Are bundled stretches more effective the less or the more times you twist?
It's more of a question of, "How far you can twist/contort your penis so you can work on your penis effectively?"
For me, at flaccid, I can only go up to 2.5 full rotations (that 900 degrees total) before I cannot twist any more. When you twist in one direction, it should always be the same for the other direction. Never more, never less. It's about reach the max twisting/contortion degree so you can stretch with minimum force but maximum benefits.
Because my dick is literally putty when it’s soft I can get 5,6,7 twists 7 is pushing it but after a long set in and def get a 7th twist in
Wow. 7 twists of 360 degrees (2520 degrees total)? Or 7 twists of 180 degrees, half twists (1260 degrees total). You're about 9in in length for flaccid, so I can say around 7-half twists (1260 degrees)? I might be wrong.
But I was recently thinking about stretching it with less twists but is that counter productive?
It's not counter productive, but more on "need to add more pulling strength to break the collagen bonds. The best example is a long pieces of thick reed grass. If you pull the thick reed grass as is, you will not be able to break the reed grass because of the thick fibrous bonds. But if you put the reed grass in continuous contortion twist as you pull, the reed grass will snap as the fibrous bonds get broken. The only effort is the twisting and not the pulling. It's much easier to twist than to pull if you use force as a means of energy comparison. Work smarter and not harder.
Or do bundle stretches work differently on how much you twist? Cuz when I twist it twice it stretches out really far compared to when I twist it 6 times
Of course. You still have the penile length to pull if you only twist it 2 times. Not so much after 7 times. You pull to the same length after 7 times, you'll be screaming.
But the stretch I feel in a light bundle compared to a heavy bundle are insanely different
I can barely feel it 2 twists
And at full bundle, I can feel the stretch
And the longer I hold the stretch I can keep adding another twist
I wouldn't. Now, you're place too much contortion force on the blood vessels and nerves. Just enough to for you to pull and stretch with as little efforts as you can, but you can still feel that strain. Before, I could barely do 1 full twists with a half twist at 6in long. Now, 2 full twists with a half twist, closely reaching to 3 twists. But I need to bow to you for going up to 7 twists. Man. That's impressive.
I can hold each twist 15 min each
And it really gets a good stretch
If you're doing it by hand, that's a good value of time to use. We normally use the
Length master, and that devices will torture you at 15 minutes. After 5 minutes, I have to say "Uncle" already. The mechanical assist on the pull with your penis is all twisted at maximum contortion up is no joke. 6lbs is all I can take. If I just pull normally, I can go past 40lb, but I will
hanging around at that
weight any time soon.
But is there something I’m missing by not doing light bundles as well I wonder?
I posted pics of me doing both
Twist and pull between the butt cheeks (
BTC), increasing the dynamic pulling traction tension at your highest traction load and moderate traction load. Let's say when you pull very hard before you get that "Ahhh crap, that's painful", one level below that is, "Ahhhh, nice, that's the hard pull right there." The sensation of the achiness of a very hard pull, minus the pains. Use that as your "high traction load". The moderate is the dull feeling when you know you're pulling your penis hard enough for a good stretch without the "Ahhhh, nice, that's the hard pull right there."
You may be able to do the
BTC without the
length master due to the blessed length you have. But without the
length master, you may not be able to attack the ligaments by doing a specific zone of angles for the
BTC, roughly around 105 to 115 degrees.