John Matrix
New member
Hello everybody. This is my first post. Back in 2012 I learned about PE from Thunder’s Place. Then I injured myself after a few aggressive jelqing sessions. Then I stopped completely in 2013 shortly after developing hard flaccid. For many years, I believed it was because of jelqing.
Recently got an epiphany and suddely realized there must be contributing factors to hard flaccid. My pelvic floor was already compromised to begin with years before prior to jelqing. I’ve experienced lots of physical injuries from sports, martial arts, body building, etc. and jelqing was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
In retrospect, now I’m certain of what all the contributing factors are. I’m 40 now, but back when I was a teenager, I played all sports in high-school. Broke my ankle, head slammed a few times on basketball poles needing surgery twice to stitch gashes, ribs broken from JiuJitsu and boxing twice. When I was 20 years old, I injured my lower back which induced L4 and L5 bulging discs. I literally stopped all forms of physical activities.
I then got into the software industry where I began sitting at a desk for 20 years typing. My posture was like so off. Slouching all day everyday at the computer. I develop this nasty pelvic tilt and walked with a hunched back.
So, all that certainly traumatized my lower back. Other muscles settled a certain way trying to compensate for the lack of stability and alignment, my body desperately trying to protect injured, vulnerable and weak areas. And the muscles trying to compensate were already weak to began with and couldn’t support what was considered baseline. I became sedentary. Sometimes my bulbous spongiosis and perineal would become completely numb from sitting all day. My seat bone was on fire and feels like I have a golf ball in my rectum. Constant all day and night pain. It would hurt to have sex overusing my kegals to bust a nut. Giving myself horrendous cramps which created shooting pain from my pelvis all the way up to my glands. I last a long time during sex, so imagine not being able bust a nut, and kegaling like crazy for 10-15 straight to finish.
After some time sitting in a damn chair for so many years, my glutes, legs, abs, back muscles became inactive and comprised. My pelvic floor became chronically tight. Desperately compensating with other weak muscles to keep me going. My fascia remolded into this new model of how my body learned to function. Pelvic tilt, hunching my back, walking using hip flexors. My posture, my back muscles, lower deep abs everything you name it was weak. My hips pop and sacroiliac joints burns.That’s what could happen if you have a desk job and allow yourself to remain sedentary.
Then I contracted prostatitis from perform anal to my wife. That was an interesting time. Prostatitis is well known to put your pelvic floor into trauma for a long time. At this point my pelvic floor was failing. I was starting to get this weird mild incontenance. Like I wasn’t pooping on myself, but liquid was always at surface level. That went away recently
At this point all the contributing factors was doing a number to my pelvic floor. My body started to break down. Last year I was having problems with heavy legs and went to the doctor and found out that I had chronic venous insufficiency. The valves in my legs for blood going up and down wasn’t working. I was scheduled to get my greater venous veins stripped out, so the blood can reroute. I canceled my appointment and decided I was going to stretch and work out and do calisthenics every day then recheck. Lo and behold, after a year, I cured my venous insufficiency and didn’t need surgery anymore. My legs were back to normal levels. I believe that condition was induced my sedentary lifestyle and all the rest of those contributing factors. I’m certain they’re inductions to my chronic pelvic issues.
Recently, I just cured the pain at my seat bone area, and no longer have that golf ball pain at the rectum as well.
Anyways, those are my beliefs for that matter. Doing what works for me. And I’m not here to challenge or contend with anyone else’s beliefs. Everybody’s entitled to their own, and I don’t judge. Everybody’s journey is different. Many contributing factors in their lives have nuanced everybody’s path and shaped their methodology of their PE routines. Now I understand why when people ask questions, the answers aren’t always cut and dry. Just like how everybody grows at different levels and different times. So now I’m healing myself from hard flaccid and chronic pelvic pain. The things that I’m doing are working. Also, I make a conscious effort to relax the floor constantly. I’m not out of the forest yet, but I’m past the bears and the crocodiles.
When I am fully healed, I want to continue PE with a normal functioning pelvic floor and condition muscles all around. I realize it’s very important to know the anatomy, have patience, the importance of ritual and community. You must know your body and listen to it. I’m going to create another post asking about stretchers with and without suction cups. I apologize in advance If this wasn’t a place to introduce myself and tell my high-level story. And also wanna apologize for all the typos and grammar mistakes, I didn’t proofread or check because I am in a hurry.
**Updated and edited** 12/2/2023
Rewritten, added more details that were forgotten, spilt into paragraphs.
