Experience with Bathmate pumps.


Staff member
Bathmate is the leading company that creates penis-pumps, and according to many customers it works wonderfully. And according to myself it defenitly works.
Down below I give you guys my experience in Bathmate pumps, and how it works, and how you would get results.

All the length messurments below is at an erected state, and messured from the pubic bone.

In a flaccid state, my penis is much thicker and longer now then before I started, and even in a semi-erected state my penis is now thicker. When erected it feels like a pipe. To bad I haven't tested it out with someone yet.
Before I got a random regular penis of approximately, 5" long and ~ 4" thick.

Now my penis is: 6" long and 5,5" to 6" thick. It's practically thick from the root to the glands. It's a big difference then from when I started. But I'm extremely disciplined with my exercises. I'm going to write about my experience down below.

You can make the comparisons between a straw (before) and a pipe (now). My penis feels more like a pipe now. I even max out the width of the pump (Bathmate hydromax 5), so I have now 3 different sizes of Bathmate pumps, in order to maximize my penis growth. I can't even use the comfort inserts since my penis gets stuck on the end of the comfort insert pipe, also I need all the width of the Bathmate pump, in order to maximize length increase. So it hurt somewhat without the comfort insert.

But I'm willing to do anything for a bigger penis (all except operation). I think it's mostly for my ego. To be able to take out a big penis, in front of a woman would be nice. Even when I know already that my penis is sufficient.

These are my pumps;
Bathmate hydromax 5.
Bathmate HydroXtreme 7 wide boy.
Bathmate HydroXtreme 9.

I'm somewhat annoyed that I needed to get so many pumps in order for it to work, and increase my penis size to the maximum. But I know why! My penis is a specialist of increasing in girth. Other people can see a more increase in length faster, since their penis does not get stuck on the sides of the pump. I need to really pump right in order to increase in length. What do I mean? I need to make sure my penis expands in the middle of the pump. Now I even struggle to increase/expand in length in the Bathmate HydroXtreme 5 wide boy.

It's exactly as building muscles. Some times you hit a wall (you feel stuck), then you need to keep at it, in order to get through it to keep growing. I think many people who tries the Bathmate, have not the dicipline it takes to grow the dick/penis. You can't just try it a few weeks and then expect that you will grow to 7". If you got this expectations, don't even start using a Bathmate, it's not going to work for you. You need dicipline and patience for it to work.

How I use the Bathmate HydroXtreme 7 wide boy. I use it by first create a pressure without the external pump, and in this way make the penis expand in the middle (I keep my penis in erection when going inside the pump, with warm water), then I add the external pump and increase the expansion/pressure. When using the HydroXtreme versions, you need to be careful so you do not increase the pressure to much.

My tip from my journey, buy the right size pump from the start.

For example:
I think the Bathmate's size direction is somewhat misleading. It's hard to know which pump size you should get according to Bathmate's size shart.
If you have a normal size penis you should get Bathmate hydromax 5 or HydroXtreme 5. Don't let your ego get involved when choosing the size of your pump, bigger isn't better in this case.

If the pump is to big for your penis, you would get less size increase of your penis over time. This is the reason I got 3 different pumps. The reason for this is the lack of even pressure around your penis. A smaller pump is always better, if you do not max out the pump either in width or length.

The length of the Bathmate hydromax 5 (or: HydroXtreme 5) is: 5" + 2" (2" = the rubber part against your body) so a total of 7". If you have a penis between 5" and 7" long, you need the Bathmate hydromax 5 or HydroXtreme 5 (got also an external pump). But start with the hydromax 5 when you are new to this.

I bought the HydroXtreme 9 first, but I soon realized it was to big for my penis. So I got the Bathmate hydromax 5. I have used it for a while now.
But resently I realized that my penis expanded into the the wall of the pump (on both sides), so I couldn't increase in lenght. So I then got the, HydroXtreme 7 wide boy. Now I can finally increase expansion of my penis length again. On my hydromax 5 pump I have maxed out the length scale (there is a sticker on the outside), but not the entire pump. There is still a good amount of room left for my penis to expand into (length wisel. It's a big difference then before. I would never have gotten so far if I hadn't bought the HydroXtreme 7 wide boy, I needed the girth in this pump in order to keep increase my penis length.

But now I even feel like the HydroXtreme 7 wide boy is to small in thickness. What I mean is that my penis usally hit the wall of the left side and I lose expansion at length inside the pump. This is the reason I need erection when going in the pump and trying to keep the penis as center as possible.
But even when doing this, my penis wants to push against the left pump wall. But I have increased in length now with the Bathmate HydroXtreme 5 wide boy.

