Question Tight Suspensory Ligaments, Fundiform Stretching Help


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Hello! Excited to be here! I go by LazyLink and I would like to remain anonymous. I have been aware of PE for a long time and have done some lurking over the years, but never had the capacity until now. I don't have tailor's tape at the moment, but I remember being around 6.75" x 4.8" (BPEL x base/widest point) pointing upwards with an upward curve, great erection quality, and uncircumsized with a short foreskin that doesn't cover much of my glans. I've always been happy with it and my partners have too. However, I'm here because I have a feeling that stretching the ligaments would improve the quality of my sex life, some length and girth would be nice too.

When I was a teen I remember when I would push my upward pointing erection down it would HURT, so I wouldn't try. As I've gotten older, pushing it doesn't HURT hurt, the only way I would describe it is just uncomfortable hurt. I think I have always had a strong and over-active kegel. When I push it down it almost looks and feels like it's being pushed back into my body if that makes sense? I can't push it past parallel with the floor, so a lot of sex positions just aren't going to work. When it's pushed down it's hard to feel good sensations when I also have that uncomfortable feeling. Sadly, if it's pushed down at all I can't have an orgasm.

Time for the questions; I would really appreciate any and all help! Is my thinking correct that this is a fundiform, suspensory ligament tightness issue? Would stretching help me be able to do more positions plus actually enjoy them? Would stretching the ligament change the angle it is erect at? Is it true that people with tight suspensory ligaments see quicker and more length gains than someone with flexible ligaments, all other things equal? Am I correct to focus on length before girth? If pushing it down pushes it back in, are there a lot of expressive stretching gains to be made too or is my push back into my body description not making sense? One day maybe I'll have the courage to post a pic.

From my understanding the best thing for my situation is some flaccid weighted hanging and erect push down stretches. I've read a lot about the erect pushdowns and I came across a user across the internet named VoyeurofBliss that seemed to have the same problems as me, fixed it, and made significant gains. Here's a great video of his talking about some male anatomy, but what I'm most interested about is his stretching device at 3:28

* URL removed due to linking to a adult entertainment site.

I would like to follow these exercises and would much prefer to use the ring and string contraption. Does anyone know know where I can get the device, or where I can get safe parts to make my own? I know it's a simple device, but I don't want to take any chances.

For weighted hanging, the two that devices I'm interested in are the most recent versions of the MaleHanger and the SiliStretcher2. Any strong preferences for one over the other? Based on my description of myself would one be more beneficial for me over the other? I've read that straight down stretch is good for ligament stretching, so is there any additional benefit to between the cheeks stretching? Also any resources on reverse kegel? I've read that reverse kegeling while hanging bypasses the ligament, but I'm not sure what it would stretch then. Other than the suspensory ligaments I'm actually a very flexible person, stretch twice a day, love the feeling, and am excited to add these exercises to my routine. I'm looking forward to writing my routine while I wait for equipment, and I'm open to tips and suggestions.

If I had a goal for size I would say 7.5-8" x 5.25-5". From what I've been reading that's just before the point where it becomes uncomfortable giving or receiving, or even discourages people from trying. Should I wait for girth gains after stretching? I know girth gains also increase length, so figuring out the balancing act between getting the ligament stretched enough and not going too long before/while doing girth gains could be a balancing act. Any realistic timeline for me to reach my goal? I got the time, energy, discipline, and money to do it now!

Thank you again so much I would be so grateful if if any of my questions get answered I know there are a lot. I'm so excited to join y'all on this journey

Post edited by @squirt_inducer_man, see * above.
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I am realizing now that the fundiform and suspensory ligaments are different. I assume both are tight, but my gameplan should stretch both, yeah?
That's the point. You want to stretch the shaft and your inner penis with no restrictions. This will produce fastest gains.
My goal isn't to produce the fastest gains possible. My goal is to get the most flexible as possible, which comes with gains and then go from there. I think once I get my desired flexibility and I still want some length I'll incorporate the reverse kegels thank you!
I'm here because tight suspensory ligaments are ruining the quality of my sex life and I want to change that
Okey I understand.
LengthMaster 3 bundled stretches will do that for you. There is no device like it.

