Blister Prevention


New member
Hello Newbie to Posting, My First Post!
So if I say something wrong or post in wrong Forum? Sorry- I really don't care.

I am Body Builder 5' 10" 245 Pounds- Strong Strong
I am Avid PE -
9.5" BPEL
7.25" Girth

But in the last 6 months - I was really struggling with Blisters.
Everything I did- was a new Blister- what an EGO bust to - A man who benches 400, squats 600, and leg presses 1400
View attachment 1825388

What I discovered over the last 2 months- is Remarkable.
I brush NEW SKIN on over the entire head penis.
I let first coat dry.
Then I put on second coat and let dry.
Its Like the M&M hard candy shell over head of penis..

AFTER Work out - you brush on NEW SKIN again DO NOT let it dry- and it removes the first coat with gentle rubbing
and paper tow
Repeat with Second Brush coat with NEW SKIN- again DO NOT let it dry- and it removes the second coat with gentle rubbing.

BOOM- I can hang 20 or 30 pounds for hours- I can do Length Master Bundled stretches as aggressive as I want.
I can do ADS Silistretcher for hours at 10 pound level.

I have gained another 1/2" in 2 months. AMAZING
I will stop at 12" - hahahahahah (maybe)
Hello Newbie to Posting, My First Post!
So if I say something wrong or post in wrong Forum? Sorry- I really don't care.

I am Body Builder 5' 10" 245 Pounds- Strong Strong
I am Avid PE -
9.5" BPEL
7.25" Girth

But in the last 6 months - I was really struggling with Blisters.
Everything I did- was a new Blister- what an EGO bust to - A man who benches 400, squats 600, and leg presses 1400
View attachment 1825388

What I discovered over the last 2 months- is Remarkable.
I brush NEW SKIN on over the entire head penis.
I let first coat dry.
Then I put on second coat and let dry.
Its Like the M&M hard candy shell over head of penis..

AFTER Work out - you brush on NEW SKIN again DO NOT let it dry- and it removes the first coat with gentle rubbing
and paper tow
Repeat with Second Brush coat with NEW SKIN- again DO NOT let it dry- and it removes the second coat with gentle rubbing.

BOOM- I can hang 20 or 30 pounds for hours- I can do Length Master Bundled stretches as aggressive as I want.
I can do ADS Silistretcher for hours at 10 pound level.

I have gained another 1/2" in 2 months. AMAZING
I will stop at 12" - hahahahahah (maybe)

Very cool discovery can you give us a link?
I don't Understand?
A link to what?
A link to New Skin?

New Skin is this stuff sold at every Grocery Store and every Pharmacy in USA also on Amazon.
BUT It Works-

I can be as crazy aggressive as I want- I can do anything and never get a blister.
I never get a blister and actually new skin helps old blister scars go away fast.
Without having to wait for the scar or red dark spot to fade.
Great idea! I grabbed the equivalent of it here and am trialling it with my phallosan today, I want to see how this application can help with preventing skin peeling and sensitivity of the glans caused by higher belt tension and therefore higher pressure inside the bell as a result, so far it's all positive, only about 5hrs in for the day but my belt tension is waaay higher than where it would normally sit and no issues that would normally occur ? I'll report back at the end of the day with my experiences.

Awesome find brians4902! ?
The one I got was an aerosol spray on skin, I put a dab of moisturizing cream over the eye so the stuff didn't close me up! ? it sprays on liquid, then goes tacky and then dry within about 30 - 45 seconds so I had time to wipe away any cream/spray that could cause issue when using the bathroom, no issues ?

Edit: I haven't taken it off yet, figure that out when I get there.

Edit edit: still using the phallosan since earlier posts, had to reapply the spray as I put the device on too soon before letting it dry to a hard shell and it stuck to the bell, all that happened was it peeled off, came off easily too so meh ?‍♂️ the second lot I waited for it to fully harden then put a light dusting of talcum powder over the whole glans so it didn't stick again ? this stuff is great so far, no skin issues or sensitivity at all and my pf belt intensity is way higher than I would normally wear it, great find again Brian! ? next lot I get I'll definitely get the brush on stuff instead of a spray, a little bit messy and awkward getting all angles evenly.
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I don't Understand?
A link to what?
A link to New Skin?

New Skin is this stuff sold at every Grocery Store and every Pharmacy in USA also on Amazon.
BUT It Works-

I can be as crazy aggressive as I want- I can do anything and never get a blister.
I never get a blister and actually new skin helps old blister scars go away fast.
Without having to wait for the scar or red dark spot to fade.

