I work out at the gym a lot doing all kinds of exercises, upper body, lower body, whatever.
I know wearing the PF while walking or doing simple movements is fine, but would any PF users recommend to work out with a PF on? Or do you think this may cause the PF to break, cause an injury, or would...
hi there,
I'm new to this forum since I've registered today. I've noticed that a lot of this forum's members have good experience in PE practice so I have a question for you.
Yesterday I've tried to do manual stretches using the pump of the phallosan forte and I really liked it because it...
Long time, no see MOS. As ya'll know I'm always coming and going from this forum. I try to stop by every month or so just to make sure the wheel is still spinning. It kinda makes me sad to see the activity on MOS die off since the glory days. I don't know... maybe it hasn't and I'm just...
Title says it all. I don't have the discretion necessary to use an extender for more than a few hours a day so among the discreet options available, phallosan and company, which have you used with the least discomfort?
I have been using an extender, BM, LM, and hanging for a while with relative ease. However, at the moment I am devoid of privacy as I have some guests staying over for a while. I was looking for something to give me back those additional hours lost to miscellaneous activities and lack of...
I've done PE for over 10 years now and seen very little results. The only pe i knew about for 10 years was jelquing. I was consistent with jelquing at times but saw very little results and became discouraged. At most i gained .25 inch in length a maybe a tiny bit of girth but not the 2-3 inches...
Hey guys , need any advice I can get.
I have been wanting the penis lengthening surgery forever, the one where they cut the tendon and you have to stretch it for up to 6 months after. Im familiar with everything and how to take care of it after etc. But any experiences? I think I am going to go...
all this pe got me thinking i got the best exxtender idea ever hmu , lightning thinks im a robot lol im a stonner , make millions :D
- - - Updated - - -
the law of attarction and subconocius is powerful
I've been doing this for the last couple weeks and it going well. I'll go through a typical day of what I do. 430am wake up and do 1 round of manual stretches and hang for 20 minutes. 5 am Put on divo suit and hit the gym for 1.5 hours. Come home take a shower and do a round of manual stretches...
That is right DLD and I have decided to manufacture an All Day Stretcher (ADS) / All Night Stretcher (ANS). We want to add something to compliment the power of the LengthMaster for those looking for long periods of stretching during sleep and at work.
We need your feedback on what attachment...
I am confused on how to start my P.E. I have read so much that got confused. Please suggest me how to start about it. I want very rapid gains and am ready to do all step by step with dedication and consistency. Also suggest me the best equipments to buy.
The following equipments i have :
First and foremost, permit my poor english. For the very first time, I've decided to create a progress thread for myself because I've come to realize that it boost my zeal and love for PE. I've been doing PE off and on since 2008 with some little gains. I've bought an SG for the third time (I...
I often have difficulty finding time to do the stretching and jelqing routines. I do them as often as possible, but I use the Bathmate on a regular basis. I do 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at night.
Will I actually make permanent gains using just the Bathmate consistently? Also...
VLC Complete Package:
CLICK HERE TO ORDER VLC Package with Discount
SizeGenetics Extender: 61% off the SizeGenetics
An SG Clip that works for the VLC-X to the MOS Offer page at TLC Tugger.
Anyone who bought the VLC or VLC-X in August through...
Yes i know... probably discussed many many times before but i am considering investing in some "Penis Enlargement gear" now and i've had litle to none feedback on these ADS devices.
I've heard about PHALOSAN, Penis EnlargementNISPLUS and the MAX-VAC ADS. But i'm really at a loss here cause i've...
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