I worry I might have Peyronie disease, I have a slight bend but more so a dip in girth mid shaft on one side (I’ll
Attach a pic) it’s like there’s a band of scaring there limiting expansion, or maybe it normal to have dents in sections of the shaft I’m not sure, my D is pretty much perfectly...
Someone in the progress log section just told me that he read somewhere that doing length and girth exercises causes peyronies disease. He said girth exercises in particular causes peyronies disease.
My question is, will I face this problem since I'm currently doing a length and girth routine...
DLD Peyronie's Routines
DLD Peyronie’s and Bent Penis Routine
Shaping Your Penis
Matters of Size techniques can be effective in most cases of Peyronie’s disease and/or bent penis disorder. By using pressure and stretch, you will be able to even out the sides of the penis. This is the...
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