That’s exactly what I meant no thank you for posting it. Now everybody knows what you’re talking about and we can all give it a shot.
Yes the Brush on application i s much better.
You can control where the New Skin Goes.
It makes a hard shell attached to the Glans ( penis head)
Then skin can not get a blister- this is blister prevention.

OK to put it on;
Just follow this:

I brush NEW SKIN on over the entire head penis.
I let first coat dry.
Then I put on second coat and let dry.

OK to remove it ;
Just follow this:

AFTER your PE Work out -
Brush on NEW SKIN again DO NOT let it dry- and it removes the first coat with gentle rubbing
and wet paper tow
Repeat with Second Brush coat with NEW SKIN- again DO NOT let it dry- and it removes the second coat with gentle rubbing.

Second way to remove.
I have found that Bacitracin ointment placed over the Glans will make the New Skin fall off 100% in about 2 hours?
Give or take?
Has anyone tried New Skin on their glans yet and go for a Hang with the Silistretcher.I did have a bottle of it but she's all dried out.Must not of put the cap on tight when I used it about 6 months ago on a cut.I did find a can of this though in my shop.Wonder if it would work..Lol.. View attachment 1825682
This is what I'm using, pretty much the same stuff in a different can. Need to find a brush on applicator like original post though, the spray can be a little messy, but still does the same job.
I was just joking about the Flex Seal.If you sprayed that on I bet you would have to use a Hammer and a Chisel to get it off.Lol
That's amazing! Never thought of this but if I ever go back to heavy weight I'll give this a try.

Also any resources for an intermediate to advanced level lifter. Currently bench 315, deadlift and squat 415. I'm 5'6, 185 lbs, currently at 15.8% bodyfat and have better leverages for squat. I can leg press 1000 x 8. I'll be transitioning from a powerlifting centered routine with bodybuilding components to cutting in 3 weeks. Want to keep most of my strength and know I definitely have to reduce the volume of what I'm currently doing.
You can hang 20-30 pounds for hours without cutting off blood flow? Am I getting that right?

I hang 20 minute sets with 23 pounds with the lengthmaster and do crunches and swings thats pretty intense as is.

I couldn't imagine hanging that weight for hours solid.
What device are you using?

What I mean is I can hang with the Male Hanger or LengthMaster 20 to 30 pounds for hours.
I work from home and sit at my desk and hang!
But I always take a 5 minute break and remove hanger for 5 minute intervals.
To pee or just relax.
Not because of pain.
But because even with NEW SKIN - I am NERVOUS to get blister.
So I am cautious.
But Since I started using NEW SKIN- I have never gotten another blister.
Not even a weird sensation or tingling in the Head. NOTHING !
The stuff prevents blisters - by not allowing the skin to expand. ( I GUESS ??)

BTW: I suffered through probably 30+ blisters doing - LengthMaster- Male Hanger- Silistretcher- Penis Master.
NOW I am very confident I will not get another Blister no matter how aggressive.

BTW I wrap with sports prewrap- then use SiliSleeve over Glans -Head - then use Uncle Jims Penis wrap.
I still think wrapping is CRITICAL- to Blister Prevention
That's amazing! Never thought of this but if I ever go back to heavy weight I'll give this a try.

Also any resources for an intermediate to advanced level lifter. Currently bench 315, deadlift and squat 415. I'm 5'6, 185 lbs, currently at 15.8% bodyfat and have better leverages for squat. I can leg press 1000 x 8. I'll be transitioning from a powerlifting centered routine with bodybuilding components to cutting in 3 weeks. Want to keep most of my strength and know I definitely have to reduce the volume of what I'm currently doing.


Sounds like your doing fine.
What resources do you need at gym?

You sound like avid Body Builder.
Great Job!!

OK but I think I will dominate in the GYM.
Just kidding BRO.
Pound the weight!

FUNNY STORY for YOU- You know the MYTH- guys who work out have small cock?
Girls are WOW- but cant say they always like big big big men.

Girls like Justin Bieber and Bradley Cooper and Brad Pitt.

