A protocol for a newbie using a bathmate hydromax and phallosan forte plus in combination


I just became a member here today because I decided to seriously restart PE. I tried jelqing and stretching about 7 years ago but quit after a few months. I have just bought a bathmate hydromax, and will buy a phallosan forte plus very soon. I plan to use the bathmate during the day and use the phallosan while I sleep.

I'm not really sure how I should start, but I know it needs to be slowly and carefully. I don't really know how often or how long I should use each device. I don't know when/if I need to take breaks or push through the discomfort/minimal pain. And I don't know when and how I should/can kick things up a notch. I would really appreciate some direction and guidance, or even a laid-out protocol, about how I should get started and how to move through PE. Thanks a lot!!
Welcome to MOS brother. Please don't buy the Phallosan. What you need to buy for length is the length master 3. 40 minutes is enough time to use the length master 3 daily.

You already bought a bathmate. You can buy the length master 3 from the MOS shop.

I will suggest you focus on length first and get it sorted before switching your focus to girth.

What is your current length size?

I even sent you a PM just in case you need a personal PE coach. Let me be your PE coach.
Hi Argyle, I'll give you my 2 cents on the Phallosan. The time input and learning curve is pretty intense. I have been using the PF or about a month and clocked about 75 hours. I also bought a traction device around the same time, which was another learning curve. Like H-G said, the LM3 is most likely less time consuming. I may try to incorporate it into my routine down the line. Next month I'm going to work on adding the 5x5x3, but that may become 5x5x2, depending on how much alone time I can get in the morning/evening.

First of all, the caps PF provide are tiny, I ended up buying the blue silicaps and that has worked out well. I'm about 4x4.3 FL/G and 6.5x5 EL/G and was shocked at how small the caps they supply are. The medium bell is fine for me with the silicap on, and my gland is the biggest part. I learned to just fold up the end of the condom on the bell then roll the remainder over the bell where the bell is completely open. Makes it much faster/easier to get on and off. Then I can just roll it back down and get it in position. takes about 3 minutes. I could see it being difficult if you are not cut as well.

1 or 2 pumps is really all you need with the vacuum, maybe three but you will get water retention if you pump it too much. I typically pump it once when roll the sleeve partially down to get some suction. Then I get it into position and pump 1 or maybe 2 times max.

Now for the worse part... the dang foam ring. When I started using it I would be able to last about 1 to 2 hours then had to switch sides because of the horrible burning around the shaft. I could only use it about 3 to 4 hours a day. I would have to rotate between the PF and the traction device because of the burn. I read on here about putting your whole package thru the ring, balls and all, and that was much better, I could go about 3 hours before the burn. I started wrapping the ring with a yellow wrap I purchased from here before i put it on. It looks stupid, but I just hold it on there until the ring is in place and that made a huge difference! I wore it 8 hours yesterday and traction device for 1 and I was fine, no burn. Merry Christmas!! Someone also mentioned on here using an aluminum ring they got off amazon, but I am a little weary of trying it since most I found looked very thin.

I wouldn't wear it at night. I am just not comfortable with having it on while I sleep and I doubt I could sleep with it on anyway. It may work for some just not for me. I can't wear it at work either since I wear a shirt and tie. The last two weekends I have been able to get 5 to 9 hours a day, and 3 to 4 on the weekdays. I typically take monday and/or friday off to rest and wear a Silisleev during at least half the day at work.

All in all, the traction device has much more tension. Now that I have figured out the PF, it is much more comfortable. I also like the PF app. It keeps track of average wear time per day and total time. Since the first few weeks I logged such little time per day, it gives me motivation to get that dadgum daily average up.

I am happy I have figured out a routine, but looking back, it would have been easier to just wake up at 4:30 am instead of 5:30 and use the LM3 and 553 pump routine. I probably would have bought the SRT kit if i could do it over. I think I have spent about that amount already.

All the best.
I would say that the Bathmate Hydromax is a solid pump of choice, there's a modification that you can make with it that will allow you to use it like the HydroExtreme. @squirt_inducer_man mind linking that mod?

If you don't want to make the mod then that's ok, use the 5x5x3 method or do 5x3 and then SSjs afterwards. If you make the modification then I would personally use the interval pumping method, my favourite pumping method of all time.

As for the Phallosan Forte I would not go with that, not the best of devices for long term growth. Whereas an extender like I use is a lot better at giving you the traction you want as well as being as passive as it gets.

The LM is also a solid choice but it's active and not passive so if that's something you want to try then go ahead, it only takes 20-40 minutes with the LM.

You can also get a vacuum device that allows you to both extend and hang with one device, the SiliStretcher allows you to do that. I would go with interval hanging if you choose to hang.

Moral of the story is choose a length routine that works for you that will get you the best long term growth, the Phallosan forte will not allow that long term growth.
I just became a member here today because I decided to seriously restart PE. I tried jelqing and stretching about 7 years ago but quit after a few months. I have just bought a bathmate hydromax, and will buy a phallosan forte plus very soon. I plan to use the bathmate during the day and use the phallosan while I sleep.

