I first say: I love women, so you understand where I'm coming from. I have nothing against them. But we as man need to approach life differently.
This connects (the title) together with being red-pilled, and to women. I believe women have a harder time to think for themselves, and get out of their current paradigm, even if that paradigm doesn't serve them well (they don't see it). And they are practically living in a fairy tale. They are taught to adjust to their environment to the fullest to get the best possible man. We men need to fight for our dreams and goals. A woman can just have children and work the same job for 30 years and feel 100% content with this. Maybe not all woman are this way...but most women are this way.
Some wise men say, that a women catches the man at his finish line. Something he have worked for his entire life to get. That's why you as a man need to be careful which woman you are allowing into your life, will this woman destroy my PE goals?, for example. That's why you as a man can't prioritize a woman over yourself and your own dreams and goals. You can have a woman in your life, but if you let her determine your destiny you are going to regret it when she end the relationship, and you will regret it for the rest of your life. A man without goals and something to chase after (not women) becomes weak...there is then a greater chance for her to leave.
Women disregard every thing their abusive parent did to them, when they where a child. No encouragement, no support, no care...no sharing feeling, never to be sad...just push it all down and grow up already, otherwise you get hit and beaten.
But this way of bringing a person into this world, do not serve them well... they grow up feeling unsure of themselves, since this trauma lives with them and are impacting their current reality.
I define red-pilled as a paradigm shift, you get to, when you go through tough times and hardship...and you experience that your current reality isn't enough to satisfy you to the fullest...you feel that you could be something more in life, do something more with your life. Don't get me wrong, you can really appreciate your current reality, but still feel it should be something more to life then my current reality... I feel trapped (for example).
As a man you want to be the best version of your self as much as possible. If you watch the movie: The Matrix you will understand what I mean. On the other side (outside of the Matrix) you are looking back, and you see the abusive/destructive nature of what you where experiencing before, or how you where approaching your reality. It's a hard pill to swallow. Maybe you let people push you around? But what choice do you have? You can't exactly go back to the way things where before. That's impossible with your changed mindset regard to things.
I lost my sister today, if that isn't red-pilled I don't know what is? Not really lost but you will understand if you continue to read.
My father is really abusive (nobody sees it), and she are trying to get me together with him again. She never gives up on this... are she stupid or something? Today is my birthday and it looks like I will spend my birthday alone. No way that's happening (to see my father again). That would ruin me.
For the first time in my life I feel like I can do anything and accomplish anything I put my mind to.
These people in my family are trying to bring me down again. This is really hard.

I'm fine with that. I have 0% tolerance for this crap now. I'm not going to adjust to their abusive behavior only because, to make them feel good, and disregard myself in the process. I'm going to live my life to the fullest, not to be dragged down by my past.
I supposed this post should not have been written...but this connects so well to the red-pilled topic we have talked about before in this post:
As a man you need to be strong in your believes and values, if you compromises on this even a little, it will slowly tear you down and make you weak. Weak is dangerous to be as a man. Read this book to get a better grasp of what I'm saying: The Way of the SUPERIOR MAN by, David Deida (ISBN: 978-1-59179-257-4). This book will change your perception of what it means to be a man.
I will follow this advice from now on...it was a good thing I found this book again.
I recommend every brother to read it. It's exactly what red-pill is about.
![IMG_20230426_174658[1].jpg IMG_20230426_174658[1].jpg](https://mattersofsize.com/data/attachments/1/1049-7fe94a6c9fffa576e9f2487da86cd989.jpg?hash=ZW-2zaomFT)
Something is happening...I would never have ditch my sister in this way before (just hanged up the call and blocked her). But she started to treat me as a child, and I got enough of this abusive behavior towards me. She had the same behavior as my father towards me. If these people was not my family, they would not even be in my life...why should I allow their abusive behavior only because they are family.
The answer is: I should not. There is no going back from this...just forward. I believe this (all I wrote about above) is something a woman will never truly understand. Just look at social media, where women think they are going to attract a man, with a million dollar salary just by being beautiful and almost 30 years old. They are living in a fantasy world. They think it's attractive to be a whore and be a "boss babe". The opposite is true.
This was a rant...but these words are coming from me, and I stand 100% behind them. Read the book if you don't get why all this I wrote about is important to realize as a man.
