I've talked to this guy over the net who was also into pe and had made very impressive gains.
Since I don't like Jelqing his routine sounded amazing to me.
He basically stretched & hung everyday hanging of course for 10 hrs a week, which is what I've been doing for the past month.
Have y'all...
First to clarify, by flaccid girth exercises I don't mean exercises for flaccid girth... I mean exercises done while flaccid that will increase erect girth.
So anyway, I'm convinced there's a flaccid girth exercise that can have a huge impact on girth, but I haven't been able to find it. I say...
guys i have been gaining loads of skin compared to my penis........
when traction wrapping or stretching during ADS......the skin and penis are strethced but the skin grows faster and is more stretchable.......so when i stop all these and when my pensi returns to its normal size or a bit of gain...
i had thought of buying both-the male hanger and size genetics extender
but looking at other options i am confused between
male hanger , vachanger3 , LG hanger , size gentics , phallosan forte
i am really confused and i want to buy one product for length now as these are costly
now which...
This will be my new progress thread , i will be buying the length master monday offically to keep gains at maximal limit for length at all times . I definately beleive i can achieve the 10 length within now and the beggining of febuary as for girth ill have a better educated esitmate after i...
Get a Bathmate Hydromax, Bathmate X-40 or Bathmate X-40
This thread is to log my experience with the Bathmate (ordered from Bathmate Canada ordering to daily use.
edit: for USA and European Orders Use: Bathmate USA
Ordering Online
Very easy. They had a summer sale for $99.99 and it was...
I want to discuss two issues if i may.
ok, what is more accurate to measure the penis, BP erect or NBP erect?
Which one of these is the best guide to follow? I mean BP sounds all scientific and accurate, but is it accurate for erect pensi when we take into account sex? the reason why we all...
when i was stretching last night, it snapped. i didn't feel pain. i found out the tip of my penis bled a bit. i stopped stretching right away. this morning, i suddenly realized that my penis couldn't erect. it's flaccid and i can't erect even i masturbate. my god !! please help !! please ! :O...
Ok, so I have been doing Penis Enlargement for about 3 weeks now. I have used the newbie routine and have gained about 0.25 in both girth and length when erect. I know that DLD recommends sticking to the routin for at least 6 weeks, but for some reason, it seems that I am kind of stuck at my...
i would like to get some feedback of my routine. i have gained like half an inch.
400 upward jelqs
3 sets ls all diretcions 30 sec
3 sets ls helis both directions 30 sec
BTC 3 sets 30 sec
v stretch 3 sets 30 sec
Bundled A stretch 3 sets 30 sec
Bundled tunica stretch 3 sets 30 sec both direction...
7 inches
fat pad
I started doing stretching excercies about 9 months ago (from info not related to this site) and made gains probably too quickly. To keep this short I stopped doing the excercies about 6 mos ago when I hooked up with this chick and noticed my dick didnt get hard like before. After I would...
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