You will both make your penis longer and fatter, and also loosen up your ligaments somewhat. Even when doing reverse Kegels during stretching, your ligaments will loosen up.

Ball & Lig Stretches are also important to do.
You're welcome brother.
Hello again! I have been trying to get the hang of PE, I got the LM3, and I have a few more questions for this helpful community :)

First I'd like to remind y'all that my goals are specifically fundiform ligament stretching, and expressive gains. Any other kinds of gains are welcomed, but I'd like all my exercises focused on my main goal.

So I got the LM3 and I've been doing a lot of straight down and between the cheeks stretches, also doing them bundled. I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to be feeling, but it feels like to me that my skin is stretching. Maybe I'm getting some tunica stretch in too, but I'm not feeling that dull achy stretch like when I do the fulcrum A-Stretch/DLD Blasters (I'm not sure if there's a difference). I just discovered that stretch, it feels really good. It's a similar feeling to stretching my calf or hamstring, this is a really great forum.

So my questions are: Is that dull, achy kinda painful kinda good feeling mean I'm making ligament/expressive/both gains? Would A-stretch/DLD Blasters alone achieve my goals? I have an intact, very short foreskin - is this maybe why I think I'm feeling all the stretch in the skin? Is there anyone out there in a similar position to me? Very tight fundiform ligament, high angled erection, penis doesn't really hang when flaccid and points out between 3 and 4 o'clock, there's also a what looks like a crater where the top of the base of the shaft connects to the pubic area.

Thanks in advance for the help!
Welcome back brother. Looks like your pursuit of the info you're looking for is not discovered to your needs since December. Let's address your newest questions first before revisiting the older questions. Hope this round will provide you greater clarity.

Hello again! I have been trying to get the hang of PE, I got the LM3, and I have a few more questions for this helpful community :)
Since you have the LM3, this will be a great tool to have in your arsenal. Now, let's use that tool, and any other tools, you increase your gains, but importantly, target your ligaments.

First I'd like to remind y'all that my goals are specifically fundiform ligament stretching, and expressive gains. Any other kinds of gains are welcomed, but I'd like all my exercises focused on my main goal.
Got it.

So I got the LM3 and I've been doing a lot of straight down and between the cheeks stretches, also doing them bundled. I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to be feeling, but it feels like to me that my skin is stretching. Maybe I'm getting some tunica stretch in too, but I'm not feeling that dull achy stretch like when I do the fulcrum A-Stretch/DLD Blasters (I'm not sure if there's a difference). I just discovered that stretch, it feels really good. It's a similar feeling to stretching my calf or hamstring, this is a really great forum.
Correct. What you're doing is not only stretching out the tight ligaments, such as your Achilles or your tight rotator cuffs, you are also stretching out the muscle tissues and further lengthening the fibrous connections that attached to the pubic bones and lack of looseness of the short fundiform ligament. this is the culprit that causes the pain when your penile shaft is hyperextended, or in this case, penile hyperextension. The pain you're feeling is from two fronts: dorsal nerve pinch at the fundiform ligament hyperextension downwards, and tight base soft tissues.

So my questions are: Is that dull, achy kinda painful kinda good feeling mean I'm making ligament/expressive/both gains?
Yes. that dull achy feeling when you're doing the LM3 stretches downward and between the cheeks or far behind the cheeks is what you're aiming for. If you need the video guides by brother SIM for his 5D-BTC (5 minutes dynamic behind the cheeks) stretches, let us know. He also has his Terminator pose stretch that goes very, very, very far on releasing the ligaments.

Would A-stretch/DLD Blasters alone achieve my goals?
No. This to lengthen the entire penile shaft. The A-Stretch also place slight stresses along the ligaments, but not enough. You need progression traction tensions against your ligaments, and this is where the LM3 comes into play. The weights will not help since the weight is downward oriented and not far behind the cheeks, where you direly need.

I have an intact, very short foreskin - is this maybe why I think I'm feeling all the stretch in the skin? Is there anyone out there in a similar position to me?
Short foreskin is similar to circumcised. This is an advantage. However, short foreskin that is still attached to corona and has yet to be pulled from the corona, it can be painful using the LM3 or any other traction and all day stretcher devices. If your foreskin is pulled and disconnected from the corona, now you're in business.

