From my personal experience, the blue silisleev tore at the base after 3 days of use. The Duro hasn't, but has developed small tears in the middle due to friction against flat cornering/edges.
I am now testing the new Silisleev5, and so far so good. Only been 2 days of wear....
This has happened with both the Blue Silisleeve and the clear Duro was working great had nice results with resting healing using the size genetics system..but now I have to order yet another sleeve....(fail) well hopefully 3x's a charm
Just read everything in your linked post, I agree, you should submit your idea for the new design...nice workout pics and footage. Where did you get the heat wrap in your pics? Oh and BTW nice member ?
Hi all. I'm glad you (Tuffdog), posted your tearing experiences with your sleeves. I too ripped my blue sleeves quickly. Then changed to DuraSleeves and purchased the largest one that's listed in the size choices, because I thought I was ripping them because I'm using ones that are too small. My girth right now is 5.75". I wouldn't think that would be too thick for the large dura sleeve. The larger durasleev felt really great for 2 days, but on the third day, I saw a very small area on the thicker end that looked like a nick. The next day it got bigger. Then when I struggled to use it with my new sillistretcher2, it ripped a lot, so I took it off before it ripped all the way down. For the last 2 days I've just turned to my ace bandage for staying stretched between exercises, but it's a lot of work unwrapping and rerapping every hour. And I still don't trust sleeping in the wrap all night yet. I own a Size Genetics and now that I've grown in girth, my penis doesn't fit into the S.G. when I have a sleev on, and it's not comfortable in the S.G. without a sleev plus some additional protection where it connects around the sensitive area just behind the glans. What does anyone suggest for being extended between workouts? Thanks in advance.
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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