Bathmate question


New member
Hello guys,
I have a some questions about the bath mate. I have using it for almost two years. My routine at first was 5+5+5 for like 6 months. currently year later when I reach to 6.5 inches in it under 5 minutes, I don’t feel anything until I reach to 7 or 7.5 under 10 mins, I’ve decided to leave it until I hit 15 mins Or 20 mins. The first question do I need to go back to 5,5,5 or should i Keep doing this? Next question how can I keep my girth after Using the BM? I might of sound a little vague right now Sorry about that.
Don't think there's any reason you can't increase I'd still recommend splitting into 3 x slots to give the old boy a break and Incorporate some SSJ's. As for post bathmate I use a cock ring for around 20 mins, heard its best to have 2, one near base and one below head.
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I agree with Andy and I will take that advice. You may even want to go for something that looks more like a 10 x 10 x 3 which will bring much more expansion with two less sets. As suggested you sure to wear a cock ring after your session to keep the pump around as long as possible to heal in an expanded state.
Oh ok, thank you guys for the feedback. Now when I do 10 x 10x 3, how long should I rest between sets?

There is no rest. If you are doing 10x10x3 your workout should look like this:

10 minutes pumping
10 minutes SlowSquashJelq

10 minutes pumping
10 minutes SlowSquashJelq

10 minutes pumping
10 minutes SlowSquashJelq
Ok understood thank you guys!! Pretty soon I’ll buy the silistretcher 2 just waiting for my cougar gf to leave out of town for work so I can start using it hahaha

It’s going to be like a carnival LOL you’re gonna have a blast!