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I have a degree in Engineering. My primary Career description is Chemical Engineer. I specialise in the processes and diversion of natural resources and organic compounds. The conversion of biological material by enzyme pathways to create synthetic structures which can be used in large scale industrial manufacturing.

I basically figure out different ways to convert organic plant functions into synthetic mechanical functions. The types of techniques used in these functions are usually observed on a molecular level, then later replicated in larger scale operations that will be used to manufacture next generation industrial machinery.

The process involved is complicated and controversial. The functions, and processes we use to identify, and replicate, organic cell division, and organic cell growth, has been ridiculed, primarily by the religious community for over a decade. The irony that religious organisations are not only our primary source of funding, they are also our primary source of dispute.

Go figure..

The religious organisations have primary involvement in our funding mainly because the types of technology we are attempting to replicate act more like biological organic matter, rather than mechanical machinery.

The easiest way for me to explain what our team is doing, in the lab, and in the workshop, is to give you a few examples of what kind of technology we are developing.

The functions biological matter use to generate energy, and to produce cell division, can be regarded as a complicated mechanical process. The functions behind these processes are believed to have specific coding and specific instructions to tell the biological matter how to react and how to function.

These instructions are given to cells by DNA and RNA. The most basic way to explain this is protein. The cells receive these instructions and follow through with the commands based on various types of protein combinations. The protein is like a computer code, it tells the cell what to do and when to do it and for how long it should continue to do it. A cell will typically die after a period of time without protein activity. The cell is usually replaced by a new cell before it expires, if the cells can't regenerate faster than they expire, the organism will die. This means that cells only have a purpose when a protein is giving the cell an instruction to perform a task.

The experiments we conduct and the technology we apply to these processes, are nothing short of remarkable. The replication of cell division from a protein can be isolated and transpositioned into a synthetic function, primarily a form of machinery.

The reason why religious organisations enforce complete control over our ability to manufacture and develop these technologies, is suppression. The religious community believe that our studies break God's command to not replicate him or his actions. The religious community fear the possibility of Man creating technology that operates with a biological mechanism.

The manufacturing of human made machinery that function primarily on biological organic pathways can be regarded as biological machinery. The industrial applications we apply to these experiments create and function as synthetic lifeforms. These lifeforms are unique to anything that has lived or will ever live, they are not biological to Earth by nature, they are biological to Earth by human creation.

These machines are not alive, because they cannot die. These machines use the natural ability to generate new cells and divide these cells into energy, this energy is used to fuel the function of the machine. The machine has been programmed by the proteins to generate a surplus of cell growth and division. The surplus of cell division gives the machine infinite ability to generate commands from proteins to carry out functions.

The primary machine we have designed uses a chain of proteins to send messages to cells. The messages the cells receive are commands to do a specific function. The proteins used to send these commands are generated by a computer code and artificially sent to the cells via radio and light waves, typically short band radio and high frequency light, these messages act like a fibre optic cable within the walls of a cell

The ability to use radio and light frequencies within cell walls to replicate a protein command gives scientists unlimited potential to create new types of machines. These machines are currently molecular machines, they function and operate on a microscopic level. The size of the machines vary depending on what organic matter they interact with and what functions they are programmed to perform.

The long term goal of our experiments and studies will build the foundations required to replicate these machines on a larger scale. The size of these machines increase month by month. The past decade has been the most productive. The machines we have developed this decade have grown in size from the initial singular cell 'bio tank' we initially and successfully synthesized.

We code named our initial machine the 'bio tank' because the primary purpose of this machine was to kill cells. The machine functioned similar to a virus. The machine was not dead, it was not alive. The machine would only activate If the machine came into contact with a living cell. The bio tank would attach to the cell and send a signal to the cell, the command would tell the cell that there is no longer a protein available to give the cell a function, the result was expiration of the cell.

The experiment was successful and the literature to the findings was immediately put into 'quarantine' by the organisation responsible for our funding. The experiment was terminated and the funding was cut. The documents and the progress of the experiments were put into a class called 'non funded experiment abnormalities'

The celebrations turned into anger, and then many, many months of Court hearings between the US Government and the Australian Government. The experiment was successful and the biological machine that functioned from commands coded by humans, was deemed a biological weapon. The only explanation we received was from the United States Department of Homeland Security, Environmental Measurements Laboratory. The termination of the experiment was deemed a Global Health Emergency. The creation of synthetic organisms that have the potential to carry out commands resulting in the termination of a living organism, was deemed biological weapon, all current and future experiments must be discontinued immediately.

That's the highlight of my career. I was part of a team of Engineers that developed a synthetic lifeform which had one purpose and one purpose only. To kill cells. The irony of this scientific breakthrough is the fact that this synthetic organism can be programmed to kill viruses. The COVID -19 Pandemic has opened up new funding into the 10 year old experiment. The lab responsible in the delegation of this synthetic lifeform have successfully used the mechanism of function and terminate active coronavirus cell division.

The bio tank acts as a cell so the coronavirus is tricked into injecting a protein into the bio tank, the bio tank then uses this protein signal to tell the virus that there is no longer any cells to eliminate, resulting in the expiration of the virus reproduction.

You can thank me later, when this amazing story becomes public, sometime in the next couple of weeks.

Happy reading.
Damn guys what part you don't understand,when they kill the cells n the machine is not alive nor dead or when they created a ... ? Lol
Damn guys what part you don't understand,when they kill the cells n the machine is not alive nor dead or when they created a ... ? Lol

Schrodinger’s cat, look it up and have your mind blown
Schrodinger’s cat, look it up and have your mind blown

I do like a bit of quantum physics to be fair...!

...and I like your take on the original post...what’s to say this line of events isn’t real...somewhere...!

In any case, I liked the way it was written - it was grammatically very good and was certainly interesting. I was under the impression it was written (or at least, posted as) a joke. It would be a good prologue to a science fiction story. Most of the science is plausible...however, some of it as described is either improbable or impossible as we currently understand physical science.
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I do like a bit of quantum physics to be fair...!

...and I like your take on the original post...what’s to say this line of events isn’t real...somewhere...!

In any case, I liked the way it was written - it was grammatically very good and was certainly interesting. I was under the impression it was written (or at least, posted as) a joke. It would be a good prologue to a science fiction story. Most of the science is plausible...however, some of it as described is either improbable or impossible as we currently understand physical science.

I’ve done a lot of work in quantum mechanics and particle physics. It’s a second love.

My first love is duping thousands of men into believing I gained 5-inches of penis length within a year and here the image to prove it