When I went from the Bathmate hydromax 5 to Bathmate HydroXtreme 7 wide boy. I increased my penis length from 5,5" to a little over 6" inside the pump. And now my penis is at exactly 6" outside the pump (When I started: 5"), before I put my penis in the pump. I always use the pumps at the night before going to bed.

As you see, it's a slow process (like working out), and you need to use the pump continuously in order to see results. A tip from me, don't think your penis is going to grow exponentially all the time. I don't even use the measurement scales at the pumps, one pump have even lost the sticker.

If I need to see how much I have expanded inside the pump, I keep track with a ruler (included in the package of Bathmate HydroXtreme 7 wide boy). In this way I can keep my ego outside of my exercise, and the risk of pumping to much pressure goes down. I'm going for long term, and a permanent growth. I'm thinking I'm going to use the pumps for like 3 years and see how big my penis are going to get. My goal is to get a 7" thick penis. Then I think it's enough.

You don't need more then 7" to satisfy a woman. But what I have read, on forum an such is that the girth of the penis is the most important. I think I have that covered already. I'm even conserned that my penis is to thick now. I would never have thought I would get to this point in my life. I thought it was impossible to increase your penis size.

So the difference from when I started to use the pumps til now, it's a big diffrence. In the beginning my penis only increased in thickest, and now it have finally starting to really grow in length.

The only reason it do not work for you. If you are using the pump wrong, or have a to big pump (thickness or lengthwise). Do you use it every day (I rest my penis on Saturday +Sunday)? Do you have the right size of Bathmate pump based on your current penis size?

You can find Bathmate's size chart here:
[Size char from Bathmate](https://bathmatedirect.com/pages/size-guide)

How do I work-out my penis?
You need a timer.

• 5 minutes with the pump (time starts when I have the optimal pressure in the pump).
• Jelqing about 3 minutes, then relax a bit.
• 5 minutes with the pump.
• Jelqing about 3 minutes, then relax a bit.
• 5 minutes with the pump.
• Jelqing about 3 minutes, then relax a bit.

I use baby oil when Jelqing, to reduce the friction on my dick.

That's it! Then I go to sleep. I always work out my penis at night before bed, except Saturday and Sunday.
Remember: You will get a bigger dick with time. Do not overdo it, keeo your dicipline and you will get there.

One more thing:
I even bought the PHALLOSAN forte penis extender, but my dick didn't fit in their special suction cup design/bell. The maximum bell size they got is at 4,1 mm (1,6") in diameter so if your glands are thicker than this. Your dick will not fit. It's the same for the Jes Extender. Your penis root (for the, Jes Extender) can be a maximum of 1,6" in diameter, otherwise it won't fit.

So I'm stuck with the Bathmate's pumps. I think the Bathmate pumps made my dick extremely thick, so I can't even use these extenders. To bad, since I think I would get more length faster with these extenders. But the question is, if you get any erecting length with these kind of externders. Some research I have done, suggests that you do only get flaccid lenght, and not erected length.

My next goal now is to force my dick to grow over 6" to 7", I'm on my way. But Now with the Bathmate HydroXtreme 7 wide boy, I'm stuck again in only increasing in thickness. How thick will my dick become?

So maybe I should get the Bathmate HydroXtreme 5 (external pump), and in that way force only length growth for my penis? It start to getting expensive to buy these pumps, but I think it's worth it all.

I think you only need the Bathmate pumps. Form other resources (pornhub) I have found out that these kind of extenders only increases flaccid penis length, and not the erected penis size.

Check out the account: GettingBigger9 on pornhub.com, he got really awesome instructions on how to increase your penis size with Bathmate pumps.

I think Bathmate pumps have changed my life, I'm more confident with my penis now. I am even worried that my penis would be to thick now, but I suppose the next women I'm with, needs to adjust to it. So of speak, stretch her pussy out.

I can't use regular condoms now. My dick is to thick, it doesn't fit. It's so insane.
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What routine are you using

How do I work-out my penis?
You need a timer.

• 5 minutes with the pump (time starts when I have the optimal pressure in the pump).
• Jelqing about 3 minutes, then relax a bit.
• 5 minutes with the pump.
• Jelqing about 3 minutes, then relax a bit.
• 5 minutes with the pump.
• Jelqing about 3 minutes, then relax a bit.