BUT- I can beat crap out of those guys,
We'll I gave it a go and did my afternoon hang with 15lbs for one hour with New Skin applied to my glans.It works.It stung for roughly 30 seconds,not too bad of a Sting but I noticed it for sure after applying it to the Urethra opening and I covered my entire glans too.The stinging defiantly started once I covered the opening.The rest of the glands never felt a thing.Just tightness when the new skin is drying.I only used One Coat and should of put on Two like Brian the original poster mentioned.After removing the Silistretcher and sleeve my glans were in tip top shape with some of the New Skin already "Pealing Off" in spots here and there.Those spots had "very mild puffiness" where it peeled off but it was ever so slight.Now I see why Brian mentioned you apply "2 Coats" of this stuff and make sure its "Shiny Dry" before hanging.I might of put on the SS a little early too before it was completely dry I think.For my evening hang I will defiantly put on 2 coats and make sure its completely dry.Removing it by applying some new skin on the glans and jumping in a hot shower removed all the coating.This stuff is a keeper for those having problems with a glans caps or taping.Just that little sting on the pee pee hole is the only negative thing to report I would say.
Dont PUT it in your PEE HOLE- and it doesnt sting.

Dont be silly.(cwl)
Just go right up to the pee hole.
Dont block the PEE HOLE.
USE 2 Coats let them dry- stand in front of a fan or something.
Takes couple minutes to have a Hard M&M Candy Shell.

BUT - I am learning also- I am not the expert.
But - its worked so far for 2 months and I have gone crazy couple times trying to get a blister.
But the Blister said- NO THANK YOU

Sounds like your doing fine.
What resources do you need at gym?

You sound like avid Body Builder.
Great Job!!

OK but I think I will dominate in the GYM.
Just kidding BRO.
Pound the weight!

FUNNY STORY for YOU- You know the MYTH- guys who work out have small cock?
Girls are WOW- but cant say they always like big big big men.

Girls like Justin Bieber and Bradley Cooper and Brad Pitt.

BUT- I can beat crap out of those guys,

Tommy Chong wrote an interesting article regarding that myth. He spent time with Arnold Schwarzenegger way back in his bodybuilding days, and said those guys were swinging sledgehammer. It is a funny article.
I've never heard of anyone getting a blister with compression hanging before, only a sore swollen head from the hanger sliding forward on the glands.

I've also never heard of anyone doing an uninterrupted set for that long without cutting off blood flow due to the clamping down on the tissues, so I don't get how that works.

I can see how this would work with the silistretcher as the key thing with them is long session's without cutting off blood flow but people have massive issues with blisters.

Will have to get myself a vac hanger to try it out as it seems to be a great find. Good job and good luck on your gains.
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I've never heard of anyone getting a blister with compression hanging before, only a sore swollen head from the hanger sliding forward on the glands.

I've also never heard of anyone doing an uninterrupted set for that long without cutting off blood flow due to the clamping down on the tissues, so I don't get how that works.

I can see how this would work with the silistretcher as the key thing with them is long session's without cutting off blood flow but people have massive issues with blisters.

Will have to get myself a vac hanger to try it out as it seems to be a great find. Good job and good luck on your gains.

Well I can attest to the following:

MY first blister was from Silistretcher hanging.

After that It seemed I was cursed,

I got blister from Male Hanger ( but I like it alot)

I got blister from LengthMaster ( I like it alot) (I probably do to many bundled stretches)
(But my girth is big at 7.25")

I got blister from PeniMaster (cant stand this POS)

NOW- I can say

I never got blister from Jelqing
I never got blister from Bathmate
I never got Blister from Sizegenitics

So all I can do is share my experience.
But I am happy to share what I found with New Skin.
I am Blister Free.
I've never heard of anyone getting a blister with compression hanging before, only a sore swollen head from the hanger sliding forward on the glands.

I've also never heard of anyone doing an uninterrupted set for that long without cutting off blood flow due to the clamping down on the tissues, so I don't get how that works.

I can see how this would work with the silistretcher as the key thing with them is long session's without cutting off blood flow but people have massive issues with blisters.

Will have to get myself a vac hanger to try it out as it seems to be a great find. Good job and good luck on your gains.

Good to see you my brother, what have you been up to?
Yes I haven't posted in a long while. Just keeping my head down putting in the work with pe and life in general.

I hope all is well with you.

Well when I saw your name today it really made my day. I love women veterans come back it’s always a great day. I’m doing as good as I can do and getting better at it every day LOL
Well when I saw your name today it really made my day. I love women veterans come back it’s always a great day. I’m doing as good as I can do and getting better at it every day LOL

I'm actually a man with a penis that's why I'm here, pretty sure that's a typo ? thanks I appreciate the kind words.

That's good to hear I'm the same, I have matured immensely and it's paying off. I appreciate what I have and work hard for the rest.?
I'm actually a man with a penis that's why I'm here, pretty sure that's a typo ? thanks I appreciate the kind words.

