Question: Best device for PE? [Question by: @bigforbigger].


Staff member
@bigforbigger answering you hear instead. Due the fact that we want to keep progress threads stay as progress threads.

What do you guys say is best device for PE? I've been bag hanging started 10lbs in March now 20 lbs and gained like 1/8"-1/4" doing 10-15 mins 5 days/week and some pumping. 7 3/4" nbpel x 6" G

You want the LENGTHMASTER 3 for lengthwork, and the MityVac pump for girthwork.

I have gained over 3 inches BPEL, with the LENGTHMASTER 3 already. The MityVac is more comfortable and easier to use then a Bathmate pump.

If you need more guidance I'm here to help.

Kind regards.
Thank you for your direction and time! Your results are mind boggling. Congrats! About how much time have you invested into the length master? Kind regards,
You can check out my; 🔗 Logbook/Progress thread.
I started to stretch with the LENGTHMASTER 3, date: 2023.03.14 (YEAR.MONTH.DAY). I didn't use LM3 in the beginning. But over 3 inches in total.

Don't focus on me. Focus on your own journey this is important.

I'm here to help. 🙂