Progress thread SIM's penis enlargement journey

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Hello! Brothers.
I thought it was a good idea to create a process log/logbook for my penis enlargement journey, both so I will feel more accountable, but also so I can get feedback from the brotherhood. I also hope this will help others who wants to see some growth to their penis.
I’m relatively new here at MOS, and I joined this forum: Jan 6, 2023.
And I'm a complete Newbie at this, but I'm trying to learn everything as fast as possible, to get to my goal.

My starting measurements:
My penis is, BPEL: 5”.
I have since I started PE, only made gains in girth this far. I can’t tell you exactly where I started but it’s at EG: 5,5” now (maybe I was always thicker?).
But I have seen with my eyes, that my penis has become thicker since I started using Bathmate pumps, and Jelqing.

Here down below are my program.
My purpose is to stick to this program until I get to the BPEL: 8”. And after this, I'm going to Stage 2 of my program, that is: Focusing more time on development of girth.

I would really appreciate the brotherhood's feedback on my training program. I want to optimize it so it will work to 100%, I'm going all into this now.

I have approximately 1 hour and 35 minutes, scheduled for penis enlargement per day (I hope I don’t need more). My stretching routine is based on the, Newbie Routine Stretches.

Okay from here now, I’m going to stick with this program down below, that is: If you guys doesn't recommend any changes.

Goal: "The Golden Penis" (The Golden Ratio).
BPEL: 8"; EG: 6".

All these length sessions will be done with my hands until I get the length master.
Then I will probably need to adjust my program at Stage 1.
Stage 1:
Note: Warming up with a heater + Bundled Stretching 5 min before workout (included in 30 minutes).
Stage 1: Focusing on length.
PE sessions (every day);
@Time: 04:30 AM (GMT +1)
Newbie Routine Stretches - Modified (30 minutes).
Note: Warming up with a heater + Bundled Stretching 5 min before workout.
@Time: ~ 07:00 PM (GMT +1)
1. Newbie Routine Stretches - Modified (40 minutes).
2. Ball-sack stretches + massages (10 minutes).
3. Expressive stretching (10 minutes).
Total time per day: 1 hour and 35 minutes. - I hope I can reduce this time in the future. Maybe the length master will do this for me.
PC Muscle Fitness
I'm going to spread out this during the day.

100 quick Kegel squeezes

50 of the following:
Squeeze your PC muscle as hard as you can, hold for 5 seconds then slowly release for 2 seconds. When you have finished the 50 your PC muscle will be screaming. This is a good sign. Now to finish the exercise start squeezing and hold for 1 minute, if you get tired squeeze harder until the minute is complete.
(Copied from DLD's program).
At, Saturday and Sundays I will do 1 pumping session (each day):
Girth Program: 5x5x3
Stage 2: Focusing on more girth work (Girth Program: 5x5x3). This will kick-in after I have my BPEL: 8". I find it hard to work on maximal girth work and length work at the same time. Since I have problem to get my erection going after the length work. Stage 1 will also get some girth to it. Especially with the length master (What I have heard).
Note: Measurements before 8 months period with this program it's forbidden, I will see with my eyes when it's time to measure my penis.
After every training session I will wrap my penis with a bandage for elongation healing, and keep it on for at least 6 hours per day.
When doing girth work, I'm using cock-ring afterwards.
I'm going to log every PE session in a log book to keep me on track with this. And this thread, will keep my motivation going.
I don't know if I'm going to be able to log in every day on MOS, but I will log in as often as I can.

Kind regards.
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Missed my session in the morning, I'm doing everything now. I have already made the first stretching session of 45 minutes. Now I have the morning stretching session left, with; Ball-sack stretches + massages, and: Expressive stretching. Did it little different today.
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Goal: "The Golden Penis" (The Golden Ratio).
BPEL: 8"; EG: 6".

