Help with the LengthMaster 3: Some information that may help brothers, that have a lot of foreskin like me.
(For new brothers that want some guidence)
(For new brothers that want some guidence)
It starts with the wrap.
I have 2 pieces of THERABAND.
Here are the dimensions.
Dimensions of the THERABAND pieces:
The firstly applied: 6 cm x 23 cm (~ 2.4" x 9").
The second applied: 8,5 cm x 17 cm (~ 21.6" x 6.7").
It's hard to remember how I did my wrap exactly, I will do my best to remember. Before I ended my length program I only did expressive stretches and that requires a different clamp down technic, where I do not need to pull back my foreskin
Explanation of how to wrap and how to attach yourself into the chamber: I wind the first piece of THERABAND on, and I do this without retracting my foreskin. Then I take a grip around my penis with only the one THERABAND on, and I use it to pull back my foreskin. I keep my foreskin pulled back as much as possible. Then I wind the other piece of THERABAND on, as close as the inner root of the shaft as possible. I still keep my foreskin pulled back, while winding the bandage (kind of hard) around my penis.
Dimension of the bandage:
8 cm x 43 cm (~ 20.32" x 17")
I use a pencil to roll up the bandage before applying it, and I only use the pencil as a tool to roll up the bandage to a roll. I remove the pencil immediately after I have rolled it up. It's much easier to wind the bandage on your penis from a roll. When working in the medical field we use this method. That is, we make sure the bandages are a roll before winding it on the area.
Now I wind PENIS WRAPPING TAPE (You find this at MOS Shop) over all this, and I wind it kind of hard (not to hard).
Keep in mind that I still make sure that I keep my foreskin pulled back. The PENIS WRAPPING TAPE is what is the final piece in the puzzle to keep back the foreskin until you are clamped down in the chamber. When your penis is short and when you are not used to the LengthMaster 3, it is important that your wrap is tight, that is: Your wrap should not be loose. Your penis should stay secure inside the wrap. A loose wrap may also make your penis rotate during session inside the chamber.
Now we have these layers on the penis (your penis):
- 2 pieces of THERABAND. I use two pieces to cover my entire penis shaft. The first piece covers the outer portion of the shaft and the second piece cover the area that is closest to the base of the penis. This was the way I needed to do it. Without two pieces of THERABAND it would not work, because it would be impossible to get THERABAND at the part of the penis shaft that is closest to the "fat-pad". The THERABAND would not cover past the chamber/pads, and there would therefore be to much friction. The risk of blisters are very high.
- Bandage.
I keep the first piece of THERABAND on a tiny plastic roll. You can also use the paper roll that are coming with: PENIS WRAPPING TAPE. When the roll of PENIS WRAPPING TAPE are empty you can use the roll to keep your THERABAND on.
I make sure that the foreskin stays retracted during this entire procedure. Then I grab the glans with one hand, and push on it with the palm. This prevents the foreskin from going forward, but It is also a good practice to push the blood out of your glans before clamping down in the chamber. If you have a lot of blood in your glans it can be painful to stretch. Also make sure you are 100% in a flaccid state when you are wrapping your penis, and when you clamp it down into the chamber.
Now your preparations before attachment into the chamber are done.
Now you lay your penis on the bottom part of the chamber.
Push your body into the chamber simultaneously as you pull your penis forward from the glans (remember you are still pushing blood out of your glans). Now put on the upper piece of the chamber, then apply a little pressure on it.
Now push your body into the LengthMaster 3/chamber, while you simultaneously pull your penis forward from your glans (one hand). You will with this method use your chamber to push the foreskin even more back.
When you have accomplished this, push down the chamber harder and you now start to tightening the wing nuts. Go back and forth between the wing nuts to tighten the chamber evenly. Try to attach the chamber at the base of your penis. The final clamp down point will not be at the base if the flaccid length is of a regular/normal penis length. This will be true if you have never used the LengthMaster 3 before.
The attachment point will be behind the glans with this method above. When you have a longer flaccid penis later on, it will be easier to attach. Let the wrapping take time in the beginning. When you have become a professional penis puller, you will be able to perform this wrap under 2 minutes.
The reason for the attachment point to happen behind the glans even when you try to attach yourself at the base:
I believe this happens because the tissue elongates somewhat when you clamp down your penis. But also when you have a short flaccid/normal length flaccid it's hard to pull enough tissue forward in order for attachment at the base of your penis. This was true for myself. In the beginning I could not attach at the base. Either way you should not attach at the base when you are new. Start with attachment behind the glans.
During the clamp down procedure you keep your hand at your glans, both to prevent to much blood from being there, but also to keep the foreskin back and your penis elongated. It's important to tighten the chamber all the way down.
That is why this thread is so important.

If you get an erection during this clamp down procedure or when you apply the wrap. It is a good thing to start over. Your penis should be fully flaccid when doing this.
This is not how everyone should do this. I only share what worked for me and because there are some brothers in need of guidance that have a lot of foreskin like myself.
This was how I did it in the beginning. It's important to keep your foreskin pulled back and your penis 100% flaccid. Let me know if this was helpful for you.
Don't forget my video thread.
That thread have many video instructions about how to use LengthMaster 3.

The clamp down procedure are explained by the assumption that you have the bolts like this:
Kind regards SIM