Very tight fundiform ligament, high angled erection, penis doesn't really hang when flaccid and points out between 3 and 4 o'clock, there's also a what looks like a crater where the top of the base of the shaft connects to the pubic area.
correct. A very tight fundirom ligament will cause your curvature to be elevated at a higher angle than a normal less tight fundiform ligament. However, it may also be caused by a shorten suspensory ligament, causing the base of the penile shaft to angle even higher. It may be one or both ligaments working against you.

Let's go back to the prior questions as well.

When I was a teen I remember when I would push my upward pointing erection down it would HURT, so I wouldn't try. As I've gotten older, pushing it doesn't HURT hurt, the only way I would describe it is just uncomfortable hurt. I think I have always had a strong and over-active kegel. When I push it down it almost looks and feels like it's being pushed back into my body if that makes sense?
Perfectly. As you get older, your tissues are more relaxed, or aged tissues. When you don't pursue PE, your tissues become more and more relaxed, releasing the amount of kinking or pinching of the dorsal nerves that send the painful signals to your brain when you force a hyperextension of your penile shaft downwards. When that happens, your body will attempt to retract and preserve the penis through turtling.

I can't push it past parallel with the floor, so a lot of sex positions just aren't going to work. When it's pushed down it's hard to feel good sensations when I also have that uncomfortable feeling. Sadly, if it's pushed down at all I can't have an orgasm.
When your dorsal nerve is kinked, even for normal males without any tightness of the ligaments, hyperextension of the dorsal nerve in certain positions, like extremely doggy, over extending reverse cowgirl, or even hangman, the stresses on the dorsal nerve will not allow you to ejaculate or reach orgasms.

Would stretching the ligament change the angle it is erect at? Is it true that people with tight suspensory ligaments see quicker and more length gains than someone with flexible ligaments, all other things equal? Am I correct to focus on length before girth? If pushing it down pushes it back in, are there a lot of expressive stretching gains to be made too or is my push back into my body description not making sense? One day maybe I'll have the courage to post a pic.
By using the LM3, as you incrementally increase your intensity through downward and backward traction force, going from 3lbs to 5lbs, then 5lbs to 10lbs, then upwards into 15lbs, your muscle tissues and ligaments are slowly being released from the anchoring of the pubic bone. In addition, you also increase the length of your penile shaft on top of relaxing your ligaments at the same time. Not one, but both ligaments. Ligaments are a hard thing to stretch, but if you can push the intensity upwards towards 15lbs within a short period of time to prevent the body from adapting, your ligaments will be stretched to the max. Fibrous connections will also be pulled away from the bones due to sudden pulling traumas. Keep on adding the traumas over time, like running while having damaged knee ligaments (ACL/PCL/MCL), you'll loosen or break the ligaments. In your case, you'll simply loosen them.

From my understanding the best thing for my situation is some flaccid weighted hanging and erect push down stretches.
The best thing to do is to stretch and pull downwards and backwards while flaccid. You'll get more stretches that way. Imagine tensing your legs up while stretching. Never effective in loosening your ligaments and muscles that way.

I've read a lot about the erect pushdowns and I came across a user across the internet named VoyeurofBliss that seemed to have the same problems as me, fixed it, and made significant gains.
You can indeed try. However, not everyone will respond to the same method. This is why the foundation routines here are not working for everyone right off the press. Every brother modified the foundation routines to fit their needs better. Some need more, some need less, while other need a routine with certain focus in mind to target certain criteria due to unique physiology.

For weighted hanging, the two that devices I'm interested in are the most recent versions of the hanger and the SiliStretcher2.
If you want continual stretching against the ligaments, SiliStretcher2 (SS2) will be your great device to use right after the LM3. The LM3 will do the work in higher intensity, while the SS2 continue to apply constant pressure in loosening up the ligaments at a lower pressure, around 2.5lbs max. This is proven to not only relax the tight tissues, but also optimize penile lengthening processes from micro tearing and healing.

