Anyone get Blood blisters?


New member
Newbie here,after trying the Bathmate for the first time I ended up with 2 blood blisters,one small one and the other about the size of half an egg,
Had to bleed the giant blister so I could roll my foreskin back over my glans,
Is this a common issue?

I did 3x 5 minute sets with a Hydromax,
Only noticed a slight sting during the last set,
Blisters definitely formed then
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Newbie here,after trying the Bathmate for the first time I ended up with 2 blood blisters,one small one and the other about the size of half an egg,
Had to bleed the giant blister so I could roll my foreskin back over my glans,
Is this a common issue?

I did 3x 5 minute sets with a Hydromax,
Only noticed a slight sting during the last set,
Blisters definitely formed then

It’s not a frequent issue but it does happen and I feel so badly that you’re going through this. I would say that you need to layoff pumping until these blisters have a drain themselves. This should happen within a week using hot compresses to to three times a day. But what will be important is after you’ve healed how we address you’re pumping routine. You may be ultra sensitive and I need to go with less work. So in that case we can just reduce the time your training and implement ways to watch and eliminate blisters.

Do not pop them or you’ll end up with a scar. Simply use the hot compresses every day and it will drain on it’s own and you will not be left with any scarring. Once it does drain I highly recommend you use bacitracin on the affected area until it is completely healed.