Differences Between SS2 and Stealth Stretcher


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Hello Guys,

I am interested in the Stealth Stretcher as an ADS. I am wondering what are the differences between it and the SS2?

I notice that the Stealth Stretcher comes with an extender device and an ADS belt system.

I am looking for a device that I can wear during the day and possibly during sleep.

I have seen that the SS2 ADS can be worn during sleeping but why not the Stealth Stretcher? It has the same ADS as the SS2 but it has a slightly different bulb. Is the bulb difference the reason why it can't be worn during sleep?

I am leaning towards the Stealth Stretcher because it looks more versatile and comes with an extender and ADS.

I plan to wear the Extender/ADS when following this exact routine:

SRT - Suppressed Restricted Transposition
12-Week Program

: to hold back | Restricted: to limit an effect | Transposition: the action of change

ADS: All Day Stretcher
BTC: Behind the Cheeks
SD: Straight Down
SO: Straight Out
SU: Straight Up
L: Left
C: Center
R: Right
CW: Clockwise (right)
CCW: Counter-Clockwise (left)
RC: Rotary Cranks
SSJ: Slow-Squash Jelq
UJW: Uncle Jim's Wrap
Jelq: Massage Stretch Technique
Kegel: Contraction / Reverse (push)
Rotary Stretch (RC): 360° turning stretch (CW / CCW)
SSJ: Slow-Squash Jelq
Stretches: Multi-Angles
Testicle Massage: Scrotum Stretch & Massage

Bundled (twisted CW / CCW)
Erect (to solidify gains)
Expressive (inner-penis)
Ligament (elongate)
Shaft / Tunica (elongate / expand)


ADS: SiliStretcher (vacuum) • Penis Extender (traction)
HANGER: SiliStretcher (vacuum) • Hanger (compression) • LengthMaster (Stretcher, Hanger, & Power Assist )
WEIGHTS: Various Plates in different increments (Lb/Kg)
ANTI-TURTLE SLEEVE: SiliSleeve5 • Ace Bandage ( UJW)
COCK RING: DuroRing • Fat TireSiliRing • Traditional Cock Ring
PENIS PUMP / CYLINDER(S): MityVac (AirWater)
SILICAP2: to eliminate fluid retention (edema)
HYDROCORTISONE: Anti-itch Inflammation Ointment
BACITRACIN: Antibiotic Ointment
MOSGrip: Pine Sap Powder

12-WEEK ROUTINE | Training & Healing

Kegel exercises are not part of the SRT program, but they are recommended to do on a daily basis to develop the Pubococcygeus (PC) muscles, the pelvic floor. The Revere Kegel is also recommended with the execution of any length stretching (pulling) exercises to assist with faster length (elongation) gains. Any time when not doing PE-training it is recommended to wear an Anti-Turtle Sleeve or Wrap (UJW ) during the recovery and healing process.

*** First 2-Weeks: (BEGINNER) ***
MANUAL STRETCHES: 30-Seconds each position | 3 SETS (24-Minutes)
BTC: L / C / R | RC (25 reps) CW
SD: L / C / R | RC (25 reps) CCW
SO: L / C / R | RC (25 reps) CW
SU: L / C / R | RC (25 reps) CCW
HYDROCORTISONE CREAM: pea size application
ADS: 60-Minutes (minimum) - 2-Hours
SILISLEEVE: remainder of the day when not PE-Training

COMBO SET: 4 Sets (Alternate direction after each set [Upward / Downward])
JELQ (erect): [Upward / Downward] 100 reps (strong) | SSJ: 60-Seconds
COCK RING: 60-Minutes (minimum) - 2-Hours


*** Next 10-Weeks: ADVANCED ROUTINE ***
MANUAL STRETCHES * : 30-seconds each position | 4 sets (32-Minutes)
BTC: L / C / R | RC (25 reps) CW
SD: L / C / R | RC (25 reps) CCW
SO: L / C / R | RC (25 reps) CW
SU: L / C / R | RC (25 reps) CCW
ERECT STRETCH: (10-Minutes) | 3 times a week
HYDROCORTISONE CREAM: pea size application
ADS: 4-Hours (minimum) - increase tension each hour
SILISLEEVE: remainder of the day when not PE-Training

Alternative Length Routine 1 (Manual Stretches *)Alternative Length Routine 2 (Manual Stretches *)
DLD Reverse Pyramid HangingDLD Triangle Pyramid Hanging


(5-15 Minutes)
COMBO SET: 5x5x3 (30-Minutes)
SSJ: 5-Minutes | PUMP: 5-minutes (10 Hg - 15 Hg) | 3 SETS
60-Minutes (minimum) - 4-Hours

hey dlong,

i didn't even know there was a stealth stretcher because i never looked into the new traction devices. it looks to me like the sg traction device with a vacuum bell. this is a great idea! you can add bars as you increase your length, in comfort. you will be using a traction device without worrying about wrap or velcro or whatever else to keep the glans from slipping or becoming numb. from what i read, you can get up to 17lbs of traction, which is a nice amount of force considering most people start hanging weights at 5lbs ( don't go 17lbs from the get go haha ). also, from what i can see, you can hang weights with it.