Also any resources on reverse kegel? I've read that reverse kegeling while hanging bypasses the ligament, but I'm not sure what it would stretch then.
No. Reverse kegels optimize the blood rotation to your pelvic region. When you push down to defecate, you're performing reverse kegels. You are charging your pelvic flood tissues with extra blood to generate positive pressure to push waste out of your system. It doesn't stretch anything beside optimizing blood flow. Kegel stretches and pulls on the pelvic flood.

If I had a goal for size I would say 7.5-8" x 5.25-5". From what I've been reading that's just before the point where it becomes uncomfortable giving or receiving, or even discourages people from trying. Should I wait for girth gains after stretching?
This length is very achievable even with tight ligaments. While you're chasing after the lengthening of your penis, you will also loosen your ligaments. A two for one special.

I know girth gains also increase length, so figuring out the balancing act between getting the ligament stretched enough and not going too long before/while doing girth gains could be a balancing act. Any realistic timeline for me to reach my goal?
When you do lengthening through LM3, you'll get around 5%, at max 15% on your girth. If you add pumping or slow squash jelq (SSJ), now you're adding the needed girth routine. Quite a few brothers are doing this, including me. It will make your penis fatigue quite fast and very time consuming as you are focusing on both fronts at the same time. How much time? Between 2 to 4 hours a days on active routines, and up to 8 hours passive routines using wrap, stretcher, or traction devices.

Hope this provides you greater clarity to the info you're looking for.
Welcome back brother. Looks like your pursuit of the info you're looking for is not discovered to your needs since December. Let's address your newest questions first before revisiting the older questions. Hope this round will provide you greater clarity.

Since you have the LM3, this will be a great tool to have in your arsenal. Now, let's use that tool, and any other tools, you increase your gains, but importantly, target your ligaments.

Got it.

Correct. What you're doing is not only stretching out the tight ligaments, such as your Achilles or your tight rotator cuffs, you are also stretching out the muscle tissues and further lengthening the fibrous connections that attached to the pubic bones and lack of looseness of the short fundiform ligament. this is the culprit that causes the pain when your penile shaft is hyperextended, or in this case, penile hyperextension. The pain you're feeling is from two fronts: dorsal nerve pinch at the fundiform ligament hyperextension downwards, and tight base soft tissues.

Yes. that dull achy feeling when you're doing the LM3 stretches downward and between the cheeks or far behind the cheeks is what you're aiming for. If you need the video guides by brother SIM for his 5D-BTC (5 minutes dynamic behind the cheeks) stretches, let us know. He also has his Terminator pose stretch that goes very, very, very far on releasing the ligaments.

No. This to lengthen the entire penile shaft. The A-Stretch also place slight stresses along the ligaments, but not enough. You need progression traction tensions against your ligaments, and this is where the LM3 comes into play. The weights will not help since the weight is downward oriented and not far behind the cheeks, where you direly need.

Short foreskin is similar to circumcised. This is an advantage. However, short foreskin that is still attached to corona and has yet to be pulled from the corona, it can be painful using the LM3 or any other traction and all day stretcher devices. If your foreskin is pulled and disconnected from the corona, now you're in business.

correct. A very tight fundirom ligament will cause your curvature to be elevated at a higher angle than a normal less tight fundiform ligament. However, it may also be caused by a shorten suspensory ligament, causing the base of the penile shaft to angle even higher. It may be one or both ligaments working against you.

Let's go back to the prior questions as well.

Perfectly. As you get older, your tissues are more relaxed, or aged tissues. When you don't pursue PE, your tissues become more and more relaxed, releasing the amount of kinking or pinching of the dorsal nerves that send the painful signals to your brain when you force a hyperextension of your penile shaft downwards. When that happens, your body will attempt to retract and preserve the penis through turtling.

When your dorsal nerve is kinked, even for normal males without any tightness of the ligaments, hyperextension of the dorsal nerve in certain positions, like extremely doggy, over extending reverse cowgirl, or even hangman, the stresses on the dorsal nerve will not allow you to ejaculate or reach orgasms.