Also, happy to report hard flaccid 50-60% cured. Going on 10 days. Original hard flaccid occurred 2011-2018. Latest hard flaccid started November 2023-current
**Update** 1/12/2023 my hard flaccid is 80% cured. I’ve been symptom-free for 2-weeks straight. After I am convinced 100% cured for an acceptable amount of time, I’ll post the program that works for me. Hopefully that’ll help others. That being said, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. Excited to start PE. Getting closer
Recently got an epiphany and suddely realized there must be contributing factors to hard flaccid. My pelvic floor was already compromised to begin with years before prior to jelqing. I’ve experienced lots of physical injuries from sports, martial arts, body building, etc. and jelqing was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
In retrospect, now I’m certain of what all the contributing factors are. I’m 40 now, but back when I was a teenager, I played all sports in high-school. Broke my ankle, head slammed a few times on basketball poles needing surgery twice to stitch gashes, ribs broken from JiuJitsu and boxing twice. When I was 20 years old, I injured my lower back which induced L4 and L5 bulging discs. I literally stopped all forms of physical activities.
I then got into the software industry where I began sitting at a desk for 20 years typing. My posture was like so off. Slouching all day everyday at the computer. I develop this nasty pelvic tilt and walked with a hunched back.
So, all that certainly traumatized my lower back. Other muscles settled a certain way trying to compensate for the lack of stability and alignment, my body desperately trying to protect injured, vulnerable and weak areas. And the muscles trying to compensate were already weak to began with and couldn’t support what was considered baseline. I became sedentary. Sometimes my bulbous spongiosis and perineal would become completely numb from sitting all day. My seat bone was on fire and feels like I have a golf ball in my rectum. Constant all day and night pain. It would hurt to have sex overusing my kegals to bust a nut. Giving myself horrendous cramps which created shooting pain from my pelvis all the way up to my glands. I last a long time during sex, so imagine not being able bust a nut, and kegaling like crazy for 10-15 straight to finish.
After some time sitting in a damn chair for so many years, my glutes, legs, abs, back muscles became inactive and comprised. My pelvic floor became chronically tight. Desperately compensating with other weak muscles to keep me going. My fascia remolded into this new model of how my body learned to function. Pelvic tilt, hunching my back, walking using hip flexors. My posture, my back muscles, lower deep abs everything you name it was weak. My hips pop and sacroiliac joints burns.That’s what could happen if you have a desk job and allow yourself to remain sedentary.
Then I contracted prostatitis from perform anal to my wife. That was an interesting time. Prostatitis is well known to put your pelvic floor into trauma for a long time. At this point my pelvic floor was failing. I was starting to get this weird mild incontenance. Like I wasn’t pooping on myself, but liquid was always at surface level. That went away recently
At this point all the contributing factors was doing a number to my pelvic floor. My body started to break down. Last year I was having problems with heavy legs and went to the doctor and found out that I had chronic venous insufficiency. The valves in my legs for blood going up and down wasn’t working. I was scheduled to get my greater venous veins stripped out, so the blood can reroute. I canceled my appointment and decided I was going to stretch and work out and do calisthenics every day then recheck. Lo and behold, after a year, I cured my venous insufficiency and didn’t need surgery anymore. My legs were back to normal levels. I believe that condition was induced my sedentary lifestyle and all the rest of those contributing factors. I’m certain they’re inductions to my chronic pelvic issues.
Recently, I just cured the pain at my seat bone area, and no longer have that golf ball pain at the rectum as well.
Anyways, those are my beliefs for that matter. Doing what works for me. And I’m not here to challenge or contend with anyone else’s beliefs. Everybody’s entitled to their own, and I don’t judge. Everybody’s journey is different. Many contributing factors in their lives have nuanced everybody’s path and shaped their methodology of their PE routines. Now I understand why when people ask questions, the answers aren’t always cut and dry. Just like how everybody grows at different levels and different times. So now I’m healing myself from hard flaccid and chronic pelvic pain. The things that I’m doing are working. Also, I make a conscious effort to relax the floor constantly. I’m not out of the forest yet, but I’m past the bears and the crocodiles.
When I am fully healed, I want to continue PE with a normal functioning pelvic floor and condition muscles all around. I realize it’s very important to know the anatomy, have patience, the importance of ritual and community. You must know your body and listen to it. I’m going to create another post asking about stretchers with and without suction cups. I apologize in advance If this wasn’t a place to introduce myself and tell my high-level story. And also wanna apologize for all the typos and grammar mistakes, I didn’t proofread or check because I am in a hurry.
**Updated and edited** 12/2/2023
Rewritten, added more details that were forgotten, spilt into paragraphs.
Also, happy to report hard flaccid 50-60% cured. Going on 10 days. Original hard flaccid occurred 2011-2018. Latest hard flaccid started November 2023-current
**Update** 1/12/2023 my hard flaccid is 80% cured. I’ve been symptom-free for 2-weeks straight. After I am convinced 100% cured for an acceptable amount of time, I’ll post the program that works for me. Hopefully that’ll help others. That being said, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. Excited to start PE. Getting closer

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