No erection


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Hi guys
today I went to see an escort
I haven't had an erection and I don't understand what the problem is
afterward, she didn't want us to kiss or touch
She started sucking but I didn't get an erection?
I'm depressed
We just discussed about a similar issue at this post for Possible symptom(s)/advisement

It can be psychologically, but at the same time, it may be 90% physiologically. Being 90% physiologically, that is a lot of ground to cover. This means it starts with blood level measurement for testosterone. If you can get an erection through stimulation, that's a great start. Now, the question is, does it last? The secondary is does it comes and goes, or is this shyness? Shyness is an indicator of psychological. Most guys who have a hot escort will have their little guys doing salutes. Shyness may cause an erection issue, but it literally goes away the moment the blood goes into sexual boiling mode.
We just discussed about a similar issue at this post for Possible symptom(s)/advisement

It can be psychologically, but at the same time, it may be 90% physiologically. Being 90% physiologically, that is a lot of ground to cover. This means it starts with blood level measurement for testosterone. If you can get an erection through stimulation, that's a great start. Now, the question is, does it last? The secondary is does it comes and goes, or is this shyness? Shyness is an indicator of psychological. Most guys who have a hot escort will have their little guys doing salutes. Shyness may cause an erection issue, but it literally goes away the moment the blood goes into sexual boiling mode.
I also think it's psychological
This is the first time my penis hasn't risen
I wasn't excited and I was a little angry with the escort
At the time I wasn't excited at all.
0 excitement
Good to know you've deduced the issue. If there was an emotion involvement with the escort prior to the sexual act, that would truly kill the mood. Commonly, when I got into arguments with my wife and she wanted make-up sex, the only way to get into the mood was reset my brain. Cold shower or just shower together, eat a bit of sweets to get the endorphin going, cuddle while stimulating the erogenous zones, then go for broke. Going from anger to excitement will take the minds of those who can fully isolate their emotions. Young virile bucks can do that with ease as their hormones are going wild to fertilize every walking female. Not so much for older men as we are more selective.
Good to know you've deduced the issue. If there was an emotion involvement with the escort prior to the sexual act, that would truly kill the mood. Commonly, when I got into arguments with my wife and she wanted make-up sex, the only way to get into the mood was reset my brain. Cold shower or just shower together, eat a bit of sweets to get the endorphin going, cuddle while stimulating the erogenous zones, then go for broke. Going from anger to excitement will take the minds of those who can fully isolate their emotions. Young virile bucks can do that with ease as their hormones are going wild to fertilize every walking female. Not so much for older men as we are more selective.
I am 25 years old
and i'm in good health, but I was very disappointed with the escort because she wants me to have an erection only by sucking me while I have 0 arousal
Hi guys
today I went to see an escort
I haven't had an erection and I don't understand what the problem is
afterward, she didn't want us to kiss or touch
She started sucking but I didn't get an erection?
I'm depressed
This was probably because it was an escort, no feelings involved in the sex act?
I am 25 years old and i'm in good health, but I was very disappointed with the escort because she wants me to have an erection only by sucking me while I have 0 arousal

Yep. This is no frill sex act. If you can get an erection via stimulation without any issue, it's definitely emotional and psychological fronts. If you can't simply get an erection through pure stimulation, there's a secondary component to your sexual arousal requirements: stimuli of emotion and psychological beside physical stimuli.

Next time, perform a reset. A nice warm shower to freshen up without the sexual acts, with both of you caressing each other, can get the mood rolling regardless of the prior events. Otherwise, a bit of dilating mechanism, such as alcohols or foods, will get things heading the right way.
yes she refuses foreplay, she told me that it's only for her husband
and I was disappointed so I had no desire for her
That is the reason for no erection.
Personally I can not get erected if there is no feelings to the woman.
I can not just have sex, just for sake of having sex.

There need to be feelings involved.
That is the reason for no erection.
Personally I can not get erected if there is no feelings to the woman.
I can not just have sex, just for sake of having sex.

There need to be feelings involved.
you reassure me my brother
I was so disgusted, and this fear of sex left me without an erection
Yep. This is no frill sex act. If you can get an erection via stimulation without any issue, it's definitely emotional and psychological fronts. If you can't simply get an erection through pure stimulation, there's a secondary component to your sexual arousal requirements: stimuli of emotion and psychological beside physical stimuli.

