Newbie Questions


New member
Wassup guys, I just got my HydroXtreme7 in the mail today and was pretty excited to get at it. First question I have about the process is the sets of time and how spaced out they should be. As of right now I'm doing 3 5 minute sessions in close proximity (one 20-25 minute shower) and I'd like to know if that's to close together and could be affecting later gains. Second question I have is after a set of pumping (flaccid) I remove the HydroXtreme from my penis and while noticeably girthier for a short time, the penis is coming out with a zigzag type shape that is raising some concerns. I don't know if this is natural for some people or if it could cause problems with my shape later on with extended use. As for the third question, should I get semi erect for sessions with my pump or go in flaccid as I currently am, or go in entirely erect? Finally should there be a progression of pump pressure from low to high or should I be aiming to get maximum pressure every set? I appreciate any info yall have got to offer.
Wassup guys, I just got my HydroXtreme7 in the mail today and was pretty excited to get at it. First question I have about the process is the sets of time and how spaced out they should be. As of right now I'm doing 3 5 minute sessions in close proximity (one 20-25 minute shower) and I'd like to know if that's to close together and could be affecting later gains. Second question I have is after a set of pumping (flaccid) I remove the HydroXtreme from my penis and while noticeably girthier for a short time, the penis is coming out with a zigzag type shape that is raising some concerns. I don't know if this is natural for some people or if it could cause problems with my shape later on with extended use. As for the third question, should I get semi erect for sessions with my pump or go in flaccid as I currently am, or go in entirely erect? Finally should there be a progression of pump pressure from low to high or should I be aiming to get maximum pressure every set? I appreciate any info yall have got to offer.

Thanks for your question my brother. you want to use your BM within the SRT methodology which means you should be using the 5×5×3. You enter your pump fully erect and you should subside to about 90% which is the optimum place to be. Try this and expect to see incredible expansion. Let me know what happens