or anyone reading this, I have all my gains with NO MORE THAN 20 min max a day and for the most part 5 times a week max. In fact since 5 x 5 x 3 I have only done 15 min,
I agree.
Some input to this.
All my gains are produced with
5x5x3 as well.
When I started out I was following GettingBigger9's advice and I did the same programming, but with regular downward C-Jelq's. I belive this is something that
Bathmate do not suggest or recommend, and this is the reason some men don't realize that 5 minutes inside the penis pump is more then enough to produce gains. When I look at Bathmat's other discussion site page I see men being inside the pump for like 20 minutes without any form of manual penis enlargement work like C-Jelq's, V-Jelq's or even
It's not just a matter of time (how long time you are inside the penis
cylinder), but more to do with intensity and how you do everything during your sets both inside the penis pump and outside the penis pump. In my personal opinion being inside a penis pump for 20 minutes straight, will not produce any substantial gains, and for me it would only create a lot of fluid retention.
This is how I set up my
5x5x3 sessions.
Have a baseline of vacuum pressure, where you can be at for 5 minutes without a problem. But still have high intensity and stretch on your tissue and
tunica albuginea. My baseline is pretty high at 10 in.Hg. I can go up immidiatly to 10.in.Hg but I have a pretty long varmup session with C-Jelq's before my sessions.
I only do
SRT 5x5x3 and it's high intensity.
Then during 2 minutes at each set (3 sets total) I go up to 12 in.Hg and then back again to 10 in.Hg for the rest of the 5 minutes. Be at your baseline for a while before you creep up to the highest level. Your baseline can be lower then 10 in.Hg so be careful and increase the intensity and vaccum pressure in a progresive way. Don't rush this phase. It's a long game. When you have been at it for a long time you will be able to increase your vaccum pressure baseline more and more and when you are at the highest level you will be able to gain the fastest.
One more thing to consider is how you are gaining. Do you want a penis that only bulge at the midshaft or are evenly girthy?
To get an evenly thick penis my recommendation is to have the
MityVac, becouse the way this system is set up you will be able to change between narrow and wide
cylinders during a session. Start with a snug Acrylic
cylinder on your first set, and then have a little wider
cylinder on your second and last set (you only need 3 sets for growth =
SRT 5x5x3). You can even have 3 diffrent width
cylinders to benefit this the most. In this way you will be able to program your tissu to grow evenly up the shaft.
I hope this clear things up. This programming above is the programming I'm using.