Penis Enlargement Costs
Most of these methods are inconclusive whether they truly give any penis size gains. I can only advise on the methods I have used and the men I have spoken with that have tried some of the other methods. Natural Penis Enlargement helped me gain about 3 inches in length and 1.5 inches in girth. At this point I started using the Power Assist and Hanging Weights which help me add an additional inch of length. I recently started using a to supplement my length efforts but it is too early to give a thorough review. My program has mainly been a natural penis enlargement effort.
I have members who have used Penis Enlargement Pills (including patches or creams) that claim that they did not make penis size gains until they started using manual exercises in addition to the supplements they were taking. Many of the members at Matters of Size use Penis Enlargement Pumps and these men tell me that they are a great addition to the MoS girth program but in no way a substitute. Penis enlargement pumps are largely used to give a temporary increase in girth.
Finally there is the penis enlargement surgery option and I have encountered a handful of men who have braved the scalpel all who give a similar experience...no gains in erect size with approximately a 1" gain in flaccid size. This is due to the suspensory ligament (see penis anatomy) being cut during the surgery which enables the penis to hang longer in it's flaccid state. At the close of the surgery the doctors usually suggests weight hanging for additional length. This hardly seems worth the money and risk. Fat injections are somewhat new but I have seen many pictures and the result is quite sickening.
Although I am bias, but remember this is for good reason, natural penis enlargement gives maximum gains with very little risk at a nominal cost. The Matters of Size Program costs $49.95 for a life time membership, isn't your penis worth it?