Increase flaccid length and get erections at will


New member
Hey guys, alright, imma try to describe this the best way possible and include all details. I think my problem started late in my teens cause I use to jackoff to adult entertainment excessively I'm guessing since age 17 all the way up to my early 20's.

Then when I finally had me a girl I noticed that I had problems getting aroused and gettin up and if I did get up the erection is weak.

On top of that, my penis stays in turtle mode all the time like it's lifeless and I really have to focus on something to get aroused and even then I have performance anxiety and it causes me to have premature ejaculation.

Also, I would have to take sex pills in order to be comfortable with satisfying sex. Also, due my constant shrinkage, I'm scared to undress in front of a girl till I get hard. It's a nightmare everyday going through this cuz I'm 32 and should still be in my prime. Idk what to do to get myself on track, I need help.

Also, I want to increase my flaccid length and get get harder erections all the time like in my teens. I appreciate if anyone can tell me exactly what I need to do based on my situation, thanks!!!
hi get yourself an all day stretcher this will help massively with flaccid size you dont need alot of tension but it keeps the penis stretched for hours and you do need to keep the penis stretched for hours or you can do lazy arse stretches were you tuck your penis under your bum cheeks and sit down do as much as you can during the day but restore circulation every 20 mins
I think my problem started late in my teens cause I use to jackoff to adult entertainment excessively I'm guessing since age 17 all the way up to my early 20's.

Also to me that feels like your IC & BC muscles are atrophied due to the excessive usage of adult entertainment and your hand instead of using your muscles to obtain an erection.


Both know a lot about pelvic floor muscles, hope they can chime in and help you a bit.
Sounds like you need a tune up with your head space and not solely your physical condition.
Work on PE to help boost confidence (a plethora of advice here on the forum - prob start with the newbie routine). But anxiety is a major detriment to sexual health, and this results in low self esteem and poor sexual performance and rumination. Each of these feed off one another creating a vicious cycle.
A therapist would be of benefit (can do virtual visits now via a number of telehealth services - not terribly expensive, but a small investment for a sizeable return). Check out videos on cognitive behavioral therapy, guided meditations, breathing exercises. Also, get into a workout habit - physical activity is fantastic for sexual health.
PE is more than just stretches, devices, etc... You need mental health optimization, good physical health and dedication/motivation. It's the one legged stool (only focusing on stretches,bdevices, etc...) vs the four legged stool (all of the aforementioned domains) - the four legged stool is a better foundation and way more stable.
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