All these length sessions will be done with my hands until I get the length master.
Then I will probably need to adjust my program at Stage 1.
Stage 1:
Note: Warming up with a heater + Bundled Stretching 5 min before workout (included in 30 minutes).
Stage 1: Focusing on length.
PE sessions (every day);
@Time: 04:30 AM (GMT +1)
Newbie Routine Stretches - Modified (30 minutes).
Note: Warming up with a heater + Bundled Stretching 5 min before workout.
@Time: ~ 07:00 PM (GMT +1)
1. Newbie Routine Stretches - Modified (40 minutes).
2. Ball-sack stretches + massages (10 minutes).
3. Expressive stretching (10 minutes).
Total time per day: 1 hour and 35 minutes. - I hope I can reduce this time in the future. Maybe the length master will do this for me.
PC Muscle Fitness
I'm going to spread out this during the day.

100 quick Kegel squeezes

50 of the following:
Squeeze your PC muscle as hard as you can, hold for 5 seconds then slowly release for 2 seconds. When you have finished the 50 your PC muscle will be screaming. This is a good sign. Now to finish the exercise start squeezing and hold for 1 minute, if you get tired squeeze harder until the minute is complete.
(Copied from DLD's program).
At, Saturday and Sundays I will do 1 pumping session (each day):
Girth Program: 5x5x3
Stage 2: Focusing on more girth work (Girth Program: 5x5x3). This will kick-in after I have my BPEL: 8". I find it hard to work on maximal girth work and length work at the same time. Since I have problem to get my erection going after the length work. Stage 1 will also get some girth to it. Especially with the length master (What I have heard).
Note: Measurements before 8 months period with this program it's forbidden, I will see with my eyes when it's time to measure my penis.
@DLD and @huge-girth what do you guys think about this program?
Your routine is good. Keep doing the length part and switch things up once you get your length master. Since your girth is very close to 6 inches, I suggest you focus fully on length for now till you get to at least 7.5 inches before adding girth work.
Your routine is good. Keep doing the length part and switch things up once you get your length master. Since your girth is very close to 6 inches, I suggest you focus fully on length for now till you get to at least 7.5 inches before adding girth work.
Okey that sounds good to here, I will get to 8"x6". I will keep my dicipline up, and focus on only length work for now, and later add girth work to it. I will get the MITYVAC for girthwork. I can't stand the "gator bite" on the Bathmate pump. And I will also pump dry in the MITYVAC.
I feel extremely motivated to keep this going. Thanks!
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Okey that sounds good to here, I will get to 8"x6". I will keep my dicipline up, and focus on only length work for now, and later add girth work to it. I will get the MITYVAC for girthwork. I can't stand the "gator bite" on the Bathmate pump. And I will also pump dry in the MITYVAC.
I feel extremely motivated to keep this going. Thanks!

That's the spirit. Whenever you feel demotivated, just remember that thousands of people all over the world are doing PE daily.
I'm changing my program according to the suggestions @hugh-girth gave me, and also from the input with the 6 months timeframe, for this program that @DLD gave me.

No girthwork for now, I'm focusing on length work until I'm at least, BPEL: 7.5".
The time frame for the first program (Program 1/Program 2 - In this thread) will be 6 months.

Also Program 1 is going to change somewhat when I get the length master. So that will be Program 2 in this thread.

I'm also going to verify my girth, so it's accurate, since I know pumping can show false values of permanent girth (EG).
I will do one messurment of EG one week from now (since I'm not pumping for now), to verify that my permanent EG is actually 5.5". Also I will take pictures, so I got some references for the future.

And also, this thread is going to be filled with detaild information of my training sessions, so that anyone will be able to replicate this training program. Maybe I can post some videos of how exactly my training routines looks like (my technique, how hard I pull...and so on) or link them from my profile (or just describe them in text). I'm not sure what I'm allowed to do in this part of the MOS forum.

I'm going to get into details what exactly, for example the: Newbie Routine Stretches - Modified does mean. What is the specific stretches I'm doing?
I will do this to help my brothers that's new like me, to succeed in their penis enlargement journey. I know I'm going to succeed. I'm going to keep my training as simple as possible, and as effective as possible.

