Depends on your program.How often should you take a decon (de conditioning) break and how long should it be for?
I believe this was one key for my fast gains.This helps to maintain a partial erection all day at 50 to 70 percents, but still allowing blood to continually cycles in.
No problem!Ok thank you both for the info. Helps quite a bit
Depends on your reasons.How often should you take a decon (de conditioning) break and how long should it be for?
Are you off decon now?Not sure what everyone else here thinks, My last decon I did half as much water pumping as normal and that is the only thing I did during decon. Some schools say don't do anything, for me I did half the water pump routine for EQ. For me a good decon time was 9 months into a routine, my dick was asking for it, I could tell it was exhausted but happy to be on team bigger dick.
Excellent newsI'm off Decon now, thanks for asking I took off two month, no loss, and the D felt good