This connects (the title) together with being red-pilled, and to women. I believe women have a harder time to think for themselves, and get out of their current paradigm, even if that paradigm doesn't serve them well (they don't see it). And they are practically living in a fairy tale. They are taught to adjust to their environment to the fullest to get the best possible man. We men need to fight for our dreams and goals. A woman can just have children and work the same job for 30 years and feel 100% content with this. Maybe not all woman are this way...but most women are this way.
Some wise men say, that a women catches the man at his finish line. Something he have worked for his entire life to get. That's why you as a man need to be careful which woman you are allowing into your life, will this woman destroy my PE goals?, for example. That's why you as a man can't prioritize a woman over yourself and your own dreams and goals. You can have a woman in your life, but if you let her determine your destiny you are going to regret it when she end the relationship, and you will regret it for the rest of your life. A man without goals and something to chase after (not women) becomes weak...there is then a greater chance for her to leave.
Women disregard every thing their abusive parent did to them, when they where a child. No encouragement, no support, no care...no sharing feeling, never to be sad...just push it all down and grow up already, otherwise you get hit and beaten.
But this way of bringing a person into this world, do not serve them well... they grow up feeling unsure of themselves, since this trauma lives with them and are impacting their current reality.
I define red-pilled as a paradigm shift, you get to, when you go through tough times and hardship...and you experience that your current reality isn't enough to satisfy you to the fullest...you feel that you could be something more in life, do something more with your life. Don't get me wrong, you can really appreciate your current reality, but still feel it should be something more to life then my current reality... I feel trapped (for example).
As a man you want to be the best version of your self as much as possible. If you watch the movie: The Matrix you will understand what I mean. On the other side (outside of the Matrix) you are looking back, and you see the abusive/destructive nature of what you where experiencing before, or how you where approaching your reality. It's a hard pill to swallow. Maybe you let people push you around? But what choice do you have? You can't exactly go back to the way things where before. That's impossible with your changed mindset regard to things.
I lost my sister today, if that isn't red-pilled I don't know what is? Not really lost but you will understand if you continue to read.
My father is really abusive (nobody sees it), and she are trying to get me together with him again. She never gives up on this... are she stupid or something? Today is my birthday and it looks like I will spend my birthday alone. No way that's happening (to see my father again). That would ruin me.
For the first time in my life I feel like I can do anything and accomplish anything I put my mind to.
These people in my family are trying to bring me down again. This is really hard.

I'm fine with that. I have 0% tolerance for this crap now. I'm not going to adjust to their abusive behavior only because, to make them feel good, and disregard myself in the process. I'm going to live my life to the fullest, not to be dragged down by my past.
I supposed this post should not have been written...but this connects so well to the red-pilled topic we have talked about before in this post:
As a man you need to be strong in your believes and values, if you compromises on this even a little, it will slowly tear you down and make you weak. Weak is dangerous to be as a man. Read this book to get a better grasp of what I'm saying: The Way of the SUPERIOR MAN by, David Deida (ISBN: 978-1-59179-257-4). This book will change your perception of what it means to be a man.
I will follow this advice from now on...it was a good thing I found this book again.
I recommend every brother to read it. It's exactly what red-pill is about.
![IMG_20230426_174658[1].jpg IMG_20230426_174658[1].jpg](https://mattersofsize.com/data/attachments/1/1049-7fe94a6c9fffa576e9f2487da86cd989.jpg?hash=ZW-2zaomFT)
Something is happening...I would never have ditch my sister in this way before (just hanged up the call and blocked her). But she started to treat me as a child, and I got enough of this abusive behavior towards me. She had the same behavior as my father towards me. If these people was not my family, they would not even be in my life...why should I allow their abusive behavior only because they are family.
The answer is: I should not. There is no going back from this...just forward. I believe this (all I wrote about above) is something a woman will never truly understand. Just look at social media, where women think they are going to attract a man, with a million dollar salary just by being beautiful and almost 30 years old. They are living in a fantasy world. They think it's attractive to be a whore and be a "boss babe". The opposite is true.
This was a rant...but these words are coming from me, and I stand 100% behind them. Read the book if you don't get why all this I wrote about is important to realize as a man.
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