Hello! @DudePoland956
I saw that you wrote on my profile page. I answer your questions here instead, since I have limited words to write with on my profile page.
This was what you wrote. I have just copy and paste, since I could not use the built-in, quote functionality that exist on this forum from there.
Post #22 in thread; DudePoland PE comeback.
Answer to your questions:
Bundled stretches are stretches where you rotate your glans, which will rotate all the tissue in your penis.
Metaphor: It's like if you would rotate a towel between your two hands. You will bundle up all that tight and good.
You will not damage anything as long as you are flaccid when you perform bundled stretches. You can't pull off ypur penis, so stretch as hard as you can. But be careful in the beginning. With time you will adjust to stretching harder and harder. Increasing your intensity progressively is the way to go.
You should be 100% flaccid when you perform stretches and bundled stretches. In the beginning you can become erected when starting to stretch, they will go away with time, and you will be able to be 100% flaccid when stretching.
We referring this to: bundle up your penis.
Here are a video where I explain bundled stretches. But it's without a broomstick.
Explanation of bundled stretches.
Here's a good representation of the stretches I did with my broomstick.
Broomstick stretch: BTC (Behind The Cheeks) with inner penis stretch.
Here are all the stretching directions I did in my broomstick routine. I held each stretching direction for 1 minute. Have you read through my broomstick routine?
Here is a picure of my broomstick:
A drumstick will not be solid and long enough (good enough), for the intensity you want to bring on your tissue. Just buy a broomstick at a local store, saw it to ~46 cm length, and then sand it down smooth and then paint it smooth. You can use body powder/baby powder to make the broomstick easy to bundle your penis around (= reduce friction).
Erection level:
When it comes to stretching your penis, your penis should be 100% flaccid.
When doing Slow Squash Jelq's, you should have it near 100%. Maybe 80-90% erection level. You will feel for yourself, which level works best to get maximum expansion of your tissue.
I hope this helps.
I saw that you wrote on my profile page. I answer your questions here instead, since I have limited words to write with on my profile page.
This was what you wrote. I have just copy and paste, since I could not use the built-in, quote functionality that exist on this forum from there.
Here are where our conversation started about this:1.whar are bundle stretches on broomstick ? How to properly use them and prevent injury?
2. Can you tell me what is the Best level of erection while doing manual stretching and jelqing ? Semi Erect? Which level is the Best? I will be very thankful. Just bought broomstick (short drums) and will start training soon
Post #22 in thread; DudePoland PE comeback.
Answer to your questions:
Bundled stretches are stretches where you rotate your glans, which will rotate all the tissue in your penis.
Metaphor: It's like if you would rotate a towel between your two hands. You will bundle up all that tight and good.
You will not damage anything as long as you are flaccid when you perform bundled stretches. You can't pull off ypur penis, so stretch as hard as you can. But be careful in the beginning. With time you will adjust to stretching harder and harder. Increasing your intensity progressively is the way to go.
You should be 100% flaccid when you perform stretches and bundled stretches. In the beginning you can become erected when starting to stretch, they will go away with time, and you will be able to be 100% flaccid when stretching.
We referring this to: bundle up your penis.
Here are a video where I explain bundled stretches. But it's without a broomstick.
Explanation of bundled stretches.
Here's a good representation of the stretches I did with my broomstick.
Broomstick stretch: BTC (Behind The Cheeks) with inner penis stretch.
Here are all the stretching directions I did in my broomstick routine. I held each stretching direction for 1 minute. Have you read through my broomstick routine?
Look at this:
A representation of all the angels of the stretches (viewed from above).
Here is a picure of my broomstick:
A drumstick will not be solid and long enough (good enough), for the intensity you want to bring on your tissue. Just buy a broomstick at a local store, saw it to ~46 cm length, and then sand it down smooth and then paint it smooth. You can use body powder/baby powder to make the broomstick easy to bundle your penis around (= reduce friction).
Erection level:
When it comes to stretching your penis, your penis should be 100% flaccid.
When doing Slow Squash Jelq's, you should have it near 100%. Maybe 80-90% erection level. You will feel for yourself, which level works best to get maximum expansion of your tissue.
I hope this helps.