Newbie discolouration question


New member
Hey guys complete newbie to PE, ordered a bathmate excited for it to arrive so I can start making some gains. Hoping some of the guys who have been at it for a while can shed some light on this topic for me. My penis is already quite dark compared to the rest of my body, not sure why but it's been that way for as long as I can remember. I don't want it to get any worse. Is there any ways to prevent discolouration when using the bathmate? I've read people talking about the MOSRED I believe it's called but right now I can't afford it. Is there any free or cheap alternatives? Or bathmate routines to prevent discolouration. Any advice would be appreciated cheers
If you can’t afford the MOS-RED right away then just buy yourself a cheap Infrared lamp to start off with.

Also, another way to maybe prevent discoloration is to roll your penis back and forth between your hands/palms almost like giving it a mild massage. I do this after every pumping set. Also try to limit your time in the pump for a max of 5 min each set. The longer you stay in the pump without a break, the more brusing you’ll get in my experience.

Edit: Forgot to mention that you’ll need to do SSJ’s(Slow Squash Jelqs) as well for maximum girth gains. They might also maybe help prevent discoloration but most importantly it reduces fluid retention. 5 min pump, then 4x1 min SSJ, and repeat that 3 times in total. Do it at least once a day, and if your penis can handle it after a while do it two times per day.
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Penis Enlargement and discoloration go hand in hand, you can find ways to reduce it and keep it at bay. Especially in the glans if you are using LENGTHMASTER 3. MOS-RED does a wonderful job of keeping discoloration at bay in the glans.

To massage your penis with heat/warmth can also work. But discoloration will always follow PE.
I think the best thing to do is just do accept the fact that you can keep it at bay, but not fully get rid of it.

I have been told that when you stop Penis Enlargement it will be reduced over time, but during your PE journey it's hard to reduce it fully. Bathmate does a wonderful job of creating discoloration, especially if you are using it without the "comfort insert", and the gator 🐊 are "biting" you all the time.

Gator 🐊 = Rubber creases in the base of the Bathmate pump, that your penis expands hard into. Not the most comfortable feeling.

Here is a sample:
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