the silistretcher2 is mostly used as an ads. it is meant to keep you in an extended state after a workout, not necessarily pulling at a great force as an exercise, or traction device, would.

both can be used to hang weights. the stealth stretcher is advertised to 17lbs of traction, but i wonder what the max weight the stealth stretcher can handle. i have seen posts where guys were hanging up to 30lbs with the silistretcher2. when i look at the eye hook on the stealth stretcher, it does not seem as robust as the eye hook on the silistretcher2. the vacuum bell on the silistretcher2, also, seems to be "thicker" and can handle higher weights. i am not sure if you plan to hang weights, but this could be a factor in your decision.

i used to wear the silistretcher2 to sleep when i first received it, but i don't wear it to sleep, for now. when i get erections in my sleep, my glans fill the vacuum bell and gets squeezed. i think the part of my glans that are getting squeezed is not getting blood? anyways, i wake up in the middle of my sleep because it gets uncomfortable, then i have to take it off. it is annoying to wake up to adjust, then go back to sleep. i would rather sleep without disruption hehe. i can imagine the stealth stretcher having similar issues by the use of a vacuum bell. remember, i am giving my personal experience and thoughts. YMMV.

i have the original sg that i am not using for the time being. it got to be a bit inconvenient and there was no vacuum bell option when i purchased it years ago. the biggest inconveniences for me was slippage and going numb. i wrapped with different types of material and it would still slip sometimes. also, i would have to undo everything to take a re-circulation break, then start over wrapping again. i have a small stature, so it was noticeable when i would wear it under my pants. this prevented me from wearing it when i went out ( i wore it out a few times with interesting experiences haha)

i can see the stealth stretcher as being very comfortable and, with the vacuum bell, you will probably not have to worry about it slipping off. the stealth stretcher is using the same concept as the silistretcher2 with the vacuum bell. i have the silistretcher2 that i have been using on/off for about 2 months and i never had an issue where the vacuum bell slipped off. since you will be using a vacuum bell, there is no blood circulation that is being cut off, so there is almost no chance that your glans will go numb. fluid retention is a different story though LOL

now, i will say that i am biased towards the silistretcher2 and here are my reasons:

1) i do not use the sg anymore

2) the silistretcher2 can be used as an extender as well ( just need to make the strap tighter )

3) can hang with higher weights with the silistretcher2? this is just my opinion based on comparison of the eye hooks on both devices

4) stealth stretcher has too much hardware / big profile
- when i used to use the sg, sometimes i could hear metal squeaking when the bars would move, . i can only imagine walking out in public and hearing a squeak with every step you take LOL. all jokes aside, the squeak issue is still a possible issue

5) burning nutsack syndrome
- almost every time i would wear the sg for about an hour, my nutsack would feel like its on (fire). a remedy that i used was putting sock over the base of the sg, so that it was sitting between the sg and my nutsack. it helped a little, but there was always a burn for me LOL

i am sure you will enjoy either device and, imo, there is no "wrong" decision. good luck with your endeavors!
Thank you for that incredible review and I’m so glad you were able to review the most comparable tools. I agree with you the SiliStretcher is the shit. It does an all-around better job than any other device in his class. The StealthStretcher Is a great device but it is bulky in comparison. It’s these type of posts that really help men make educated purchases. I really appreciate all of this work you’ve done
@DLD @12oz red bull

So here is my thinking. The first image is the SiliStretcher being used as an ADS. The second image is the Stealth Stretcher being used as an ADS. The Stealth Stretcher looks smaller than the SiliStretcher because it does not have a built in pump like how the Silistretcher does. So if i were picking an device to wear while I am at work or just all day the stealth stretcher would be the best choice for concealment no? Or is there some detail that I am overlooking that makes the SiliStretcher more stealth than the StealthStretcher?

Even if they are about the same size then the stealth stretcher seems to be a better value because it comes with the 3 bells AND a traction device vs the SiliStretcher comes with 1 bell and no traction device.

@Lightning do you by any chance have any marketing materials showing what both of these devices look like under clothes? And if you could would you also give your input?

