Psychology Descusison continue: About the psychology of goal setting, with: @MosMaster.


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Hello! @MosMaster.
I had not forgot about our discussion about the psychological aspects about setting goals in penis enlargment.
I hope you are okay with me moving the descussion to the right part of MOS, otherwise you need to tell me, or if you think I write to much. I thought we should't "spam"our "rabbit hole" discussion at the previous thread, since this went a little to much outside of the orginal thread title. I hope you are okay I go down the "rabbit hole" once again.
Picure 1: The typical "rabbit hole" annalogy, the risk is that you dissapear for good and never come back. šŸ˜Š

My definition of an unrealistic goal:
Unrealistic goal == 2" length gain (BPEL) in the timeframe of 6 months, but it's possible we all know it is. But for most men it's unrealistic to expect oneself to be able to pull that off. At least it is not common. I don't know why that is? We have the lenghtmaster now, so I think it should be "easier" now. If we compare to when
doublelongdaddy started his journey, and how he discovered penis enlargment.

I'm not thinking so much about the final size to be extremely big, but that can be true as well, but the growth could happen much faster, especially lenght gains., and I think if you have a mental blockage in front of your goals, and set your potential and goals to low, there is a high chance that it will take longer time to achieve your goals, in comparance to if you had no mental blockage in front of your goals.

You set up everything logical, and everything you do is efficient. If you do not set up clear defined big goals, I do not think it's possible to achive fast gains. I hope you don't see me as a jerk for sayning this. I'm full aware that every brother gain at diffrent speeds, and we all have probably genetic predisposition in our ability for tissue growth. I have always had an advantage in my physical abilities.

For example: The most offensive thing someone had ever said to me was: "- Visst Ƥr det lƤtt fƶr dig att bygga muskler (in Swedish)", and it translates to this, in English: "- Sure, it's easy for you to build muscles". Just this statemet got me triggered bigtime, we are everyone diffrent do not assume things.

They have no idea what I had to sacrifice to get to where I am. No parties, no alcohol, always nutritional and good food, and sleep to make sure my body could heal up optimally in order to be stronger the next time. Instead of buying alcohol, I bought supplements.
I'm really passionate about these kind of things, and the psychological aspects behind why some people can't grow (stay the same for years), and when some other grow exponentially fast. What is making them so diffrent? I belive it's their mindset, and the way they approach goal setting to everyting in life.

Exactly like our discussion about building muscles vs. sacrefice this for PE. And you mentioned Mike Mentzer, after watching that video that really changed my perception on things. Here is the video again if someone wants to watch it. I recommend all brothers to watch it. The audio is somewhat crappy, but if you listen with headphones you are good. Here is the URL to the video:

These things is what I'm thinking about, when I think about unrealistic goals and expectations, do your own thing, and make it as efficient as possible. But learn on your way to success and help others on your way ass well.

I was told this is a common progression in growth:
3 months length 0.25"-0.5 "

6 months length 0.75"-1"

1 year length 1"-2"

3 months girth 0.25"

6 months girth 0.5"

1 year girth 0.75"-1"

Note this is incremental and the measurements for each month or year.

I feel like if you set small goals, the possibility of reaching them are smaller. I'm just wired that way.

I agree with this you wrote:
I mean, at some point what is PE for, for you? To get into Guinness World Records? Or self improvement/confidence and a more rewarding sex life?

Most women can't even take 9" fully inside of them. Hell, even 7-8" many will struggle with. What do you think happens if you reach 10, 11, 12, 13"...?

I guess it's good for every practitioner to know their "why".

It's important to know why you are doing something, that's a big part of structuring goals (set them up). And I'm sometimes questioning if a 8" long penis would be to long, and you would throw intimate sex of the window? You could not be close to each other during sex? I don't want to mention this, but since you brought up this subject so:

- If you do not fit your entire penis inside the woman, can you have intimate sex?
You can't go balls deep, in every position (can probably not do that right now either), you would be further away from the woman at all times when you penetrate.

It feels like I'm questioning my purpose with PE now, and undermining the brotherhood with these small thinking penis thoughts...that's not my intention. I just want to have a discussion about this.

As I said, a rabbit hole discussion. šŸ˜Š
Take care brother.
It feels like I'm questioning my purpose with PE now, and undermining the brotherhood with these small thinking penis thoughts...that's not my intention. I just want to have a discussion about this.
Can you explain what you mean with what I've quoted above?

I agree and I'm now seeing more clearly what your definition of "unrealistic" goals is.

Average people will get average results. When I think about you "average" is not what comes to mind.

Unrealistic would rather be (in my definition) a bit like my earlier example in the other thread if a young guy gets into PE thinking he will get a 10" penis in months or something resembling.

If 8" could be too long? I don't think so. It depends on the woman you are with in a given moment but for example, my girl are more like a size queen and could probably handle 9 x 7" with ease. So maybe it comes down to what kind of women you desire and attract. I have always liked the more kinky girls that likes big dicks and are more on the nymphomaniac side haha. But I would say 8" is on the safe side with most girls.


(when thinking about this picture, exaggeration could probably be a factor here as women generally over estimates and males are generally exaggerating when asked what size he is, but still..... šŸ˜†)

About finding your "why". Yes, this is very valuable as this will keep your mind on the goal and what that goal will provide you with!

For me personally, I just want to stand out and give women the "wow factor" and make them come hard with penetration.
That's just my personality. I wanna be in the best shape I can be in, reach my full potential in all areas of life!
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Okey! Thanks for the response.
Very interesting what you thought about everything. I feel more calm now, 8" will not be to long in length. I like the picture.

Can you explain what you mean with what I've quoted above?

Yeh! Questioning my purpose in PE? You may get that indication if I'm questioning MY goal size all the time. Question myself and thinking I'm going to become to big an ruin sex. And settle for a smaller size.
I'm not going to do that. BPEL: 8" will be the best. I'm going to stick with this goal. That will be awesome.

I think I have been brainwashed by the world outside of MOS.
Okey! Thanks for the response.
Very interesting what you thought about everything. I feel more calm now, 8" will not be to long in length. I like the picture.

Yeh! Questioning my purpose in PE? You may get that indication if I'm questioning MY goal size all the time. Question myself and thinking I'm going to become to big an ruin sex. And settle for a smaller size.
I'm not going to do that. BPEL: 8" will be the best. I'm going to stick with this goal. That will be awesome.

I think I have been brainwashed by the world outside of MOS.

Gotta ignore the world and put your nose to the grindstone
(when thinking about this picture, exaggeration could probably be a factor here as women generally over estimates and males are generally exaggerating when asked what size he is, but still..... šŸ˜†)
Probably! Their messuring method can't be trusted, it's for sure not BPEL.
But I will use this picure as motivation, I feel like I want to print it out and hang it on the wall.
Bro I honestly feel like there is no such thing as ā€œtoo bigā€, certainly not 8 bpel.Iā€™ve said this before but Iā€™ve never heard of a guy getting his heart broken bc he was ā€œtoo bigā€ lol . women can adjust pretty quickly ..I never underestimate their tolerance..I mean size queens DO exist! Why not keep going hard until u hit your goal, then see how women react(physically) to your new size? Donā€™t overthink itšŸ˜‰
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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