Hi to those to those who read this. I'm not proud or even comfortable with myself. I've been diagnosed dy 3 seperate physiologists with Body dysmorphic disorder, directly realting to the appearance to my penis. I dont look at mine eather directly or in mirrors because I don't like the look of it...
Hello my fellow PE brothers. This is my new log . A fresh start . A new beginning!
Previously , my PE journey has brought ups and downs , gains and losses , with moments of joy but also frustration with bouts of sadness.
The path of the PE practitioner can be a very bumpy road to travel along...
HEre is video showing my new portable scale purchased for $10 Amazon. Lightning had mentioned this a while back when i posted my first vid using the resistant bands with my LM. FInally decided to google it lol. $3.99 1-day shipping if you are a Prime Member there!!!!
Amazon.com : Mango Spot®...
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