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Thanks for the input @12oz red bull .

no problem, dlong

@DLD @12oz red bull

... The Stealth Stretcher looks smaller than the SiliStretcher because it does not have a built in pump like how the Silistretcher does. So if i were picking an device to wear while I am at work or just all day the stealth stretcher would be the best choice for concealment no? ...

i agree the stealth stretcher looks smaller than the silistretcher2, therefore, it would be better at concealment when wearing to work. i am unable to wear the silistretcher2 under some pants because there is a rather large bulge on my small frame. i have the silistretcher2 with a 1.5" diameter bell... with the trend of skinny/tight pants, it is hard for me to use as an ads. also, it is hard to find baggy pants and i don't want to buy pants a couple sizes too big LOL. it also depends on how you dress for work ( do you wear jeans, slacks, or khakis? are you jake from state farm? hehe ) when i go to work, i wear somewhat baggy pants ( dickies ) and it better conceals the vacuum bell of the silistretcher2. so, yes, i wear the silistretcher2 to work, but i don't wear it when i go out in my street clothes

couple things to keep in mind:

1) the color of your pants... the bulge may be more prominent with certain colors, i.e. light colors, gray, etc... more bulge; dark colors conceals the bulge better

2) restroom breaks
- imo, this is pretty important to think about. after taking off the bell to use the restroom, you may want to add a little vacuum when you put it back on
- silistretcher2 vacuum bell has a built in knob for vacuum pressure which is very convenient
- stealth stretcher has a separate pump for vacuum pressure. this is adds to more equipment that you need to take around
- however... you stated that it will be used as an ads, so you may not want to add vacuum. the grip on the sleeve is good enough for light ads without added vacuum ( for me, at least ). sometimes, i don't even turn the knob on the silistretcher2 when i wear it as an ads. when i tighten the strap and feel as though i need vacuum to keep it from slipping off, then i will turn it 1/8" to 1/4". i walk around for the better part of the workday, so i put my mind at ease by adding a little vacuum. if you have a desk job, you may not need to add vacuum
- the bell and sleeve alone creates a little vacuum with resistance from the strap! for the silistretcher2 at least... i cannot say the same for the stealth stretcher because i have never used that type of vacuum bell. i'm sure it should be about the same, though

3) the silistretcher2 bell is larger/thicker, which may make it more durable
- i've dropped my silistretcher2 on my bathroom tile floor once and it took the drop like a champ. of course, i don't recommend doing this haha

check out the pics of the mos member "super" while he is wearing jeans with the silistretcher2
post #38 and #39

the stealth stretcher is definitely a good value since you get a few bells and an extender. the silistretcher2 is one device, but its other usefulness is the option to hang heavy weights. since, i am uninterested in extending and more interested in hanging, i still stand by what i said a couple of posts up and, personally, would choose the silistretcher2. i am not trying to convince you to purchase the silistretcher2, i am just one member giving his opinion. each device has its own pro's and con's...
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@12oz red bull ahh i never thought of bathroom breaks! you certainly bring up a good point there sir. I work a desk job (Software Engineer) so luckily(or perhaps unluckily) i'm not moving around that much.

Thanks for the input @DLD. Should I be wearing the ADS as much as possible or only for a few hours a day? If I did want to get into traction stretching, would I wear the traction stretcher in the same way as I would the ADS?

If you had to pick between getting an ADS or a length master which would you get first? (I would eventually get both down the line.)
@Dlong94 working a desk job is a good thing. when you get your device and sit at your desk, strap down to your ankle, tighten the strap and extend your leg for more tension to use as an extender. granted, you won't know the exact amount of force you are applying, unless you have a siliscale, or equivalent, but it should be more than a typical ads amount of force. you should start feeling a "pull" in your ligs after a couple of hours ( depending on the tension ). before you get up to walk around, loosen the tension if you want to.

i will chime in on your question to dld, as well. you would want to stay extended for as long as you can, even if it's for a few hours a day. this is "training" your penis to stay extended. i know there are scientific terms for this, but i do not want to give you the wrong terms or info. if i'm not strapped into the device, i try to stay extended by using sleeves only. i never want to turtle back to normal flaccid length. there were days when i stayed extended in just the sleeves for more than 16 hours and it took about 1 hour for me to go back to normal flaccid length. this lets me know that if i keep doing this, i will stay at the extended length when cemented.

yes, you could use the traction device for ads in the same way. you have the option to micro-adjust the length of the bars to add or decrease tension and keep it at a chosen length. i'm sure others can chime in on this, as well.
@12oz red bull ahh i never thought of bathroom breaks! you certainly bring up a good point there sir. I work a desk job (Software Engineer) so luckily(or perhaps unluckily) i'm not moving around that much.

Thanks for the input @DLD. Should I be wearing the ADS as much as possible or only for a few hours a day? If I did want to get into traction stretching, would I wear the traction stretcher in the same way as I would the ADS?

If you had to pick between getting an ADS or a length master which would you get first? (I would eventually get both down the line.)

The traction system you would use at home for the most part because of the bulkiness of the bars. Traction stretching is very powerful so it’s good to have the StealthStretcher. And when you’re out and about just use the vacuum system with belts. Having both systems in one device is very good as far as the SRT methodology goes with healing and gaining.

if you are gung ho for length and you want to get it as fast as possible I highly recommend the Lengthmaster and the StealthStretcher, With these two tools you can make a routine that will get you where you want to go very quickly. If you decide to go this way I can create a wonderful routine that works both of these tools together. Or if you decide to go with one or the other let me know and I can write a routine based around that. But in the perfect situation it’s best to have both the StealthStretcher and the Lengthmaster.
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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