Even when this thread isn't so popula right now, I will post in it to log and document my journey from: 5"x5.5" to a 8"x6" penis.
I'm not going to post much, but as much so you can follow along with what I'm doing.
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Here is my new program, it's practically the same, but only some small changes. See the previous post (#13) for information regarding the changes.

Program 1:
Duration: ~ 6 months, or until I get the length master.

Final goal: "The Golden Penis" (The Golden Ratio).
BPEL: 8"; EG: 6".
All these length sessions will be done with my hands.
Note: Warming up with a heater + Bundled Stretching 5 min before workout.
Stage 1: Focusing on length.
PE sessions (every day);
@Time: 04:30 AM (GMT +1)
Newbie Routine Stretches - Modified (30 minutes).
Note: Warming up with a heater + Bundled Stretching 5 min before workout.
@Time: ~ 07:00 PM (GMT +1)
1. Newbie Routine Stretches - Modified (40 minutes).
2. Ball-sack stretches + massages (10 minutes).
3. Expressive stretching (10 minutes).
Total time per day: 1 hour and 40 minutes.
PC Muscle Fitness
I'm going to spread out this during the day.
100 quick Kegel squeezes

50 of the following:
Squeeze your PC muscle as hard as you can, hold for 5 seconds then slowly release for 2 seconds. When you have finished the 50 your PC muscle will be screaming. This is a good sign. Now to finish the exercise start squeezing and hold for 1 minute, if you get tired squeeze harder until the minute is complete.
(Copied from DLD's program).
STAGE 2: I'm building this program when my penis is at: BPEL: 7.5"; EG: 5".5".
This STAGE 2 is to increase, BPEL to: 8" and EG to: 6".
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After listening to this:
Listen to Penis-Enlargement-Sets by Penis-Enlargement on #SoundCloud

I did something different today.
Today I did my regular routine (in Program 1) in the morning, then later I did one of Newbie Routine Stretches - Modified, but of 45 minutes, then before bedtime I added 10 minutes of Newbie Routine Stretches - Modified before; Ball-sack stretches and Expressive stretching.

The reason for the change in my routine (based on the audio above): When you split up the routines over the day, it should be more effective. And also if I add stretching routines on top of my regular program when I can, I should get to my goal faster.
But I can't keep my routines at 6 hours per day, that's to bad.
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I also consider to do expressive stretches, when I'm not at home.
For example stretching hard in front of me, for 5 minutes after every time I have used the toilet. I think this should take me to my goal faster.

It's like my entire life revolves around PE now. Prioritizing PE, but I need to make my other obligations come true as well. But PE is a big part of my life now, I got no tools jet to make my gains happen faster (can take a while for that), but I'm pushing my stretches with my hands as hard as I can.

My grip have more endurance to it as well, compared to when I started.
On a 30 minutes stretching routine, I can hold the stretch hard in one minute on every specific stretch (before switching).
I'm obsessed with this now.
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I also consider to do expressive stretches, when I'm not at home.
For example stretching hard in front of me, for 5 minutes after every time I have used the toilet. I think this should take me to my goal faster.

It's like my entire life revolves around PE now. Prioritizing PE, but I need to make my other obligations come true as well. But PE is a big part of my life now, I got no tools jet to make my gains happen faster (can take a while for that), but I'm pushing my stretches with my hands as hard as I can.

My grip have more endurance to it as well, compared to when I started.
On a 30 minutes stretching routine, I can hold the stretch hard in one minute on every specific stretch (before switching).
I'm obsessed with this now.

So happy you so much from the download
I'm looking forward to seeing the journey! I'm doing a similar manual routine 5 days a week + bath mate and close in size to you. Hopefully we will see some results. Keep up the hard work bro.
Thanks for the support brother.
You should also make a log, it keeps you more "in the game".
I have seen some results already. My girth has increased with the use of a Bathmate pump and manual girth work. But I only did regular Jelqs in the beginning (You should do: SSJ).