That's good to hear I'm the same, I have matured immensely and it's paying off. I appreciate what I have and work hard for the rest.?

lol WHEN! This voice to text on an Apple phone works like shit. What I meant to say was when not women LOL
I know brother was pretty funny ?

It gets worse with the new update. I’m almost ready to go back to a keyboard because after I go from voice to text I have to go back and proofread it and correct it. I’m really hoping they improve this feature as it would save me so much time and embarrassment LOL

Sounds like your doing fine.
What resources do you need at gym?

You sound like avid Body Builder.
Great Job!!

OK but I think I will dominate in the GYM.
Just kidding BRO.
Pound the weight!

FUNNY STORY for YOU- You know the MYTH- guys who work out have small cock?
Girls are WOW- but cant say they always like big big big men.

Girls like Justin Bieber and Bradley Cooper and Brad Pitt.

BUT- I can beat crap out of those guys,
Yes I am proof that's a myth, plus I've seen many naked guys in the locker room that can prove it to be false as well. When I was dating my wife one of her friends asked me if I go to gym so much because I'm over compensating, my wife looked at her and said "oh no he's not over compensating at all! He just really enjoys it". I think I replied about how much I've always enjoyed pushing myself and setting and meeting goals. I also mentioned I drive a Honda so no compensating there lol.
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Yes I am proof that's a myth, plus I've seen many naked guys in the locker room that can prove it to be false as well. When I was dating my wife one of her friends asked me if I go to gym so much because I'm over compensating, my wife looked at her and said "oh no he's not over compensating at all! He just really enjoys it". I think I replied about how much I've always enjoyed pushing myself and setting and meeting goals. I also mentioned I drive a Honda so no compensating there LOL.

I drive a 4” lifted Defender, Does this mean I am very small LOL or I am by the exception to the rule LOL ?View attachment 1825872
Can someone link me to the best of the best of this product?
Awesome discovery! I'm trying to track down a similar one here in London to see if that helps.

When you use this, is there any need to also use anti-blister tape in addition for hanging sessions? So far the tape seems useful but it's a b*tch taking it off your glans afterwards ?
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Awesome discovery! I'm trying to track down a similar one here in London to see if that helps.

When you use this, is there any need to also use anti-blister tape in addition for hanging sessions? So far the tape seems useful but it's a b*tch taking it off your glans afterwards ?

Looking forward to a good review
Ok so far so good...
This is the one they have in the UK: seems similar but branded under a different name

OP is right that it is like a shiny hard candy shell, haha. Feels a lot more comfortable on the skin with the stretcher on compared with the tape (the tape feels like it pinches quite a bit).

Update to follow at the end of this 30 minute session...
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Ok so far so good...
This is the one they have in the UK: seems similar but branded under a different name

OP is right that it is like a shiny hard candy shell, haha. Feels a lot more comfortable on the skin with the stretcher on compared with the tape (the tape feels like it pinches quite a bit).

Update to follow at the end of this 30 minute session...

Thank you my brother for taking the time to show us this. I’m hoping that others reap the rewards of your work.
A newbie here just got my Sillistretcher in the mail. So happy about it, I threw on that sucker right away. But two hour later i went to pee, and to my surprise i thought i peed in my sillistretcher. But there was a huge popped blister (clap) Glad one search on the forum got me some answers. I guess its best to let my dick heal before i start my stretching again? Going to buy liquid bandage here in Norway too. Whats the best blister excuse to tell your gf?(xd)
A newbie here just got my SiliStretcher in the mail. So happy about it, I threw on that sucker right away. But two hour later i went to pee, and to my surprise i thought i peed in my SiliStretcher. But there was a huge popped blister (clap) Glad one search on the forum got me some answers. I guess its best to let my dick heal before i start my stretching again? Going to buy liquid bandage here in Norway too. Whats the best blister excuse to tell your gf?(xd)

The best thing to put on the blister is bacitracin it will heal it very quickly. Just tell your wife that you caught your penis in your zipper
I’m definitely gonna try the “new Skin” stuff as soon as my blisters heal. I was really getting discouraged because I always get blisters or a suuuuper sensitive glans after wearing the Silistretcher. Even with the Penimaster Pro I had gotten blisters (worse than with the Silistretcher).
I also just got a lengthmaster (my wallet hates me). So hopefully by using that, I can go lighter in tension with the Silistretcher.
By the way. Should I brush on the New Skin while I’m flaccid or erect? I’m assuming flaccid

It would seem to me that you don’t want to go erect because flaccid Would end up breaking the seal when you become erect
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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