New member
Hi everyone. Been lurking for some bit. Only recently started posting and I have enjoyed the information the brotherhood shares so I thought I would try to give something back. I've only been involved in PE since Dec 2022. Pleased with my gains so far but thought I would like to throw something out there that maybe a few of you would consider trying. I have over 35 years of background in working with athletes, military units, increase performance, injuries,etc. So I thought I would give back by making suggestions on a topic I am well versed on - PHYSICAL RECOVERY. I know supplements like arginine and citrulline have been recommended for PE. Those help with blood flow, nitric oxide,etc but what if there was a supplement you could take to speed up recovery of damaged tissue (that's what we are doing when we practice PE)? Quicker recovery means quicker development. The penis is not a muscle, but damaged tissue is damaged tissue. The body tries to find a way to heal whether its a muscle, a tendon , a bone,etc.
CISSUS (also nicknamed "the bonesetter")
This has been my go to for years with injuries. Quick personal story had an injury that was going to have me wrapped up for about 17 weeks. I was back on my feet and back at it in 7 weeks. I have put people on programs of Cissus who have had injuries (tendons, ligaments, broken bones,etc) over the years and every single time the end result is the same. It cuts recovery time in half or more. Here are a few informational links on the healing properties of Cissus:
Athletes Turn to the Remarkable Restorative Agent Cissus Quadrangularis to Strengthen Joints
Peptides have been around forever (technically since I think the 50s). But in the last couple of years they are gaining a lot of public attention because of how effective they are. There are peptides for just about anything (injury recovery, weight loss, glucose balance, hair rewgrowth,etc).
One specific peptide (BPC-157) has been getting a ton of attention because of it's ability to heal injuries including things like nerve damage and even injuries that are years old. You guys would be interested in it because of its properties of wound healing, blood vessel growth and nitric oxide generation. Below are a few links to information about BPC 157:
Anyway just thought I would share. The links I provided I am not affiliated with. I do not know those people. They were just random Google searches to help get those of you going who might be interested in learning more. There are even peptides to break down scar tissue - this might help some of you that were too aggressive and ended creating unnecessary scar tissue which can hinder your PE goals.
Once again I am new to PE and am not claiming these resources will improve your PE development. These are simply suggestions based on my experience of working with what is basically "breaking down tissue and rebuilding it as quickly as possible" for decades. I would love to be able to tell you these products added countless inches to my PE protocol, but I cannot because of my lifestyle I am already taking supplements for recovery from my training. So I don't have a baseline to compare to.. But for those of you who have been in the PE game for awhile and havent modified your nutrition/supplementation to work towards your PE goal, you have a baseline that should you decide to start adding recovery agents you would get some credible feedback on whether these recovery agents help your PE program or not. Thanks again to the brotherhood for all the great information. I hope I was able to give a little something back that helps.
CISSUS (also nicknamed "the bonesetter")
This has been my go to for years with injuries. Quick personal story had an injury that was going to have me wrapped up for about 17 weeks. I was back on my feet and back at it in 7 weeks. I have put people on programs of Cissus who have had injuries (tendons, ligaments, broken bones,etc) over the years and every single time the end result is the same. It cuts recovery time in half or more. Here are a few informational links on the healing properties of Cissus:
Athletes Turn to the Remarkable Restorative Agent Cissus Quadrangularis to Strengthen Joints
Peptides have been around forever (technically since I think the 50s). But in the last couple of years they are gaining a lot of public attention because of how effective they are. There are peptides for just about anything (injury recovery, weight loss, glucose balance, hair rewgrowth,etc).
One specific peptide (BPC-157) has been getting a ton of attention because of it's ability to heal injuries including things like nerve damage and even injuries that are years old. You guys would be interested in it because of its properties of wound healing, blood vessel growth and nitric oxide generation. Below are a few links to information about BPC 157:
Anyway just thought I would share. The links I provided I am not affiliated with. I do not know those people. They were just random Google searches to help get those of you going who might be interested in learning more. There are even peptides to break down scar tissue - this might help some of you that were too aggressive and ended creating unnecessary scar tissue which can hinder your PE goals.
Once again I am new to PE and am not claiming these resources will improve your PE development. These are simply suggestions based on my experience of working with what is basically "breaking down tissue and rebuilding it as quickly as possible" for decades. I would love to be able to tell you these products added countless inches to my PE protocol, but I cannot because of my lifestyle I am already taking supplements for recovery from my training. So I don't have a baseline to compare to.. But for those of you who have been in the PE game for awhile and havent modified your nutrition/supplementation to work towards your PE goal, you have a baseline that should you decide to start adding recovery agents you would get some credible feedback on whether these recovery agents help your PE program or not. Thanks again to the brotherhood for all the great information. I hope I was able to give a little something back that helps.