is for.
We have a good system in place where you also get subsided of the costs of the medications when you pay up to a level. When you get up to that get "free" medications for some time (the level is pretty high). It's not really free we (the society) pay to have this system in place.

But it feels like this is changing now. If you have a private health insurance in place, you can get help faster. I think this is a garbage system. Everyone should be able to get the help they should not matter how much money you have at the bank. If this is the indirectly tells you that some people, are more worth then others. This is really not the case at all. Every person is valuable (there are limits to this statement).

I don't have a private insurance in place because I'm broke. I will do my best to change that.

When getting help here in Sweden it helps if you know what you want. It's sad it has to be this way. When you are "sick" you need to be strong. You almost need to be a doctor yourself, in order to convince them (not always, but sometimes).

Getting outside the thread, but that's okay in this forum.
The health system is the same in the uk, but men’s sexual health is very low on the list of priorities and if I asked my doctor if he could check my test levels he would laugh at me.
It’s very much all about money and the cost to the national health service.
Viagra type meds are very cheap here now via online prescription.
you’ve got no chance of getting stuff like this in the UK without going private.
I’ve always felt my test levels were low.
I just couldn’t afford the meds here.
Pay privately to get your bloods checked . It will cost between £90-£150 to check your levels. If you can't afford to go private for treatment, buy from someone at a local gym or search for steriod groups on Facebook. It will be much cheaper than going through a clinic. Buy some 1ml syringes with insulin size needles off amazon and get on a 3 times a week protocol totaling between 100mg - 150 mg a week. If you get test e 300 that's between 20 to 30 weeks of injections at the cost of about £35.
The health system is the same in the uk, but men’s sexual health is very low on the list of priorities and if I asked my doctor if he could check my test levels he would laugh at me.
It’s very much all about money and the cost to the national health service.
Viagra type meds are very cheap here now via online prescription.

21st century, helping men out to improve their sex life is still a taboo issue.. healthy sex life is not on the public health agenda.