Not sure if I can post this here but please let me know if it's not allowed..
I'm just wondering if anyone would be interested in swapping my sili stretcher for a size genetics penis extender or similar.. it's only been used a few times and has been sanitized as well..
Thanks in advance..
hey guys, i've noticed my extender was squeeking. I used an oil similar to WD-40 and the squeeking stopped and also the force of the stretch became more powerful.
so I think you should try this but use it only on the parts that compresse.
enjoy :)
I am trying to build this out of my SG. I plan on making a super mod, as I have also acquired 4200 grams tension springs.
I intend wearing this for 12 hours a day 6 days a week. The question now is, do you guys think its wise and possible to wear it that long
with that much tension, or is that...
Guys I just got the size genetics I been trying out all the comfort options it came with and I cannot seem to keep it on more than 20 min. Is this something my dick needs to get used to or what. It is very frustrating putting it on as it is since my glans aren’t big enough to hold .
Hi guys! I just bought SG and I have a question about tension. In the instructions, they say that the tension should be between 600-900g for the first 6 weeks. I understand how to read the tension, but my question is... Do you have to adjust the rods length so that the tension is between 600-900...
Starting this to keep track and find out from others feedback.
Week 1 is in the books, i ordered the TLC tugger to use as i'm really struggling with getting a good stretch before the glan slips out.
I dont know what all the length measurements mean so until i figure that part out i'm 7x5.5 and...
Dear Brothers......
I think I have a problem, it's been 4 months since I am using an extender in the start it wasn't a problem to keep it on for two hours straight.... then it gradually decreased... Now a days sometimes even keeping extender for half an hour becomes hard.... Is it with me or it...
I've decided to lose my forum virginity and do a log here on M.O.S. So a bit of a background, im 28yrs. Not new to pe, as I first started back in fall of 2015 when I first came across the X4 labs extender. I didn't know anything about the basics when it conned to warming up, jelqs...
Man o man this woman is addicted to me getting gains, I believe she may be a little more than I am, she has went and ordered me a size genetics extender, now I wasnt planing on ordering one, but now I got one might as well put it to a little use when it gets here.
I have finally developed a method for wearing the extender and a wrap (a variation of velcro mod) that allows me to put in a lot of time without discomfort. I finally have a method that eliminates irritation/skin inflammation due to friction at the base, along the shaft, and at the wrap. After...
I took a full month off of using my SLC/SG combo to let a sore spot on the shaft heal (caused by using a VLC cone that was too small), because whenever I started doing PE after only a week or two off, it started to hurt again with the VLC on within a few days
Today was the first day in a month...
Greetings Brothers, As you can tell Im fairly new to this site. I've always been intrigued by Penis enlargement techniques but I thought they were all scams until I got into boot camp where this guy with a 10 inch schlong boasted that he obtained his size due to "jelqing". Five years later I...
Hey guys, does any know of a video that has been posted on how to use the tension part of size genetics. When I bought size genetics, they sent me video, but they don't really explain how to use the tension part. Thanks guys.
I spent literally all day yesterday tooling around with my SG and researching online how to properly use it... but no matter what I do, I'm getting a serious amount of discoloration in the glans as soon as I try to go up to a length that provides a stretching feeling in the penis. If i go under...
Hey all.
Probably a dumb question, does anyone else get that pulling sensation after enough time in the SG at a reasionable tension? What does that indicate and is it something I should be worried about? It feels like there is a pulling sensation out through my asshole, kinda makes me feel like...
Hey guys, i'm planning to get A size genetics device for my length training. I'm already using the Bathmate which is pretty fun and gave me girth gains. Now I want to at some length gains to my routine and I think this size genetics extender is the one I want to go with. However while...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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