I'm not really sure how I should start, but I know it needs to be slowly and carefully. I don't really know how often or how long I should use each device. I don't know when/if I need to take breaks or push through the discomfort/minimal pain. And I don't know when and how I should/can kick things up a notch. I would really appreciate some direction and guidance, or even a laid-out protocol, about how I should get started and how to move through PE. Thanks a lot!!
I just came back myself after a break. I’ll be posting what the SSJ will look like after a solid session of 5x5x3 @DLD SSJ with the Bathmate I have. I flipped back and forth between the Bathmate and dry vacuum that I have currently. Either using water and the SSJ session or dry. I alternate. But, the SSJ routine IS solid. And you do have to get the hang of it and be consistent and methodical. Ensure time is spot on as well. Just my advice. I’ll post my post vid later today on my TCDreamer routine link.
I would say that the Bathmate Hydromax is a solid pump of choice, there's a modification that you can make with it that will allow you to use it like the HydroExtreme. @squirt_inducer_man mind linking that mod?

If you don't want to make the mod then that's ok, use the 5x5x3 method or do 5x3 and then SSjs afterwards. If you make the modification then I would personally use the interval pumping method, my favourite pumping method of all time.

As for the Phallosan Forte I would not go with that, not the best of devices for long term growth. Whereas an extender like I use is a lot better at giving you the traction you want as well as being as passive as it gets.

The LM is also a solid choice but it's active and not passive so if that's something you want to try then go ahead, it only takes 20-40 minutes with the LM.

You can also get a vacuum device that allows you to both extend and hang with one device, the SiliStretcher allows you to do that. I would go with interval hanging if you choose to hang.

Moral of the story is choose a length routine that works for you that will get you the best long term growth, the Phallosan forte will not allow that long term growth.
Collosaltitan is right about the tension of the PF. I have to pull it away from my body a bit once strapped in then manually get the tension where I want it and place it back against my body. I have had it disassemble twice while wearing it. I’m guessing they make it that way for safety reasons or to not get sued. There was a rubber band trick I saw on here that keeps the clip from coming off the bell. I will have to try it one day.
Collosaltitan is right about the tension of the PF. I have to pull it away from my body a bit once strapped in then manually get the tension where I want it and place it back against my body. I have had it disassemble twice while wearing it. I’m guessing they make it that way for safety reasons or to not get sued. There was a rubber band trick I saw on here that keeps the clip from coming off the bell. I will have to try it one day.
A device is never optimal if you need to DYI modify it for it to work best. There are certain exceptions to this rule but something as expensive as the PF is just appalling.
Just my two cents here.
MOS MitiVac, the LA Pump (Elliptical cylinder) or the Bathmate HydroMax are the only choices that are tried and true relation to pumps. Either dry or water. You MUST ensure proper cylinder diameter as well. Get one that works both lenght (will be snug AF) as well as one step up in size for girth. IF you get to a point you pack a 2” cylinder….stop and take a bow because you are over the 6” girth and make up 1/10th of 1% the population of bros out there with that size of love hammer!!!.
The Phallosan device, although good in concept, is waaayyyy over priced and cumbersome. Try the MOS ADS system as well. I only utilize a SiliSleeve (MOS brand) for anti turtle and ADS.
Thanks for
Welcome to MOS brother. Please don't buy the Phallosan. What you need to buy for length is the length master 3. 40 minutes is enough time to use the length master 3 daily.

You already bought a bathmate. You can buy the length master 3 from the MOS shop.

I will suggest you focus on length first and get it sorted before switching your focus to girth.

What is your current length size?

I even sent you a PM just in case you need a personal PE coach. Let me be your PE coach.
Thanks for replying! I had to make a new account because the website wouldn't recognize my password or email me a reset password link when I clicked on it. Can you resend that PM to this account? I think having someone to bounce ideas and questions off of would be great. Also, can I join the Discord?
Thanks for

Thanks for replying! I had to make a new account because the website wouldn't recognize my password or email me a reset password link when I clicked on it. Can you resend that PM to this account? I think having someone to bounce ideas and questions off of would be great. Also, can I join the Discord?

We don't have a discord right now.
Regarding a length device, has anyone heard of or used the "Best Extender" by the YouTuber Bassem? He claims to successfully performed PE for years and boasts big results. Also says he's tried over 30 extenders. He made his own (Best Extender) and said he fills in the gaps and minimizes the cons from other devices. It has options for high or low tension, can twist while stretching, has a gauge for the amount of tension applied, and has a comfortable base against the pelvis. What do you think?

