
  1. S

    SSD's workout routine and progress log

    Current Measurements TODAY September 8th 2017 - BPEL - 6" to 6.25"(usually around 6" but it does go to around 6.25 if i am at the peak of excitement) BPFSL - 6.5". However this easily goes upto 6.75" after a long jeqling session with low eq. BPFS- around 3.5 or 4". My flacid has not improved...
  2. S

    From 4 inches to 6" , my journey of PE

    I have been actively PEing for almost 20 months now. During the start i was half assing my workouts but now i am extremely dedicated and PE is my wonderful fascination. I did a beginners thread over here a couple of months back(Gains have been made since that thread btw) but i wasn't able to be...
  3. S

    What are YOUR Pet Peeves? (Things that really bug you)

    I'll start with some of mine: People who assume too much. Here's an example. Let's say you and your friend stop at a gas station because he's thirsty or has to take a leak right. So, he's on the way in, and asks "Hey, do you want anything?" You say you want a Dr. Pepper (Soda). He says...