Hi my brother dld, iwant to know something. Iam 4 inches tall. Iwant 5.5 only. Iwant to know when stopping the routine. Does growth lasts for life?

Can you helps me are the results permanent? I have read in many magazines that when you stop the routine the penis returns to its current form iwant to know the t ruth
Nope they don't dissapear just look in most people's progress threads, gains are here to stay, need to put the work in to get there though.

If you pump one day and it enlarges, yes it will go back down within a few hours, however keep doing this and it will grow
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Can you helps me are the results permanent? I have read in many magazines that when you stop the routine the penis returns to its current form iwant to know the t ruth

As @49-er has told you, what you've read about the gains being temporary are likely in reference to gains using a penis pump solely, on an irregular basis.

Have a look at DLD's SRT for some idea of where to go. Permanent gains come from consistent effort over a long period of time (think about going to the gym to gain muscle mass as a good parallel). If you follow the advice given by so many that have gained here in the brotherhood, you will gain the goals you're looking to reach also.
I did not understand whether it would be possible to explain further How long it would take years to do this

The number of years it takes depends on a number of varying factors.

So from what the title of your post says, I take it that you're 4.1" and you want to get to 5.5" - is that correct? So you want to gain 1.4" to your erect size. That is a very manageable goal and not at all unrealistic. What will determine the time that it takes to gain that length is the routine that you perform and the length of time you continue with the routine (i.e. 7 days a week, 6 days/1 off). As I mentioned in the previous reply, please look to read and try the SRT theory and routine by DLD (click on the SRT text and it should take you there). Aside from that, genetics are going to play some role but not in any way to stop you from reaching your goal but just the time it takes. As a rough estimate, if you were to follow SRT, you could reach your goal in 6 months to a year.
Once you reach your goals, you will begin a process of maintenance and cementing of your gains but they will last for life.
Once you reach your goals, you will begin a process of maintenance and cementing of your gains but they will last for life.
The number of years it takes depends on a number of varying factors.

So from what the title of your post says, I take it that you're 4.1" and you want to get to 5.5" - is that correct? So you want to gain 1.4" to your erect size. That is a very manageable goal and not at all unrealistic. What will determine the time that it takes to gain that length is the routine that you perform and the length of time you continue with the routine (i.e. 7 days a week, 6 days/1 off). As I mentioned in the previous reply, please look to read and try the SRT theory and routine by DLD (click on the SRT text and it should take you there). Aside from that, genetics are going to play some role but not in any way to stop you from reaching your goal but just the time it takes. As a rough estimate, if you were to follow SRT, you could reach your goal in 6 months to a year.
I want you to talk about genetics and initial size
Do they play an important role in the gains
'Cause sometimes I see that a small penis can't get gains
I want you to talk about genetics and initial size
Do they play an important role in the gains
'Cause sometimes I see that a small penis can't get gains

There isn't much that I can add about genetics, other than it acts as a heterogenous immutable aspect across all of us here, who decide to engage with PE. It is the reason for variation in gains, all else equal.

Where do you see or have you read about small penises that cannot gain size? I haven't come across such a case given they have a good routine and are consistent with their PE, over a long time horizon. My advice would be to start the routine I mentioned above and engage in PE and see for yourself. There is, however, a sub-forum here with progress and documented gains; this will tell you all you need to know to give you the belief to begin.
Yes growth last forever. Once you’ve gained permanently you cannot go back. Be sure you want to enlarge before you do it.
How do i get started and How long does it take to reach an inch which is the right way to reach permanent

Brother, I feel that I've answered these questions a number of times now. Please have a look at my previous replies, as they detail where you should go in terms of routine and have explored your question on the time for growth.
Brother, it old you, give me agood routine to srtard with How to develo pit, and what are the best devices to help you gain permanent length
Brother, it old you, give me agood routine to srtard with How to develo pit, and what are the best devices to help you gain permanent length

SRT is the fastest and most powerful routine you can use and it does use a mix of manual work with equipment and tools.

The Newbie Routine Is completely manual and covers all the basics you need to cover.

So let me know if you want to go straight manual or if you want to do a combination of manual with tools. In the process let me get some other information from you if you want me to put a customer Routine together. Let me know your size now and what size you want to get to. Let me know if you want to go for girth or length or both. Let me know if you have any tools right now. And let me know how much time you have to dedicate to a routine each day. Armed with this knowledge I can help you put a great routine together.
I work for 8 hours lam a barber can l combine my srt routine with my life can you give me good routine 4 inches penis length i want 5.5 is it possible that iwant to work only with my own hands and want lasting results
Once you reach your goals, you will begin a process of maintenance and cementing of your gains but they will last for life.
I didn't un derstand my brother i don't want you to get angry. I said what do you mean by main taining and cons oli dating the gains. I just want an explanation
I didn't un derstand my brother i don't want you to get angry. I said what do you mean by main taining and cons oli dating the gains. I just want an explanation

Don't worry, brother - I'm not annoyed at all.

This is something you need to worry about once you've made your gains but once you do, you cement your gains by moving from an active PE routine that is more intensive, to a mode of maintenance which may be only a few days a week compared to a daily routine. Once you've done this for long enough, your gains will remain without any need for maintenance.
Don't worry, brother - I'm not annoyed at all.

This is something you need to worry about once you've made your gains but once you do, you cement your gains by moving from an active PE routine that is more intensive, to a mode of maintenance which may be only a few days a week compared to a daily routine. Once you've done this for long enough, your gains will remain without any need for maintenance.
You say i have to do the routine and then mave to another stage of boosting gains you How much did you gain? Do you stop doing exercise give a routine. I work for 8 hours a day. How many years do i need to pan all stage
You say i have to do the routine and then mave to another stage of boosting gains you How much did you gain? Do you stop doing exercise give a routine. I work for 8 hours a day. How many years do i need to pan all stage

No, it's not about "boosting" gains but maintaining gains. It's to ensure that you keep the gains you've made.

I've just started my PE journey, so no gains to report yet.

I can't answer the question regarding how long it will take, it is all dependant on how much work you do and your own genetics. I would recommend you begin your PE now; don't worry about how long it will take or how much you can do. Just start, do as much as you can do given your job and keep it consistent. Feel free to start a progress log and we will all try to help you with any questions as you go.
I want to ask you another question, for exemple if i used device for long time and got the results will it last for live
Men should be absolutely sure they want to have a bigger penis because once this is done you cannot reverse it. So make sure your goal is exactly what you want. I’ve always said to make a model of the size you want and hold it against your body to be sure that’s how big you want to be.