Next time, perform a reset. A nice warm shower to freshen up without the sexual acts, with both of you caressing each other, can get the mood rolling regardless of the prior events. Otherwise, a bit of dilating mechanism, such as alcohols or foods, will get things heading the right way.
me if I'm not excited I can't get an erection
you reassure me my brother
I was so disgusted, and this fear of sex left me without an erection
Wait with sex for that special one.
It's better to get a woman you really love, and care about before you have sex.
Quality before quantity. Don't let lack of sex, drive you as a man.
thank you for the advice it must be a lack of desire and excitement
and also a little stress
Believe me, I go through stress every single day and sometimes it becomes impossible to do any p. E or get an erection that I need. I found that through relaxation and meditation, I'm able to become what I wanted to do.
Believe me, I go through stress every single day and sometimes it becomes impossible to do any p. E or get an erection that I need. I found that through relaxation and meditation, I'm able to become what I wanted to do.
What really stresses me out is showing my penis in its flaccid state.
it is too small and shrink
as if I have no gains in flaccid state
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The reason you didn’t get an erection is most likely because it was escort. There’s no emotion involved or true intimacy.

Get yourself a girlfriend leave the hookers to the junkies.
I feel helpless my brother, my size flaccid and like yours in your picture
and I can't accept it myself

I’m sorry brother!

Stop the hookers and start working on yourself physically and emotionally.

1. mediation
2. Self motivation talk
3. Start exercising
4. Start eating a bit healthier
5. Start reading
6. Start talking to women, not escorts
7. Go to events and meet people
8. Have fun!
9. start praying 🤲

Mantra for you:
I’m fearless
I’m shameless
I’m doubtless

self talk!
I’m worthy of love
I love myself physically and emotionally
I love myself
What really stresses me out is showing my penis in its flaccid state.
it is too small and shrink
as if I have no gains in flaccid state
If you want a longer heavier penis , I highly recommend you do the ball and lig stretch
I have been where you are before. My suggested is to just work on yourself.

I’ll be honest I’m not actively seeking right now, but I do like to talk to beautiful women.

keep us updated. I wish you all the best ❤️
I already found a woman who loves me a lot but I broke up with her because I don't want to be in a relationship before solving my problem
What really stresses me out is showing my penis in its flaccid state.
it is too small and shrink
as if I have no gains in flaccid state

I can truly say that this applies to all guys, even during PE journeys. It's not about how it appears flaccid before a female. It's ultimately boils down to how it salutes when she can excite you. Think of your manhood as the meter of compatibility. If the females can't excite you, they are not part of your life in the long term. If you want to stress yourself over the flaccid appears, we all go through the same thing to make our flaccid appearance more noticeable. But you must put this at the fore front of your mind, "Who am I trying to convince with my longer flaccid appearance?"

Do it for yourself before trying to impress others. I like my flaccid hang long because it sucks to have the little guy turtle up into my body during cold days or coming out of a chilly area/water. It feels like a walnut is pressing into my pelvic region, and quite hard to urinate on demand without having to warm it up first.

I have a question my brother
throughout your journey have you had any flaccid gains

Mine was in the 4in to 5in erected territory, and flaccid was around 2.5in before my PE. Most of us won't magically have a full flaccid like the erected length without of dedicated work put in.

Be assured at what efforts you put in, the same amount of reward you get at your goal. If you are inconsistent, so will your results be. Most of the ultimate gainers poured their sweats, bloods and pains into the PE art. You'll get there.
I really need to get rid of this stress and these negative thoughts

since the day before yesterday I haven't had an erection because of that, even with adult entertainment,
I only think about that and add stress to my mind
I have a question my brother
throughout your journey have you had any flaccid gains
A lot of flaccid gains, but they came much later, compared to my erected gains. Before my flaccid penis/shaft didn't hang past my balls, but now it's hanging past my balls. This was accomplished with manual stretches and a penis elongated wrap.

Just keep at it and you will see flaccid gains as well. Keep your penis in an elogated healing position throughout the day (not at night, when you sleep), + do: Ball & Lig Stretches, and you will see flaccid gains as well.

These things take time.
I really need to get rid of this stress and these negative thoughts

since the day before yesterday I haven't had an erection because of that, even with ����,
I only think about that and add stress to my mind
Not all women deserves your erection.
Meditate on that, and then let it go.
A lot of flaccid gains, but they came much later, compared to my erected gains. Before my flaccid penis/shaft didn't hang past my balls, but now it's hanging past my balls. This was accomplished with manual stretches and a penis elongated wrap.

Just keep at it and you will see flaccid gains as well. Keep your penis in an elogated healing position throughout the day (not at night, when you sleep), + do: Ball & Lig Stretches, and you will see flaccid gains as well.

