Please make sure you do not upload other members photos and videos.
If you upload copies of photos/videos of another member, there will be multiple copies in the Media albums and it will be very confusing for other members.
The uploader's username will be there, and some may belive the picture is of this users penis, or that the user is the orginal creator of that content. In my option this is not optimal.
What you need to do if the picure already exist on the forum, is to link to the pictures.
Either by using this BBCODE:
And you put the URL to the specified photo between the two tags, instead of the dotted line.
Or you can use this method.
Do this for vidoes as well.
I hope everyone understands why we need to have this structure. If we see this happening, I will post a comment about it in the specific thread and try to guide you.
Do not copy videos and photos from the forums and post them with your username, this will create unnessesary unstructure in the brotherhood.
If you upload copies of photos/videos of another member, there will be multiple copies in the Media albums and it will be very confusing for other members.
The uploader's username will be there, and some may belive the picture is of this users penis, or that the user is the orginal creator of that content. In my option this is not optimal.
What you need to do if the picure already exist on the forum, is to link to the pictures.
Either by using this BBCODE:
And you put the URL to the specified photo between the two tags, instead of the dotted line.
Or you can use this method.
Do this for vidoes as well.
I hope everyone understands why we need to have this structure. If we see this happening, I will post a comment about it in the specific thread and try to guide you.
Do not copy videos and photos from the forums and post them with your username, this will create unnessesary unstructure in the brotherhood.
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