I'm only working on length now.
I hope you as well see the results you are looking for. It's a lifestyle.
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Last night I'm disappointed in myself, I started to late (didn't do my morning session), and I was only able to do 60 minutes of Newbie Routine Stretches - Modified in Program 1. Just keep is a new day.
Verifying messurments:
The last time in a long time, and after many messurments to really make sure It's right:

BPEL: 5"
EG at the base: 5,5"
EG at the mid-shaft: 5,5"
Thanks for the support brother.
You should also make a log, it keeps you more "in the game".
I have seen some results already. My girth has increased with the use of a Bathmate pump and manual girth work. But I only did regular Jelqs in the beginning (You should do: SSJ).

I'm only working on length now.
I hope you as well see the results you are looking for. It's a lifestyle.
yes I am keeping track of measurements, after my first 0.1inch gain in erect length and any 0.1 gain after ill let it be known. About 2 Weeks in to stretching consistently 4 days (goodlookingloser routine) from monday onwards will be 5 times plus the bathmate and quick 100 kegels recommended here so fingers crossed.
Hello! Brothers.
I found a new technique to get more leverage in order to pull harder. A painted short broomstick.
See the video to see how I'm using the broomstick to facilitate more intensity to the, Newbie Routine Stretches.
I'm doing this routine according to Program 1 in this thread.
So I'm doing this routine first at the morning for 30 minutes, and then at the evening for 40 minutes. I try to keep the pulling-force (the intensity) as high as possible in each stretch, sometimes my hand are even shaking. I also plan which hand I'm using to distribute the load between the hands. In this way both hands get the same rest time between the stretches.

When doing the Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 60 seconds, I'm using the broomstick between my penis/ball and thigh, then I pull my penis around the broomstick. To get some extra intensity (pulling force), I first push down the broomstick down into the sofa, then I push the broomstick slightly forward, and to the left. In this way I can keep the intensity of the stretch higher for a longer time (1 minute). Since I can help to pull with the broomstick.

I don't know If anyone have done this before?, but I hope this can help. I think this stretch produce more intensity compared to if I would not have the broomstick. It feels more intense, and I think I cover all the angels with this technique/routine.

I don't know how long I can keep this up, I'm starting to get fat, and loose muscle mass.
But I'm waiting for the length master to arrive.
Hopefully this will give me a more intense stretching routine, so I can save some time and go to the gym.

But I know something is happening, my penis will be longer at the end of this. It already looks longer, and it hangs more away from the balls.
Remember that I will not measure before, September 5 (year: 2023). Just keep going I guess..
(Some nervousness/second guessing about this, since I show my body for so many people).

See attached video.


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I have procrastinating my first routine today. I don't know why? (time: 12:54 pm)... okay I'm follow the power of discpine instead.
I have other things to do as well today that I'm lagging behind with... but when you follow your discipline, it doesn't matter how you feel, you just do it. Because that's who you are.

I'm thinking of why I started with PE?, I'm thinking of the end result. And also how I will feel when I have a big penis. The perception of oneself is big. I know I'm enough already but I'm doing this for myself.

Even If I do not will get maximum length increas with only stretching with my hands (with: 1 hour and 40 per day), every time after a stretching routine It feels awesome in my penis. It feels longer and the goal is closer. I love the ball stretching!
In waiting for the LengthMaster...
I found a way to increase the intensity in the, Straight Down to the Center (1 minute or 10 minutes), stretch. I'm using my precious broomstick once again.

What I do:
I pull my penis under the broomstick, and I support the broomstick under my thigh (on each side). Then I pull my penis hard up, and then i sit on the broomstick, this create a really strong and intense stretch. Depending on how I position myself when I sit, I can control the intensity of the stretch. I'm sitting on a soft sofa.
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In waiting for the LengthMaster...
I found a way to increase the intensity in the, Straight Down to the Center (1 minute or 10 minutes), stretch. I'm using my precious broomstick once again.

What I do:
I pull my penis under the broomstick, and I support the broomstick under my thigh (on each side). Then I pull my penis hard up, and then i sit on the broomstick, this create a really strong and intense stretch. Depending on how I position myself when I sit, I can control the intensity of the stretch. I'm sitting on a soft sofa.
baby powder is also very good for better grip. I like your creativity with the stick. Did you make up the moves yourself? Kör hårt 😎
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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