Ok I'm new here but I have a lot of manual experience with PE- and before you ask I don't have money to buy length master or any product I'm freaking broke so please don't try to sell me anything, I'm asking a simple freaking question that not even DLD who created this exercise can't take the time to answer but instead keeps trying to spam me with trying to sell me lengthmaster etc, I can only do manual work, all I'm asking is since DLD blasters give me a great stretch can DOING THEM STRAIGHT UP HELP RAISE MY LOT? LIKE IS THIS QUESTION HARD TO ANSWER SERIOUSLY ITS A YES OR NO ANSWER- I GET A GREAT STRETCH FROM DLD blasters so thanks for inventing them but if I do them straight up and it doesn't matter how long it takes can they raise my LOT over time if done enough? Please don't try to suggest a length master or anything like that I'm freaking broke, and it's kinda sad that I came here for help and nobody can seem to give me a straight up yes or no like isn't that what this community is about? Helping people reach THEIR goals? I'll ask once again can STRETCHING STRAIGHT UP WITH DLD BLASTERS HELP RAISE SOMEONES LOT OVER TIME DOESN'T MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES? CAN IT OR NOT.