The silisleeve is easier to put on but my doubt is whether it will be as effective in eliminating the fluid retention, bruising and blistering as the glans is uncovered.
SiliSleeves are meant for those who start out. It's to prevent the sudden freakout due to fluid retention. However, most of those who have pumped for at least 3 months, they go slow and steady. Everyone in this brotherhood will tell you, go slow and steady. Don't just pump from 0inHg to 10inHg in less than minutes. Once you hit that 3inHg, slow down. Slow way down. No need for the SiliSleeve, and no need for the
cap. 3inHg is considered as your normal erection internal pressure. Once you hit 3inHg, get your penis as erected as you can. Balance out the internal pressure with your vacuum pressure. Creep up slowly, 0.25inHg every 20 to 30 seconds until you feel a dull expansion, then stop. STOPPPPPP!! This is your current upper pressure. By the time you complete your first 5 minutes, you will know your current low pressure, which is 3 or 3.5inHg. Your upper pressure may be 3.5, 4, 4.5, or even 5inHg. Once you hit the 4.5 and 5inHg, you are in the moderate pressure zone. Dangers are in this zone as well as you already exceeded 100% of your erectile pressure zone. It doesn't take much to injure your penis. Pay close attention to it and it will tell you when to back off.
You go too high and too fast, you will get fluid retention, bruising, and blistering at the same time. Slowly creeping up, you will get none of it.
Without a doubt what I find most comfortable is to not wear anything and have the penis uncovered, but I do not know what the risk is of bruising and blistering, since I have never had this so far (42 days with
bathmate pumping) and would not like to experience it at all.
42 days of BM pumping is not the same as 5 days of
MityVac. If you compare side by side with the BM, the
MityVac has a more consistent pressure loading all around the penis. If you use it in water, you can truly tell how much more pressure it is on the entire penis. You BM may not have the gauge, but if you compare the BM using a good gauge and the
MityVac, the
MityVac only needs 2.5inHg to 5inHg less than the BM in term of vacuum pressure to do the same job. Be very careful here. Our brothers here that have both and been using them for a while can tell you. If your BM doesn't have a gauge, and you don't use the hand pump, you're not getting the amount of pressure needed for the real expansion. You're probably hovering at 4.5inHg in the BM using the standards baffles gaiter pumping.
I would like to know your opinion on this and also what do you use in your
mityvac pumping sessions? If you don't use any kind of wrapping, do you use lubricant or not? Is it necessary to use a lubricant?
MityVac cylinder pumping is not to be compared with the BM. Although it's essential the same water-air system, the offset
cylinder for the BM has a different compressive equalization than the
MityVac cylinder type. The
MityVac cylinder type will have more influence on your penile body than due to the uniformity of the
cylinder design under vacuum pressure.
I only use wrapping at the end when I'm doing post-pumping.
Cock ring or light wrapping at the base to perform restrictive blood flow out of the penis allow the penis to heal and continue to expand for the next 60 minutes. No wrapping during pumping. If you worry about fluid retention, less time in the pump, but more reps, and increase the
SSJ reps.
Lubricant? If you use water, water will be the lubricant. If you use air, a bit of Vaseline or water base lubricant will prevent your penis from scraping against the wall. I learn to shake*shake*shake my penis in the
cylinder to prevent the penis from scraping along the
cylinder wall and not need the lubricant. My penis feels like a cock-shake after 30 to 40 minutes in the tube.