is there any benefit of using shilajit as topical rub a dub for recovery?
since it has alot of minerals and seems to be proven to help heal bones lol
will it benefit the big bone recovery in anyway?
is there any benefit of using shilajit as topical rub a dub for recovery?
since it has alot of minerals and seems to be proven to help heal bones lol
will it benefit the big bone recovery in anyway?
i had an eye twitch for about 2 months after getting flu this january. nothing was helping. and my coworker left it at work and i kinda comandeered the bottle for few weeks.
and my eye twitch went away.
and now every time i get stressed out the eye twitch comes back. until i take shilajit and it goes away next day. i still have no idea why its happening. obviously not ideal. but i started reading about its medical uses. and it seems to have been used successfully to heal many things.
including broken bones as topical application. was just wondering since i have it if it would benefit anything for PE.
maybe you can check it out and see if there is any beneficial components in it for recovery for this purpose. i dont know enough about chemistry
I have the blisque brand shilajit+. It is not cheap, i dont use it for p.e. but a supplement to gain energy and the possibility of higher testosterones levels. In that aspect it has benefited my day to day living.
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