That is a funny way to describe it, but yes, our penises appear like that as well.
Tiny blood spots and irritation, with glans skin restorarion:
This happens all the time when we use devices that over tighten the skin beyond it capacity to maintain subtleness. Something like an irritated rash bumps from rubbing too hard. Some recommended
hydrocortisone up to 1%, at most, 2% based on irritation and redness. Some suggested warm wraps and massage with essential and natural oils like cumin, sage, lavender, or even rosemary, coconut oil (you are using), and healing skin
ointment containing Vit E, A&D, or a specialized skin repair lotion like Locobase REPAIR.
Either case combo is great to have, like
Hydrocortisone 1% with Locobase REPAIR, or
hydrocortisone with essential oil spacing out by an hour or two. Oil first, then
Hydrocortisone. Or Locobase first to allow a bit of drying before
Darker penis color:
Very common due to PE vasodilation of the blood into the penis, or hemoglobin-induced changes. When vasodilation occur It goes away after a few months of not doing heavy PE routine.
There are many ways to lighten the skin again, such as salicylic acid. I use it once in a while when my penile skin looks darker than my suntanned skin. Increasing
LM and pumping routines from 20 minutes per routine to 40 each can darken your skin quite a bit. If you cannot be patient with the lighten skin on its own, salicylic acid will do the trick.
Glans looks like it went through with Rocky Balboa in the 9th round:
This is a very common reoccurrence when you use a combo of
LM and water pumping, or ADS long period of usages and water pumping. Too much oil being removed from the skin through high moisture. It's a contradictory approach to add moisturizing and restoration lotion and oil while using the PE tools, like ADS, while being stuck in the containers loaded with moisture. When you use your
SG and your glans being dried up like prune, yeah, not going to help much. Use a thin layer of
TheraBand or the
SiliCap, poke a few holes for aeration, but add a thin film of oil to provide protected layer, while keeping the wrapped area for
SG free from the oil to prevent slippage. When using the
LM, 10 to 20 minutes won't do anything. If you are strapping on the
SG for post
LM or water pumping routine, do protect your glans with a layer of the skin restoration oil/lotion/