What’s up family.. I’m just checking in to let you guys know where I’m at.. so my cheap noose extender broke, my cheap vac extender broke, and at this point I’m finding myself spinning my wheels each morning before I leave out the door.. sometimes this gets so bad I take 30-45 min trying to figure out how I should wrap, strap into leg attachment (vac losing air) or PF.. I’m not a big fan of PF honestly but I’ve never worn it consistently either.I view it as a placeholder, distinguished from an active gaining tool...anyway the reason I’m making this post is due to the constant thoughts of feeling “small”, first thing in the morning.. I wake up, go to pee, and I’m hesitant to pull it out bc I don’t know if I’ve gained.. this sucks bc of course there is NO noticeable gain and then I’m depressed.. I see a beautiful girl at the gas station, or somewhere in public, I might catch her eye 2, 3 times and first thing that comes to mind is, “go say hi, approach her”, then immediately i have thoughts of how I “can’t” please her with my size(6.2 NBP 5.5 meg) smh these thoughts never leave.. I don’t have a gf nor am I dating anyone so I have MUCH initiative to do PE.. but DAMN does it feel slow.. I don’t have much money, time, nor privacy but I’m doing my best.. waiting on my LM to arrive then buying the mityvac next check! man I’m so tired of this feeling.. also I think I’ve hit a plateau.. still trying to close in on my first inch.. also gotta stop watching adult entertainment it’s making me feel so little but at the same time I’m addicted to it.. I know I’m just rambling at this point but idk where else to turn