By using the LM3, as you incrementally increase your intensity through downward and backward traction force, going from 3lbs to 5lbs, then 5lbs to 10lbs, then upwards into 15lbs, your muscle tissues and ligaments are slowly being released from the anchoring of the pubic bone. In addition, you also increase the length of your penile shaft on top of relaxing your ligaments at the same time. Not one, but both ligaments. Ligaments are a hard thing to stretch, but if you can push the intensity upwards towards 15lbs within a short period of time to prevent the body from adapting, your ligaments will be stretched to the max. Fibrous connections will also be pulled away from the bones due to sudden pulling traumas. Keep on adding the traumas over time, like running while having damaged knee ligaments (ACL/PCL/MCL), you'll loosen or break the ligaments. In your case, you'll simply loosen them.

The best thing to do is to stretch and pull downwards and backwards while flaccid. You'll get more stretches that way. Imagine tensing your legs up while stretching. Never effective in loosening your ligaments and muscles that way.

You can indeed try. However, not everyone will respond to the same method. This is why the foundation routines here are not working for everyone right off the press. Every brother modified the foundation routines to fit their needs better. Some need more, some need less, while other need a routine with certain focus in mind to target certain criteria due to unique physiology.

If you want continual stretching against the ligaments, SiliStretcher2 (SS2) will be your great device to use right after the LM3. The LM3 will do the work in higher intensity, while the SS2 continue to apply constant pressure in loosening up the ligaments at a lower pressure, around 2.5lbs max. This is proven to not only relax the tight tissues, but also optimize penile lengthening processes from micro tearing and healing.

No. Reverse kegels optimize the blood rotation to your pelvic region. When you push down to defecate, you're performing reverse kegels. You are charging your pelvic flood tissues with extra blood to generate positive pressure to push waste out of your system. It doesn't stretch anything beside optimizing blood flow. Kegel stretches and pulls on the pelvic flood.

This length is very achievable even with tight ligaments. While you're chasing after the lengthening of your penis, you will also loosen your ligaments. A two for one special.

When you do lengthening through LM3, you'll get around 5%, at max 15% on your girth. If you add pumping or slow squash jelq (SSJ), now you're adding the needed girth routine. Quite a few brothers are doing this, including me. It will make your penis fatigue quite fast and very time consuming as you are focusing on both fronts at the same time. How much time? Between 2 to 4 hours a days on active routines, and up to 8 hours passive routines using wrap, stretcher, or traction devices.

Hope this provides you greater clarity to the info you're looking for.
Thank you for the incredibly informative response, brother! It feels really good to be heard and finally understand my dorsal nerve kink problem :)

Just so I make sure I understand you 100% clearly brother: my problem is a dorsal nerve kink problem/tight base soft tissues not necessarily a tight ligaments problem? I'll get a SS2 after my next raise, but in the meantime I should focus on LM3 weighted hanging with progression on weight, specifically between the cheeks? That skin stretch feeling is actually the muscle/ligament releasing (which is expressive gains?) from the pubic bone, and loosening my tight base soft tissues? You mention men can have this problem even with loose ligaments, but LM3 weighted hang and BTC will give me expressive gains (which fixes the problem), ligament gains (won't fix the problem, but is nice to have), and girth gains?

I've watched a few videos with the LM3, but I don't think I've seen the one you mentioned and I would really appreciate a direct link to it! Is 5 minutes 2-3 times a day enough?

Thanks again brother, hoping to accomplish my goals before I decide to date seriously again in about a year
Thank you for the incredibly informative response, brother! It feels really good to be heard and finally understand my dorsal nerve kink problem :)
Always here for you brother. Do know that there are other brothers willing to share their findings with you.

Just so I make sure I understand you 100% clearly brother: my problem is a dorsal nerve kink problem/tight base soft tissues not necessarily a tight ligaments problem?
It's a combination of both. When you have short fundiform ligament, it acts a like a shorten noose, or better to point it out as a bending edge for your dorsal nerve. Think of the fundiform ligament as a rope that forces your nerve to bend beyond its intended angle. Your suspensory ligament may also play a role in forcing your penile shaft to remain at an acute angle (point straight up) and not relaxed enough to allow your fundiform ligament and penile shaft to drop in both the flaccid and erected states. You probably see your flaccid penis, no matter how long it may be, goes up at a 75 degree angle before coming down. The higher the angle, the tighter or shorter the combination of fundiform and suspensory ligaments.

