Libido can also be effected by too much outside stimulation. A loss of Libido can be due to too much pornography. Libido is very dependent on desire and over exposure to sexual material may very well effect the Libido. Some times an abstinence to these materials will change the Libido and get you back to a normal sex drive.
Libido can also change with a poor diet. A healthy Libido is very dependent on a healthy diet. Too much fat or sugar is a real Libido buster. A lack of exercise can also effect the Libido. Adding a simple daily walk can do wonders for your Libido. When your diet and exercise are in order so is your Libido.
Alcohol and other mood changing drugs can really destroy the Libido. A good Libido needs clear thought and sometimes intoxication can really screw up your Libido.
In this section we will address the Libido. We will review Libido enhancers, healthy Libido foods, Libido specific exercise and some good Libido links. The Libido is the most important part of sexuality and having a good functioning Libido is extremely important.