
  1. M


    Goal = Enhance middle aged EQ and primarily add girth up to 6" for now. A 7x6" dick vs. 6x4.5" starting dick would be a win. Lifestyle change Pre PE: Get off your ass Lost 35lbs in 90 days via diet cutting out soda, processed foods, fast food, sugars, all seed oils etc. (still drink light beer...
  2. G

    Starting my late Log

    Well its been few months now since i've been constantly doing PE, while keeping a log in my notes. Makes no sense to not share it here with you so im starting it. Almost 5 months of PE. 31/10/2024: Heat Manual Newbie routine as a warmup Manual BS DBS with LM ~ 10 min hard intensity Right...
  3. G

    New BPFSL Milestone.

    Hello dear friends and brothers, Celebrating today a new Flaccid Lentgh : 21 cm / 8.4 inch. Took 4 months of solid work and learning. Started originally at 18 cm / 7.2 inch. Feels great and so far so good. Special thanks to @DLD @oldandlively @squirt_inducer_man . God bless you all.
  4. B

    4.5 months in

    Hi guys, I found Thunder's back in 2004 but didn't take the plunge due to tight frenulum and foreskin, along with very loose shaft and long foreskin making jelqing impossible. Found the GB subreddit in December and have been down the rabbit hole ever since. So here's the history of my gains...
  5. M

    Looking for feedback and comments on my process

    starting jelqing and pumping last week. received my mityvac about 1.5 weeks ago. before i get into the routine and progress marks, i've run into an issue (or so i think) with the mitisleeve for the pump. i'm treating it well and caring for it, but three pumps ago something felt off. after...
  6. A

    1 inch in 1 month goal

    I want to see if its possible or not, Im motivated and ready to sacrafice all my time to PE :) I will be doing 5-6 hours of active PE split up into multiple sessions. For passive PE I will use my extender and I will get one of those sleeves to keep me stretched while sleeping. Im also planing...
  7. F

    What is the limit ?

    We all know that with the 3D we can gain a lot from PE But how much ? This is my question : Let's say someone is 2-3 years in PE and is now pretty much not going any further... For the normal guy how many inches could he get from those years of training ? 1,5 - 2 - 3 inches ??? I know that...
  8. B

    Progress thread BigRich Progress Thread

    My original size is 5,7 inches in length I did take some pills which enlarged me to 7 inches I ran out of pills some few months before starting MoS PE and starting at 6,5 inches which would shrink to 5,7 unless i started PE My goal is 9 inches in length and I will focus length-work until about 8...
  9. S

    Progress thread Simyan 2019 progress thread

    Hey all, back in this bitch for good. here is my official workout log for 2k19. I had my first workout on monday, just gentle LM, SG and BM work. was mainly to get used to being back in PE. Tuesday was decent, LM bundles and SG for about 2 hours. Tried a girth workout, wasn't really feeling...
  10. F

    My lil'routine (will update every month or two until goal reached)

    So the last month I gained around a quarter a inch in both lenght and girth I've been doing the basics : Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds Straight Down to the...
  11. A

    I'm new here, so I hope some of you guys can clear up some misconceptions...

    I've been interested of trying to get my dick to a size bigger, as I am not quite satisfied with its current size... so I took onto the internet and searched throughout to see if there was any possible way to get a bigger dick, I came across a few videos mainly pointing out towards the bath mate...
  12. M

    mrplayer1984 - Progress Log

    Hello All, I began my PE journey in Feb of this year. Starting briefly with the JP90 routine for a week, which I found too intense, especially the amount of jelqs. Transitioned to Big Al's coaching in March after leaving off in Feb. I have changed various routines based on my progress and...
  13. D

    PE Caused ED - Urgent Help Needed

    Hey all, So I'm in a crappy situation. I have what I believe to be a serious case of ED, caused by PE. Symptoms: - Light Spasm in my penis throughout the day. I tried going to bed without pants on last night, and my member spasmed for quite a while. - Extreme difficulty obtaining an erection -...
  14. DLD

    Welcome to Big Al's Question and Answer forum and Me Coach assistance

    A big welcome onboard to Big Al! I hope all goes perfect!
  15. B

    Bobby's Progress Log

    Hi I'm Bobby from Bulgaria. I'm Practice PE from 1.5 years. Just register here. My routine is Hanging and extending. 27/07/2018 Hanging 3*20 min 4 kg Extender - 3 hr
  16. P

    Going back out there... a story or two

    Hello all, I have a few stories for any that are bored enough to read. I also share in hopes to help any others in a position similar to mine and to provide a window into another angle of life for those who are not. First of all, I was in a relationship with a much older woman for 11 or so...
  17. T

    9 year progress recap

    Hi all, Just wanted to share my experience with PE, my first stat input was in 2011, which makes me a legit 9yr PE-er. As you can see my chart there are no any serious gains (which makes me pissed off :D ). First couple of measures are basically not valid as I was standardizing my way of...
  18. B

    I wanted to ask because the skin of my penis became dark after slow Squash jelq?

    I wanted to ask because the skin of my penis became dark after slow Squash jelq?
  19. K

    PE Partner?

    Does anyone have a PE partner that you do PE with? Just thinking that a lot of people benefit from having a workout partner in the gym, so what about a brother to keep you accountable?
  20. M

    Progress thread MC BLZ - Personal Log >>> Hellbent for Girth

    Just getting started again here and wanted to finally post up my progress log including the couple entries I made back in 2014. Unfortunately I did not measure for about 3 years, but I was in and out of training - mostly hanging with the x sleeve and some Bathmate work (sporadic). Nice to see...