These things take time.
Okay my brother I will follow your advice
I have to integrate kegels into my program, Ball & Lig Stretches and wrap all day
Okay my brother I will follow your advice
I have to integrate kegels into my program, Ball & Lig Stretches and wrap all day
+ do reverse Kegel when you are stretching. That is: Relax your PC muscles fully when you stretch. You should feel a stretch in your inner penis and the ligaments (mainly: Fundiform and Suspensory).

I really need to get rid of this stress and these negative thoughts

since the day before yesterday I haven't had an erection because of that, even with ����,
I only think about that and add stress to my mind

Prayer and meditation is so important to stress. I will pray for you and I only ask that you pray for me. I know you're gonna recover completely and your mind will eventually understand that just keep at it.
I tried to masturbate
I got an erection while watching adult entertainment but had no sensation or real orgasm and ejaculated a little
I have a lack of libido and I have lost my morning erections
I tried to masturbate
I got an erection while watching ���� but had no sensation or real orgasm and ejaculated a little
I have a lack of libido and I have lost my morning erections
� is not the same as a real woman.
If you obsess over these things, it can interfer with the erection quality and make it worse.
� is not the same as a real woman.
If you obsess over these things, it can interfer with the erection quality and make it worse.
of my last experience that I spoke to you about, that's all I'm thinking about
and it really made things worse
I'm going to stop watching adult entertainment and no masturbation and I'm not going to think about it too much
of my last experience that I spoke to you about, that's all I'm thinking about
and it really made things worse
I'm going to stop watching ���� and no masturbation and I'm not going to think about it too much
That is a good plan.
Don't let that experience drain any more energy, this will drain you physically and emotionally/mentally.

It's easy for me to say this, but this is the only way.

Personally I experience bad:
Post-event Processing And Social Anxiety from time to time (not always).

Maybe what you are experiencing is similar, you try to Over-analyze everything/past experiences from a subconscious belief.
That this will fix the situation that happend, or protect you from this from happening in the future. But I don't believe this will solve anything. this will only drain you.

Best you can do is to let it go.
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That is a good plan.
Don't let that experience drain any more energy, this will drain you physically and emotionally/mentally.

It's easy for me to say this, but this is the only way.

Personally I experience bad:
Post-event Processing And Social Anxiety from time to time (not always).

Maybe what you are experiencing is similar, you try to Over-analyze everything/past experiences from a subconscious belief.
That this will fix the situation that happend, or protect you from this from happening in the future. But I don't believe this will solve anything. this will only drain you.

Best you can do is to let it go.
you're absolutely right
I analyze everything and even the smallest nonsense
I think too much and like you said, it drains me physically and emotionally/mentally.
and everything I do is so I don't encounter this in the future
you know this stress and thinking too much about it, imagine that makes me have no sensation on my penis
it's crazy it looks like anesthesia
you're absolutely right
I analyze everything and even the smallest nonsense
I think too much and like you said, it drains me physically and emotionally/mentally.
and everything I do is so I don't encounter this in the future
I know what you are saying because of my Post-event Processing And Social Anxiety (from time to time).

But this can close us off from the world, and other people.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is good for this.
It have helped me.
I know what you are saying because of my Post-event Processing And Social Anxiety (from time to time).

But this can close us off from the world, and other people.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is good for this.
It have helped me.
I greatly appreciate your advice my brother,
a week ago I had too much confidence in myself I told myself I'm never going to stress again
After all, everything fell apart and I came back to the starting point.
I greatly appreciate your advice my brother,
a week ago I had too much confidence in myself I told myself I'm never going to stress again
After all, everything fell apart and I came back to the starting point.
Confidence comes from within, start from there.

You know about "Alpha" males trying to act macho (masculine in an overly assertive or aggressive way), they are in fact very insecure in themselves.
Confidence comes from within, start from there.

You know about "Alpha" males trying to act macho (masculine in an overly assertive or aggressive way), they are in fact very insecure in themselves.
I think on this point you are right me for example I always try to act like an alpha man
but when I'm alone I have a bit of a lack of self-confidence
I always try to show the good version of myself I wanted to be perfect all the time
I think on this point you are right me for example I always try to act like an alpha man
but when I'm alone I have a bit of a lack of self-confidence
I always try to show the good version of myself I wanted to be perfect all the time
No none can be perfect. Perfect do not exist the universe goes to entropy, not the other way around

"the second law of thermodynamics says that entropy always increases with time" <=> lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.

If we can let go of trying to be pefect to everyone around us, from this point forward we are free.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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