I'll get a SS2 after my next raise, but in the meantime I should focus on LM3 weighted hanging with progression on weight, specifically between the cheeks?
LM3 should be use as long as possible without the weight. Why not? Because you want your stretches to be dynamic as possible without constant tension. This is called ligamentary stressors/traumas. You can wear shorts or briefs, sitting on the couch to watch TV, while having LM behind your legs to stretch. Every few minutes, push down a bit harder, hold for a few seconds, and slowly let go. Use the weights to hang just to gauge the amount of weight you're stretching with. 5lbs of traction force is a great start. Work up to a sudden 15lbs traction force trauma. Remember you have to condition your penis to handle the heavier traction force. Otherwise you'll rip something that you shouldn't be ripping, like your nerves or blood vessels. If you can do a full 60 minutes of LM when you're free, this is the best length of time. You may have to remove your LM wrapping to allow your blood to circulate properly every 7 to 10 minutes. Blood trapped in the glans for more than 10 minutes at any given time is a bad thing.

That skin stretch feeling is actually the muscle/ligament releasing (which is expressive gains?) from the pubic bone, and loosening my tight base soft tissues?
Yes, and yes. That feeling of internal pull with dull sensation, that is both your ligaments (near the pubic bone base along the top part of your penis) being stretched, on top of your soft tissues along the entire length of your penis. Your main focus is to only pull down, to the left, center, and right, and completely behind the butt cheeks, left, center and right. No need for cranks or upward stretches. We want the ligaments stressed and stretched.

You mention men can have this problem even with loose ligaments, but LM3 weighted hang and BTC will give me expressive gains (which fixes the problem), ligament gains (won't fix the problem, but is nice to have), and girth gains?
Loose ligaments with bent penis shaft due to certain sexual positions, where the dorsal nerve and the branches are being kinked. Try it next time. Just grap half way along your penis while being erected, squeeze the mid of the shaft, and bend it downwards at a 45 degrees. After a few minutes, you'll feel your penis going numb or cold. This is kinking of nerve and blood vessel. That's what extreme sexual positions come out to, with or without the looseness of the ligaments.

When you stretch behind/between the butt cheeks (BTC), you will fix both the tight ligament issues and also perform expressive stretching to gain more development tissues to lengthen your penis. Win-win situation. LM stretches will give you length gain, and very little girth gain. LM is mainly focusing on length. To get girth rolling, pumping and jelqing routine is needed on top of the LM routine. You will get both by incorporating both routines. Expressive gains as you put it.

I've watched a few videos with the LM3, but I don't think I've seen the one you mentioned and I would really appreciate a direct link to it! Is 5 minutes 2-3 times a day enough?
Here are videos for the LM. Hope these are the ones you've watch to mirror:
Brother SIM's videos:

His LM videos that focus quite a bit on the ligamentary stretches: (The Terminator pose)

Just like him, I use my feet quite a bit to stretch since I can preserve my arm in groping my wife 😉 or doing something else, like answering questions on MOS.

The amount of time spent on the LM is not 5 minutes, 2 to 3 times a day. The LM routines each stretch (left, or center, or right, then down or behind the cheeks), each specific stretch is 30 seconds I do mine up to 1 minute based on the needs. If you twist two 2 rotations, 30 to 45 seconds may be your max pain tollerance per stretch. 20 minutes per day is my usual routine workout. When I have the time, 40 minutes for my routines. If I have more time, 60 minutes, follow by 60 minutes of pumping and jelquing routines while reading the MOS posts that I missed.

For now, put aside 60 minutes a minimum for your LM routines. Just check to see if 60 minutes is enough to alleviate the kinking issues. If not, increase it towards 2 hours with increasing intensity. Perform the stretches 1 to 2 days on, 1 day off. If you can go for 2 to 3 days on, one day off, even better.
Always here for you brother. Do know that there are other brothers willing to share their findings with you.