I use baby oil when Jelqing, to reduce the friction on my dick.

Sometimes I do 10 minutes on the last set inside the pump. But that's not often. It depends on how my penis feels. The key is to keep the pressure optimal (not to high/not to low), it's easy with the hydromax models, but somewhat trickier with the HydroXtreme models. But with time you learn how to optimize it.
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Bathmate is the leading company that creates penis-pumps, and according to many customers it works wonderfully. And according to myself it defenitly works.
Down below I give you guys my experience in Bathmate pumps, and how it works, and how you would get results.

All the length messurments below is at an erected state, and messured from the pubic bone.

In a flaccid state, my penis is much thicker and longer now then before I started, and even in a semi-erected state my penis is now thicker. When erected it feels like a pipe. To bad I haven't tested it out with someone yet.
Before I got a random regular penis of approximately, 5" long and ~ 4" thick.

Now my penis is: 6" long and 5,5" to 6" thick. It's practically thick from the root to the glands. It's a big difference then from when I started. But I'm extremely disciplined with my exercises. I'm going to write about my experience down below.

You can make the comparisons between a straw (before) and a pipe (now). My penis feels more like a pipe now. I even max out the width of the pump (Bathmate hydromax 5), so I have now 3 different sizes of Bathmate pumps, in order to maximize my penis growth. I can't even use the comfort inserts since my penis gets stuck on the end of the comfort insert pipe, also I need all the width of the Bathmate pump, in order to maximize length increase. So it hurt somewhat without the comfort insert.

But I'm willing to do anything for a bigger penis (all except operation). I think it's mostly for my ego. To be able to take out a big penis, in front of a woman would be nice. Even when I know already that my penis is sufficient.

These are my pumps;
Bathmate hydromax 5.
Bathmate HydroXtreme 7 wide boy.
Bathmate HydroXtreme 9.

I'm somewhat annoyed that I needed to get so many pumps in order for it to work, and increase my penis size to the maximum. But I know why! My penis is a specialist of increasing in girth. Other people can see a more increase in length faster, since their penis does not get stuck on the sides of the pump. I need to really pump right in order to increase in length. What do I mean? I need to make sure my penis expands in the middle of the pump. Now I even struggle to increase/expand in length in the Bathmate HydroXtreme 5 wide boy.

It's exactly as building muscles. Some times you hit a wall (you feel stuck), then you need to keep at it, in order to get through it to keep growing. I think many people who tries the Bathmate, have not the dicipline it takes to grow the dick/penis. You can't just try it a few weeks and then expect that you will grow to 7". If you got this expectations, don't even start using a Bathmate, it's not going to work for you. You need dicipline and patience for it to work.

How I use the Bathmate HydroXtreme 7 wide boy. I use it by first create a pressure without the external pump, and in this way make the penis expand in the middle (I keep my penis in erection when going inside the pump, with warm water), then I add the external pump and increase the expansion/pressure. When using the HydroXtreme versions, you need to be careful so you do not increase the pressure to much.

My tip from my journey, buy the right size pump from the start.

For example:
I think the Bathmate's size direction is somewhat misleading. It's hard to know which pump size you should get according to Bathmate's size shart.
If you have a normal size penis you should get Bathmate hydromax 5 or HydroXtreme 5. Don't let your ego get involved when choosing the size of your pump, bigger isn't better in this case.

If the pump is to big for your penis, you would get less size increase of your penis over time. This is the reason I got 3 different pumps. The reason for this is the lack of even pressure around your penis. A smaller pump is always better, if you do not max out the pump either in width or length.

The length of the Bathmate hydromax 5 (or: HydroXtreme 5) is: 5" + 2" (2" = the rubber part against your body) so a total of 7". If you have a penis between 5" and 7" long, you need the Bathmate hydromax 5 or HydroXtreme 5 (got also an external pump). But start with the hydromax 5 when you are new to this.

I bought the HydroXtreme 9 first, but I soon realized it was to big for my penis. So I got the Bathmate hydromax 5. I have used it for a while now.
But resently I realized that my penis expanded into the the wall of the pump (on both sides), so I couldn't increase in lenght. So I then got the, HydroXtreme 7 wide boy. Now I can finally increase expansion of my penis length again. On my hydromax 5 pump I have maxed out the length scale (there is a sticker on the outside), but not the entire pump. There is still a good amount of room left for my penis to expand into (length wisel. It's a big difference then before. I would never have gotten so far if I hadn't bought the HydroXtreme 7 wide boy, I needed the girth in this pump in order to keep increase my penis length.