I'm still trying to find a device for length, as I really don't have lots of spare time for manual work
Regarding a length device, has anyone heard of or used the "Best Extender" by the YouTuber Bassem? He claims to successfully performed PE for years and boasts big results. Also says he's tried over 30 extenders. He made his own (Best Extender) and said he fills in the gaps and minimizes the cons from other devices. It has options for high or low tension, can twist while stretching, has a gauge for the amount of tension applied, and has a comfortable base against the pelvis. What do you think?

I'm still trying to find a device for length, as I really don't have lots of spare time for manual work
It looks like @collosaltitan uses the best extender. He will probably know. I am most likely going to work on returning my QEP. The base screw came out yesterday and I have to try and fix it. It's also starting to stick only after about a month of mild use. I don't wear it when anyone is awake or around the house. It is awkward going up and down stairs. I have had one of my kids run and jump on me a few times when they wake up, and it is pretty scary! I pretty much just stay standing up when wearing it. I am curious also if @collosaltitan wears it only when alone or can he get out and about.

I am going to stick it out with the PF for the next few months til i get to 500 hours, but it would have been better for me to go with the silistrecher. I like the leg strap it has. I may see if i can rig it up with the PF. I should be at 250hrs at the end of next month then i will add the pump routine for the next 250. Depending on my progress, or lack thereof, I may switch gears and order the lengthmaster. I should be able to get 20 minutes in the morning, but i have to figure out a schedule for pumping first.

My flaccid looks much better so far, but it may be because i also wear a silisleev 2 most of the day at work. I have not measured, but I will when I get to 250 and 500. I should be at 100 after today.

There is a section with threads on most of the devices in the forum as well.
Just a tip. Look into bundled stretches. Doing manual bundled stretches before extending, can speed up your gains. Also as you probably know, there is a difference in extending and just keeping your penis elongated. Extending is active PE (hard tension) and using Phallosan forte I classify as 'just" keeping your penis elongated.

If faster gains is needed you need to implement active lengthwork like extending and/or manual stretches (preferably bundled stretches).

Read SRT to understand the concept of active stretching and passive elongation/expanded healing.
The FAQ videos is also good for this. Everything is pinned at top in the Penis Enlargement Forum.
Regarding a length device, has anyone heard of or used the "Best Extender" by the YouTuber Bassem? He claims to successfully performed PE for years and boasts big results. Also says he's tried over 30 extenders. He made his own (Best Extender) and said he fills in the gaps and minimizes the cons from other devices. It has options for high or low tension, can twist while stretching, has a gauge for the amount of tension applied, and has a comfortable base against the pelvis. What do you think?

I'm still trying to find a device for length, as I really don't have lots of spare time for manual work
Totally a sound device. I have it, use it, love it.
You can look on my progress thread where I give my daily routine with it.
It looks like @collosaltitan uses the best extender. He will probably know. I am most likely going to work on returning my QEP. The base screw came out yesterday and I have to try and fix it. It's also starting to stick only after about a month of mild use. I don't wear it when anyone is awake or around the house. It is awkward going up and down stairs. I have had one of my kids run and jump on me a few times when they wake up, and it is pretty scary! I pretty much just stay standing up when wearing it. I am curious also if @collosaltitan wears it only when alone or can he get out and about.

I am going to stick it out with the PF for the next few months til i get to 500 hours, but it would have been better for me to go with the silistrecher. I like the leg strap it has. I may see if i can rig it up with the PF. I should be at 250hrs at the end of next month then i will add the pump routine for the next 250. Depending on my progress, or lack thereof, I may switch gears and order the lengthmaster. I should be able to get 20 minutes in the morning, but i have to figure out a schedule for pumping first.

My flaccid looks much better so far, but it may be because i also wear a silisleev 2 most of the day at work. I have not measured, but I will when I get to 250 and 500. I should be at 100 after today.

There is a section with threads on most of the devices in the forum as well.
To answer your question. The Best Extender is impossible to wear out and about, it's too big. I wear it sitting down for 1-2 hours at a high tension. You really do not need to use a device for many hours per day from my own experience.
Thanks everyone! Lots to think about. I decided to get coaching from @huge-girth to help me get started. There seems to be a lot to this and it's a bit overwhelming as a newbie. He's aware that I want to gain as quickly as I can but that I also don't have a ton of free time. Going to get started in a week or so, once I heal up from this recent surgery. Wish me luck!
Thanks everyone! Lots to think about. I decided to get coaching from @huge-girth to help me get started. There seems to be a lot to this and it's a bit overwhelming as a newbie. He's aware that I want to gain as quickly as I can but that I also don't have a ton of free time. Going to get started in a week or so, once I heal up from this recent surgery. Wish me luck!

You are going to enjoy this journey brother.
Thanks everyone! Lots to think about. I decided to get coaching from @huge-girth to help me get started. There seems to be a lot to this and it's a bit overwhelming as a newbie. He's aware that I want to gain as quickly as I can but that I also don't have a ton of free time. Going to get started in a week or so, once I heal up from this recent surgery. Wish me luck!

He is a great coach.