It's a combination of both. When you have short fundiform ligament, it acts a like a shorten noose, or better to point it out as a bending edge for your dorsal nerve. Think of the fundiform ligament as a rope that forces your nerve to bend beyond its intended angle. Your suspensory ligament may also play a role in forcing your penile shaft to remain at an acute angle (point straight up) and not relaxed enough to allow your fundiform ligament and penile shaft to drop in both the flaccid and erected states. You probably see your flaccid penis, no matter how long it may be, goes up at a 75 degree angle before coming down. The higher the angle, the tighter or shorter the combination of fundiform and suspensory ligaments.

LM3 should be use as long as possible without the weight. Why not? Because you want your stretches to be dynamic as possible without constant tension. This is called ligamentary stressors/traumas. You can wear shorts or briefs, sitting on the couch to watch TV, while having LM behind your legs to stretch. Every few minutes, push down a bit harder, hold for a few seconds, and slowly let go. Use the weights to hang just to gauge the amount of weight you're stretching with. 5lbs of traction force is a great start. Work up to a sudden 15lbs traction force trauma. Remember you have to condition your penis to handle the heavier traction force. Otherwise you'll rip something that you shouldn't be ripping, like your nerves or blood vessels. If you can do a full 60 minutes of LM when you're free, this is the best length of time. You may have to remove your LM wrapping to allow your blood to circulate properly every 7 to 10 minutes. Blood trapped in the glans for more than 10 minutes at any given time is a bad thing.

Yes, and yes. That feeling of internal pull with dull sensation, that is both your ligaments (near the pubic bone base along the top part of your penis) being stretched, on top of your soft tissues along the entire length of your penis. Your main focus is to only pull down, to the left, center, and right, and completely behind the butt cheeks, left, center and right. No need for cranks or upward stretches. We want the ligaments stressed and stretched.

Loose ligaments with bent penis shaft due to certain sexual positions, where the dorsal nerve and the branches are being kinked. Try it next time. Just grap half way along your penis while being erected, squeeze the mid of the shaft, and bend it downwards at a 45 degrees. After a few minutes, you'll feel your penis going numb or cold. This is kinking of nerve and blood vessel. That's what extreme sexual positions come out to, with or without the looseness of the ligaments.

When you stretch behind/between the butt cheeks (BTC), you will fix both the tight ligament issues and also perform expressive stretching to gain more development tissues to lengthen your penis. Win-win situation. LM stretches will give you length gain, and very little girth gain. LM is mainly focusing on length. To get girth rolling, pumping and jelqing routine is needed on top of the LM routine. You will get both by incorporating both routines. Expressive gains as you put it.

Here are videos for the LM. Hope these are the ones you've watch to mirror:
Brother SIM's videos:

His LM videos that focus quite a bit on the ligamentary stretches: (The Terminator pose)

Just like him, I use my feet quite a bit to stretch since I can preserve my arm in groping my wife 😉 or doing something else, like answering questions on MOS.

The amount of time spent on the LM is not 5 minutes, 2 to 3 times a day. The LM routines each stretch (left, or center, or right, then down or behind the cheeks), each specific stretch is 30 seconds I do mine up to 1 minute based on the needs. If you twist two 2 rotations, 30 to 45 seconds may be your max pain tollerance per stretch. 20 minutes per day is my usual routine workout. When I have the time, 40 minutes for my routines. If I have more time, 60 minutes, follow by 60 minutes of pumping and jelquing routines while reading the MOS posts that I missed.

For now, put aside 60 minutes a minimum for your LM routines. Just check to see if 60 minutes is enough to alleviate the kinking issues. If not, increase it towards 2 hours with increasing intensity. Perform the stretches 1 to 2 days on, 1 day off. If you can go for 2 to 3 days on, one day off, even better.
Thank you for the resources and for the boost in motivation, brother! I will get to work and I hope to achieve my goals in a timely fashion.
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  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Hi. Good to be here.
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Which forum? How do I get there?
  • Quote
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    McDong is our newest member. Welcome!
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    gabrieljones is our newest member. Welcome!
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    tbean750 is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
      P (Guest) pedguin: ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master...