cialis+yohimbine hcl+l-arginine+l-citrulline

I have just joined this forum after experimenting with various herbs and reading through other peoples success stories.
I do not have the mixture right yet so hope someone can advise.

one 20mg cialis 24 hrs before any fun
two more 20mg cialis 12 hrs before
then three 1000mg L-Arginine + three 750mg L-Citrulline around 7pm on an empty stomach
followed by four Yohimbine Hcl 10mgs during dinner

Each add on seems to improve matters but could do with a boost .... no side effects from Yohimbine Hcl....any suggestions please - one cialis 20mg tablet only has a small effect so upped it - pretty sure my yohimbine must be low strength as two tablets have no effect on me at all. Read in other parts of the forum about adding Arginine - Lysine - Macuna Pruriens -

Ideally I am looking for a stack that kicks in after dinner - cialis takes about 12 hrs to work on me ...