Moving from Hydromax7 to Hydromax9

When’s the best time to move up? Because... I already have a Hydromax7 and a Hydromax9.

I started right around 6.0 BPEL, so I’ve only been using the Hydromax7; however, I can easily pump to 7.0” now, and can just get to 7 1/8” consistently. The width of my dick looks like it almost fills the cylinder (just over 5.5” when done pumping), but the depth (top of dick to bottom of dick) does not fill the cylinder.

So, when is the best time to transition? Wait until I pack the Hydromax7? Make the jump once I get to 7.5” consistently? Do 1-2 sessions with the Hydromax7, and the final 1 or 2 with the Hydromax9?

I’ve searched the forums but can’t seem to find an answer... thanks in advance
Usually a switch in pump is due to too much girth. I’ve always suggested that men get the biggest pump they can handle so you save money on buying a new pump down the road. Even if you have a lot of extra space if you use the wine vacuum modification it’ll make no difference how big the pump is you’ll get superior vacuum.
So..... I bought a wine vac from Bed Bath and Beyond today, wow!!! Best $9.99 ever spent!!!! But be careful!!! The expansion and pull even feels different than compressing the Bathmate.

Starting stats: about 6.0 BPEL, about 5.0 EG... can easily pump to just over 7” in Hydromax7.... I’m no where ready for the Hydromax9!!!! Even when using the wine vac, the Hydromax9 is still too massive for me!!!!! Kudos to ANYONE that is using it!!!!!!!!!!!!
My last post was at the end of my second set of 5-7 minutes. I did my final set, then decided to try a 4 set (a mini set) with the Hydromax9 again. I went in hard, and it was “okay” using the wine vac.... but still, that thing is huge!

My base girth now rubs the gators of the Hydromax7, so I may still try to use the Hydromax9 some, but a Hydromax7 Wide Boy is probably the better pump for me right now... but there’s no way I’m buying a 3rd pump right now!
Awesome and I’m so glad that you’ve tried the wine vacuum as it makes the BM a beast. The amount of vacuum you can get is insane and brings expansion so quickly. Congratulations my friend now on to bigger and better things.
So.... know the Hydromax7 is hurting the base of my dick. I can pump to above the 7” or the 18 cm mark (hitting right at or just above 7 1/4”), but I don’t use the comfort sleeve, and now the base of starting to hurt. The base of my dick fills the unit, then my mid-shaft and head gets close to the cylinder wall, but if I center the pump I don’t pack it.

I keep trying to use the Hydromax9, but damn it.... that thing is HUGE! If you can fill or close to fill a Hydromax9, oh my god, WTF!!! The other day it came to me, “you fool... put the comfort sleeve in the Hydromax9 9. That will reduce the inside of it a little... allow a good seal... and you’ll be perfect.” Wrong! It still seems too big to get a good seal on my body.

Should I use vaseline or something at the base of the Hydromax9 to promote a better seal? I get it to suction, but did I pump too much (not even to max), or try to use the wine vac... the seal at the base breaks and air gets in.
Trim your pubic hair down as much as possible, rub Vaseline around the seal and it should block any air or water from being released. Is this still does not work I suggest that you turn the pump slightly to the left or right to see if that promotes a better vacuum. Some people have to turn completely upside down to get the best seal so try that also.
Great news... the Hydromax9 is working better now! I really just think the compression gator needed broken in some? After failing for maybe 3 weeks and resorting to the now too narrow Hydromax7, now the Hydromax9 works... with minimal change in my dick. Slightly more girth than 3 weeks ago (probably pushing 5 3/8” now), and can pump to 7 3/8” (originally with Hydromax7 I was only hitting my pre-bathmate BPEL of just under 6”).
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Great news... the Hydromax9 is working better now! I really just think the compression gator needed broken in some? After failing for maybe 3 weeks and resorting to the now too narrow Hydromax7, now the Hydromax9 works... with minimal change in my dick. Slightly more girth than 3 weeks ago (probably pushing 5 3/8” now), and can pump to 7 3/8” (originally with Hydromax7 I was only hitting my pre-bathmate BPEL of just under 6”).

What great news I am so happy for you! You must feel good going with the nine, that’s the big boy pump!