Well, I went to a party of hers! Holy shit, when she is drunk she is kissing everyone in the room. It was so bad for me to even go. She soon was topless and dancing around the room. I just went into a different room. She followed me and slapped me and said something like "You are making it seem like I am a whore!" In all honesty, I think she is WAY to sexual. That night I lied down with her and she started fooling around with me! I dunno what I ever saw in her. It is all cool when you never had those "feeling" for her. I did. IT sucked watching her get around the room kissing everyone being naked. She says she trusts her friends but I feel they just like to watch her go. I even heard one to take her shirt off. What friend is that? Well, I got pretty pissed and I punched a hole in the apartment walls. Thank god no one knew it was me. When she goes to college she is gonna get a train ran on her. I think I am over reacting a little but I never seen anything like it she was the only one too. She has had sex with 6 guys within one year and she lost her virginity mid-way through that year. She isn't the girl I even dated just has such slutty qualities.