Plastics Ruining tes levels


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Hey guys, so recently (about 3 months ago) I started sleeping on a gym mat because I really hate soft mattresses. This gym mat has a faux leather texture, and I recently realised this material contains phthalates, a chemical which is oestrogenic. I've recently been feeling like shit and my eq is terrible. I was wondering if anyone here could let me know their thoughts on the affect of long term contact and what I could do to regain EQ and potentially tes levels. I'm really hoping this is reversible.

Many thanks.
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Hey guys, so recently (about 3 months ago) I started sleeping on a gym mat because I really hate soft mattresses. This gym mat has a faux leather texture, and I recently realised this material contains phthalates, a chemical which is oestrogenic. I've recently been feeling like shit and my eq is terrible. I was wondering if anyone here could let me know their thoughts on the affect of long term contact and what I could do to regain EQ and potentially tes levels. I'm really hoping this is reversible.

Many thanks.

That sounds scary but I think it something we will be able to help you with. The first I would stop using the mat if you think that’s causing an issue. Or you could put a bed sheet over it. But what I’d really like to know is if you’re doing your pelvic floor muscle exercises? This is the most vital part of keeping excellent EQ
That sounds scary but I think it something we will be able to help you with. The first I would stop using the mat if you think that’s causing an issue. Or you could put a bed sheet over it. But what I’d really like to know is if you’re doing your pelvic floor muscle exercises? This is the most vital part of keeping excellent EQ
So I got rid of the mat as soon as I posted. I haven't been doing much of the exercises recently, and I'm starting to get back into it. I also have a theory that my lack of exercise recently might also contribute to the issue (recovering from injuries). Pelvic floor is a good thing to work on actually, so I'll get back to daily kegels along with the testicle health massage. If this lasts for more than a week or 2 I'm gonna get a blood test for hormone levels, but I'm currently hoping that now I've got rid of the main exposure issue, all these symptoms will disappear.
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So I got rid of the mat as soon as I posted. I haven't been doing much of the exercises recently, and I'm starting to get back into it. I also have a theory that my lack of exercise recently might also contribute to the issue (recovering from injuries). Pelvic floor is a good thing to work on actually, so I'll get back to daily kegels along with the testicle health massage. If this lasts for more than a week or 2 I'm gonna get a blood test for hormone levels, but I'm currently hoping that now I've got rid of the main exposure issue, all these symptoms will disappear.

I’m praying that they go away for you too my brother. I’m glad that you’ve changed the situation. I’m also happy to hear that you’re going to start working on your pelvic floor muscles, this is so important in every single way
I just found out my favorite lotion that I use for edging and skin care is full of parabens. <sigh> They're another xenoestrogen thingummy.
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I just found out my favorite lotion that I use for edging and skin care is full of parabens. <sigh> They're another xenoestrogen thingummy.

I don’t understand what that means, what’s wrong with your lotion that causes issues?
The parabens are absorbed through the skin, and tilt the testosterone/estrogen balance more toward estrogen. Oddly, almost all plastics/additives/etc. seem to do that.
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The parabens are absorbed through the skin, and tilt the testosterone/estrogen balance more toward estrogen. Oddly, almost all plastics/additives/etc. seem to do that.

Very interesting information. I’m gonna read about this and I appreciate your response
The parabens are absorbed through the skin, and tilt the testosterone/estrogen balance more toward estrogen. Oddly, almost all plastics/additives/etc. seem to do that.
That fucking sucks man, now you've stopped though so be glad you realised when you did. I recommend bio oil and coconut oil.
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