But now I even feel like the HydroXtreme 7 wide boy is to small in thickness. What I mean is that my penis usally hit the wall of the left side and I lose expansion at length inside the pump. This is the reason I need erection when going in the pump and trying to keep the penis as center as possible.
But even when doing this, my penis wants to push against the left pump wall. But I have increased in length now with the Bathmate HydroXtreme 5 wide boy.

When I went from the Bathmate hydromax 5 to Bathmate HydroXtreme 7 wide boy. I increased my penis length from 5,5" to a little over 6" inside the pump. And now my penis is at exactly 6" outside the pump (When I started: 5"), before I put my penis in the pump. I always use the pumps at the night before going to bed.

As you see, it's a slow process (like working out), and you need to use the pump continuously in order to see results. A tip from me, don't think your penis is going to grow exponentially all the time. I don't even use the measurement scales at the pumps, one pump have even lost the sticker.

If I need to see how much I have expanded inside the pump, I keep track with a ruler (included in the package of Bathmate HydroXtreme 7 wide boy). In this way I can keep my ego outside of my exercise, and the risk of pumping to much pressure goes down. I'm going for long term, and a permanent growth. I'm thinking I'm going to use the pumps for like 3 years and see how big my penis are going to get. My goal is to get a 7" thick penis. Then I think it's enough.

You don't need more then 7" to satisfy a woman. But what I have read, on forum an such is that the girth of the penis is the most important. I think I have that covered already. I'm even conserned that my penis is to thick now. I would never have thought I would get to this point in my life. I thought it was impossible to increase your penis size.

So the difference from when I started to use the pumps til now, it's a big diffrence. In the beginning my penis only increased in thickest, and now it have finally starting to really grow in length.

The only reason it do not work for you. If you are using the pump wrong, or have a to big pump (thickness or lengthwise). Do you use it every day (I rest my penis on Saturday +Sunday)? Do you have the right size of Bathmate pump based on your current penis size?

You can find Bathmate's size chart here:
[Size char from Bathmate](https://bathmatedirect.com/pages/size-guide)

How do I work-out my penis?
You need a timer.

• 5 minutes with the pump (time starts when I have the optimal pressure in the pump).
• Jelqing about 3 minutes, then relax a bit.
• 5 minutes with the pump.
• Jelqing about 3 minutes, then relax a bit.
• 5 minutes with the pump.
• Jelqing about 3 minutes, then relax a bit.

I use baby oil when Jelqing, to reduce the friction on my dick.

That's it! Then I go to sleep. I always work out my penis at night before bed, except Saturday and Sunday.
Remember: You will get a bigger dick with time. Do not overdo it, keeo your dicipline and you will get there.

One more thing:
I even bought the PHALLOSAN forte penis extender, but my dick didn't fit in their special suction cup design/bell. The maximum bell size they got is at 4,1 mm (1,6") in diameter so if your glands are thicker than this. Your dick will not fit. It's the same for the Jes Extender. Your penis root (for the, Jes Extender) can be a maximum of 1,6" in diameter, otherwise it won't fit.

So I'm stuck with the Bathmate's pumps. I think the Bathmate pumps made my dick extremely thick, so I can't even use these extenders. To bad, since I think I would get more length faster with these extenders. But the question is, if you get any erecting length with these kind of externders. Some research I have done, suggests that you do only get flaccid lenght, and not erected length.

My next goal now is to force my dick to grow over 6" to 7", I'm on my way. But Now with the Bathmate HydroXtreme 7 wide boy, I'm stuck again in only increasing in thickness. How thick will my dick become?

So maybe I should get the Bathmate HydroXtreme 5 (external pump), and in that way force only length growth for my penis? It start to getting expensive to buy these pumps, but I think it's worth it all.

I think you only need the Bathmate pumps. Form other resources (pornhub) I have found out that these kind of extenders only increases flaccid penis length, and not the erected penis size.

Check out the account: GettingBigger9 on pornhub.com, he got really awesome instructions on how to increase your penis size with Bathmate pumps.

I think Bathmate pumps have changed my life, I'm more confident with my penis now. I am even worried that my penis would be to thick now, but I suppose the next women I'm with, needs to adjust to it. So of speak, stretch her pussy out.

I can't use regular condoms now. My dick is to thick, it doesn't fit. It's so insane.
Wow, is good, there are other ways too?
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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