Actual erect length vs erect length reached in bathmate

What's up guys. Was just wondering what people's erect length stats look like in comparison to how much length you can get up to in your bathmate.

My erect length has gone up and so has my maximum bathmate length.

My current EL IS 7.3/7.4 and I find it amazing that in the bathmate I can get up to 7.8/7.9. Can't wait to hit the 8inch mark in the bathmate then carry on to the stars hahaha.

Would be good to have any information on this and to know if any of you guys feel like this is a sign of more gains to be made. Thanks guys.
I have a very similar gap between my BPEL and my max in both my modded X40 and MityVac...if I hit 8 1/2" in either cylinder, I'll know that my erect length would be 8". I think it's a combination of having a consistent 'pull' from the BM/MV, vs. trying to maintain EQ while holding the ruler and the fact that generally your stretched length is slightly higher than the bone-pressed measurement.
TL/DR...BPEL is about 1/2" under your BM max
Thanks for the reply guys, yeah it's good to see the instant girth and length gains. Especially good to see the length grow in the bathmate week by week.

It’s a wonderful thing to see afterwards but what’s even greater is when it becomes permanent and new temporary gains start to come. If you pay attention to PE it’s pretty exciting.